Chapter 494

The cold night flies just holds her, does not carry on the redundant movement. Mo Zimo gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down. His eyes fell on the screen again, and then he saw the intimate action of the pair of high school students in front of him. So that a film to the end, do not know what to say, the light is on, Mo Zi Mo subconsciously looked at the front of the pair of high school students.

Their cheeks were red, their eyes were shining, and they were smiling at each other.

Although the two people are very green and astringent, but no cover up the sweetness and happiness, people are very envious.

The boy picked up the girl's bag and led her to the outside, with a happy smile on both faces.

After leaving the cinema, he took out a small box from the car and handed it to him: "late gift, happy New Year's day."

Mo Zi Mo micro Zheng, did not expect that he also prepared a gift, but she did not prepare a gift, took: "thank you."

The cold night flew forward and put a kiss on her forehead: "good night, early rest. "

Mo Zimo pursed his lips, stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss:" Happy New Year's day. "

Man micro Leng, soon mouth full of smile, eyes flashing light, as usual, waiting for the apartment lights up, before driving away.

After washing, Mo Zimo took out a gift from the cold night, opened it, and found a brick Necklace lying in it. Although the grams were not large, the top diamonds were expensive.

She didn't care about the price. She was just a doctor with limited income and didn't want him to spend money on himself.

I pursed my lips, took photos and sent a micro blog: Thank you.

I've never shown love before, but suddenly I want to show love. After the micro blog, they did not in the tube, directly sleep.

In the next few days, fly in the cold night to make breakfast in the morning, go to the book bar with her during the day, and send her back in the evening.

Very insipid, but Mo Zi Mo feels very comfortable. One day, two people plan to go out to have dinner together. Suddenly, the cold night flies to receive a phone call, frowning together.

Go to Mo Zi Mo in front of, whispered the things in the phone again, a patient under his name, suddenly, he must rush back.

Of course, Mo Zi Mo understood and sent him away with a smile.

Coincidentally, Wu Qian called and asked her to go out to eat. When they came to a nearby Chongqing hot pot restaurant, Wu Qian couldn't help joking: "tut Tut, I haven't seen you for a few days. It's getting better. As expected, the women moistened by love are really different."

Mo Zi Mo rolled her eyes and threw the menu in front of her: "you, order quickly!"

Wu Qian, of course, would not miss such a rare chance to gossip. Blinking her eyes, she asked, "is Dr. Han very powerful?"

Wu Qian showed a meaningful smile, did not realize the meaning of the word "fierce" for a while?

Stupidly nodded, was about to continue to say what, suddenly reacted, the paper towel in the hand smashed to Mo Zi Mo: "Wu Qian, you are too dirty."

"What's the matter? We are all adults. Besides, harmony is very important in this respect."

Mo Zi Mo swept her one eye: "very boring."

Seeing her reaction, Wu Qian laughed more happily. Since she had misunderstood her, it was useless to explain again. It's only a week for two people to be together, even for adults, it's too fast. Besides, the cold night flies all over the body exudes the abstinence department, this matter completely does not match the side, OK?

Both of them like to eat spicy food. They ordered the spicy bottom of the pot and looked at the dishes coming up one by one. Mo Zimo's eyes flashed with light.

In fact, the reason why she and Wu qian can become good girlfriends is that both of them like to eat hot pot, in addition to their good natures.

At first, Wu Qian was surprised to learn that Mo Zimo liked hot pot very much. Shouldn't she like to eat that kind of high-end food?

Later, they became familiar with each other. Wu Qian found that mozimu was not as unattainable as it looked on the surface. She could go in and out of high-end places, or sit with you at a roadside stall to eat kebabs.

Pick up a piece of beef and stuff it into your mouth. I'm not satisfied.

After dinner, Wu Qian went home. Mo Zimo planned to go to the nearby cake shop to buy something. After driving for a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

In fact, after eating the hot pot, my stomach was already a little uncomfortable, but I didn't care. Now the pain is severe. I have driven a long way with my teeth clenched. I'm sweating and biting my teeth, I park my car on the side of the road. His hands tightly covered his stomach, and his cold sweat kept coming down.

Really adhere to the steps, bite teeth dial a number, the phone connection, she was very weak and said: "cold night fly, I ache."


after the operation, flying out of the operating room in the cold night, saw the phone call from Mo Zimu, and a smile flashed on his face.

But after hearing the other party's voice, the smile disappeared instantly and anxiously said, "where are you?"

Before the doctors and nurses around him had reacted, the figure of flying on the cold night had disappeared.

"Doctor Han!" A female doctor, shena, said in a loud voice, but there was no response.

Shena stamped her feet in anger, and finally became an assistant of flying on a cold night. She learned that he had not had dinner yet, but had not had time to invite him, and the family had already disappeared."Doctor Han is in such a hurry. What is he going to do? Is he going to find his girlfriend?" Said a male doctor.

This did not say a word, just received a cold look, it is Xie Na: "don't talk nonsense, cold doctor just has no girlfriend."

The male doctor was roared by her, stunned. Until Xie Na walked away, someone said in the suitcase: "Doctor Zhang, don't talk in front of beauty Xie."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know she likes Dr. cold?"

Doctor Zhang was stunned for a second, and then he reacted. Just now he just said it casually. Who knew it would be like this.

After flying out of the hospital on a cold night, he drove quickly to the place where Mo Zimo said.

At the moment, Mo Zimo was already in pain. He was sweating. He seemed to hear someone knocking on the windows. He frowned and looked at him. His eyes were full of anxious looks on the cold night.

Mo Zimo used all her strength to lock the car. The next second, the door was opened. She was wearing a surgical suit on a cold night. There was a smell of disinfectant on her body, which made her feel very relieved.

He pulled a smile at him, the next second, directly fainted.

At the moment, the cold night flies with fear. The position of the heart is pounding. As a doctor, the calmness that he should have disappears. He runs to the hospital with Mo Zichao in his arms.

All the people in the hospital saw that the cold doctor with a woman in his hand rushed into the emergency room.

However, the reputation of flying on a cold night is too big. For a time, the medical staff are discussing this matter, which makes the pot boil.

When Mo Zi Mo woke up, it was already very late. He opened his eyes vaguely, and the pair of gloomy eyes flying on the cold night swallowed his throat and asked, "what's wrong with me?"

In the cold night, Fei's face was very ugly. He frowned and poured her a cup of water. He helped her to sit up with the medicine in his hand.

Mo Zi Mo originally wanted to take over himself, but was interrupted by the cold man: "don't move."