Although the clues provided by Wang Minzhi are not enough to prove that nangonglie and Nangong Ao have no father-child relationship, what she said is still a great shock to Nangong Ao.

Some of the things that he had neglected and didn't think about in detail appeared one by one.

It seems that he is very likely not Nangong lie's own, even so, why should he poison him? If you really hate him, he has had a chance for more than 20 years. Why did he choose to start at this time?

It's definitely not just a coincidence. Most human coincidences are part of a conspiracy.

Jane Menglin was more shocked than Nangong Ao. She took her mother's hand and said, "Mommy, why didn't you mention it before?"

"When I was in Jane's house, you were all too young, and Zhou Bingxin was alive. Nangonglie and Jane are partners again. What can I say? Then I left Jane's family and managed my own business wholeheartedly. I didn't have time to think about things that had nothing to do with myself Many things are buried in the memory. If you don't look for them deliberately, they will be buried here.

"Do you have any clues?" Do not need Nangong Ao to speak, Jane Menglin is more urgent than him. She wanted to make a good impression on him.

If she can help him find out the mystery of his life experience, can he make some changes to her? Whether can accept her, let her walk into his world again.

She was wrong and was killed by Nangong lie.

He thought that with Nangong Ao's child, he would think about his old love. Even if he had resentment against her, he would have been involved in his whole life, and then he could distinguish them. But she never thought that this time Nangong Ao's attitude was so determined.

He didn't care about her and the children in her stomach all the time. Even if she tried to appear beside him, he would not hesitate to drive her away.

He was beyond her imagination and finally realized his stupidity. She once really touched the bottom line of Nangong Ao. She had a strong idea of losing him.

No, she has done so much. She has paid for her dignity and face, and even her personality and child's happiness in the second half of her life. She sacrificed all that she had, and even overdrawn the future. She did not want to get his indifference.

No, she really loves him.

Looking at her daughter's anxious face, Wang Min's heart is full of five flavors. Since ancient times, the amorous woman is merciless. When can she let go of Nangong AO and start her own life?

Shaking his head: "no more. Zhou Bingxin has a high spirit and cold temperament. She is not easy to get close to. The whole body was covered with guard, as if everyone wanted to harm her. You know my personality has always been direct. Since the Tao is different, why should I insist on it? "

"Do you know who Zhou Bingxin is close to?" Jianmenglin felt that she had lost the last chance to please Nangong Ao. No, she didn't want to leave him. She didn't want to be abandoned by him and left in the corner of the world.

Wang Minzhi frowned and pondered. He tried to search for some useful clues from his memory, but he was empty. Looking up, I can't bear to see the hope in her daughter's eyes. However, after so many years, she and Zhou Bingxin are just nodding friends, which can not provide too many clues.

Nangong Ao slightly polite voice came: "thank you, Aunt Wang."

"Proud, I'll let mommy think about it again. No one is familiar with Zhou Bingxin except my mother. Although she knows only a little, it is a clue after all. " Jane Menglin feels that Nangong Ao is making an order, and she is flustered.

Black eyes calmly meet Jane Menglin's anxiety: "Menglin, this matter no matter what, I should thank you. If you want to exchange it for anything, I'm sorry I can't. I always treat you as your sister, and I sincerely hope that we can be brothers and sisters for life. Menglin, you are young, so beautiful, talented, you should have a better home. Put me down and give yourself a way to live. "

He said this many times, but she never heard of it, and it became more and more serious. He's facing the test of life and death, and he really doesn't want her involved.

Jane Menglin's face was full of amazement and incredible: "do you still say that now? Proud, why can't you let me stay by your side? I don't want any fame, and I won't compete with Jane Ruoyu. I just hope to see you often. Ao, I only have this little request left. Do you still want to refuse it? "

"I'm sorry." Short and no hesitation of the three words, completely shattered Jane Menglin's last hope. He stepped back a few steps and slumped down in his chair, pale as death.

Wang Minzhi is deeply distressed. She is shameless. She is full of conspiracy. However, who can understand that she is just an infatuated woman longing for love?

She can leave everything as long as she can stay with the man she loves. She is a poor and pathetic woman who can sacrifice everything for love.

"Menglin, let's go back." Hatred gouged out Nangong Ao. To him, she had nothing to say except resentment. No matter what, it is Meng Lin's stupidity. She has paid for her whole life, but she is still stubborn.

"Proud, I know that you hate me and blame me. I also know that I did a lot of things that annoy and headache you. It doesn't matter if you blame me or annoy me. However, the stomach is innocent. Are you really so cruel to abandon him? " The child is her last hope, now Nangong Ao is different from the past, cold and heartless.No matter how pathetic she was, she could not win his sympathy.

Deep eyes such as mirror reflect her humble, Nangong Ao step by step close to Jane Menglin. As he approached, her heart beat wildly. For a long time, she could not appear within a foot of him.

In addition to the photos and the cold video, she couldn't touch his presence at all.

Did he finally forgive her? Did Ken accept her? Will you let her stay with him?

A beautiful bubble carrying her beautiful dream rose, pale face burst into a big smile, and even stretched out his hand to embrace Nangong Ao.

The tall body stopped at an inch of her fingertip. It was so close that it was only a little close to being touched. But it's just a little bit less, it's a world away.

"Proud..." Look up and look at him in horror.

Nangong Ao's voice was quiet: "Menglin, beat the child out, he should not have existed. Without him, you will be more free. "

The merciless words are like the poisoned sword deeply stabbed into Jane Menglin's unprepared heart. She was so surprised that she sat on the ground and stared at her eyes

Just as he was about to open his mouth, Wang Minzhi rushed forward and pushed him away, holding the trembling Jane Menglin tightly. "Nangong Ao, how can you say such cruel words? Do you have a little bit of humanity? "

"Auntie Wang, I think you know better than anyone else what price Menglin will pay in the future if she insists on giving birth to this child! Yes, I'm cruel now. It's better to have a short pain than a long one. You can persuade her Under the vision of Wang Minzhi's killing and dismembering corpses, he is calm.

In the past, his heart was not hard enough, and he refused not simply, which made jianmenglin have delusions. Time after time, they have become more serious and hurt others and themselves.

The present situation does not allow him to be indecisive any more. His heart is so small that he can only hold one person. If doomed to fail, why hope for her again and again.

A knock pain may be particularly painful, difficult to accept, but it is also the fastest growth.

"You..." Wang Min was so angry that even her voice was shaking. Jane Menglin was beyond everyone's expectation. No crying, no tearing heart, just, quietly tears.

Nangong Ao is really cold at this moment. Even Jian Ruoyu has some heart trembling. Several times she tried to open her mouth was stopped by Adow. At this time, she said that everything was wrong, both sides were not human.

In that case, it's better not to say anything.

"Xiangli, you send them back." Turn around, cold.

It is no use saying more.

"You don't have to pretend." The hatred in Wang Min's eyes condenses into an arrow and shoots at Nangong Ao.

Wang Minzhi holds up jianmenglin and comforts her gently. It's useless to blame myself. I can't even protect my beloved daughter. What kind of mother is she?

Some of her heart and soul were broken when she was hit. She was at the mercy of Wang Minzhi like a puppet. He didn't want her baby. He wanted to kill it, kill it.

No, how could he be so cruel to her? Even if this child is obtained by extraordinary means, it is also a living life. It's his blood. How could he be so cruel?

When they came to the door, Nangong Ao's voice sounded again: "I will leave here tomorrow, even if you reuse the media's public opinion, it will not pose any threat to me. You can do it yourself. "

“……” Jane Menglin stiff turned around, eyes are thick, can't believe, she even some do not know Nangong Ao. How could he become so cruel that he would not give up after cutting her bleeding wound.

"Nangong Ao, you will pay for what you do, what you say!" Wang Minzhi cried bitterly, if not to take care of Jane Menglin, she really want to rush up, dig out his heart to see if it is black.

Nangong Ao ignores her threat and curse and turns to go upstairs.

Jane Ruoyu's heart is tight, and under the repeated signs of Adow, she also follows up. She now as long as a little bit of movement, will become Wang Minzhi and Jane Menglin vent, become the object of her impact.

If you can't help, why bother yourself? She knew that when she was cruel to her sister, Nangong Ao was not completely indifferent. But, as he said, long pain is better than short pain.

Sometimes soft hearted is another kind of cruelty!

After entering the room, I saw Nangong Ao standing outside the window, with his back to the door, as if enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the window. Jane Ruoyu sticks to him and reaches out to encircle his thin waist: "Nangong Ao, you can tell me when you feel uncomfortable."

He didn't turn around, he didn't look back. However, the thick big palm pressed on her catkin, her eyes became more and more deep, but there was no excess emotion.

The space is quiet and sad.