Take everything home? I'm just going back. Is it OK to rub your car? "

Chu Xuanyu puts Qin Xiaoyue's last suitcase into the trunk.

Except for some books and materials, Qin Xiaoyue didn't bring anything else.

The trunk is still very empty. This is the first time that Chu Xuanyu asked someone to "rub the car".

Qin Xiaoyue didn't say yes or no, so he got into the car on his own.

Chu Xuanyu also followed up and got into the co pilot.

"Do you sympathize with me? Think I'm pathetic? "

"What, why should I sympathize with you?" Chu Xuanyu smiles.

"I should be the worst news person of the year." Qin Xiaoyue said without expression, trying to cover up the pain in his heart.

The more I want to pretend to be careless, the more profound and sober the pain in my heart.

It turns out that the so-called collapse will really happen.

"I think it's good." Chu Xuanyu looked at the front and answered firmly.

"It's a tragedy to be with him. Without him, there will be a thousand other possibilities in your life."

Chu Xuanyu turns his head, Qin Xiaoyue's frown makes his heart pull up.

"A thousand possibilities..."

Qin Xiaoyue's eyes were moist, and his heart was full of mixed flavors, like a box of paint overturned.

"It will pass. Everything will pass. It's better to look forward." Chu Xuanyu continued.


"Let bygones be bygones."

"It's my business." Feng Yifan interrupts Qin Kainan.

"At this time, you are still here to inculcate me. Are you afraid you are too involved in the play?"

The wind gave a sneer to fan and gave Qin Kainan a cold look.

"I'll go first. Here are all the keys to the house." The wind picked up the suitcase and turned to leave.

"How does it feel to get back at me? Isn't that cool? Are you really happy? " Qin Kainan said.

The wind was silent for a moment.

"You should know best how I feel now." The wind answered without turning back.

"Actually, I regret it now -"

"don't - you don't have to say it next. It's unnecessary." Feng Yifan interrupts Qin Kainan and turns around with disdain in his eyes.

"I don't want to hear it. Let me keep a little respect for you

"Do you still have respect and admiration for me?" Qin Kainan asked with a smile, "although you don't like to see it, I still want to say that in fact, I have raised you around for more than ten years. Besides being Gu Mingwei's son, I appreciate you more. You know, from the beginning of my industry, I was ready to hand it over to you together with Xiaoyue."

Qin Kainan sighed. After half his life, he spoke with fan for the first time.

It's like a father telling his son how he really feels.

Feng Yifan is indifferent, standing in the same place to listen to Qin Kainan finish these words is his limit.

Turning around, Qin Kainan said, "all your hate comes to me, but Xiaoyue, you have to be responsible for her."

Feng Yifan grabbed the suitcase and pushed it away. It hit the shoe cabinet and made a dull sound.

"Why do you want me? What qualifications do you have? "

Feng Yifan's eyes were red, and his eyes were full of murderous anger. His fierce anger almost overturned the roof.

Qin Kainan stood still. He had seen more intense and "bloody" scenes.

"Xiaoyue treats you as her brother. She is kind-hearted and doesn't understand the social rules. She needs protection."

"You are not rich and powerful. You have the ability to cheat the world. Why should I be responsible for your daughter?" The wind is blinded by hatred and loses its reason.

"You care about Xiaoyue. You won't let Xiaoyue go." Qin Kainan ignored Feng Yifan's anger and said to himself.

Feng Yifan only thinks that Qin Kainan is crazy. It's crazy that Qin Kainan will appear here.

He is too lazy to entangle with a "madman" any more. He doesn't want to see the man in front of him for a moment.

Hate oneself to admit a thief to be a father, almost, personally hold Gu Shi, all gave Qin Kainan.

Thinking of this, Feng can't beat for Qin Kainan with fan's compassion.

"I'm going to die, about half a year, bone cancer, just as a report also a report."

The wind was stunned by fan's action.

"After I left, you are Xiaoyue's only relative in the world."

"For the sake of calling your brother for ten years, let her continue to call you brother. She is a poor child who knows nothing and is extremely innocent. She should not be involved in the enmity between you, me and your father."

"I can't think of anyone else to trust but you."Qin Kainan has never said soft words several times in his life, and he has never even asked others to use his fists.

"If you don't talk, I'll take it as a promise." Qin Kainan put down his crutch and walked slowly to fengyifan. He took out his will and power of attorney and put them on fengyifan's trunk.

"This is my will and my power of attorney. In addition to most of the money you raised, this is what I left for Xiaoyue alone, which is enough for her carefree life in the next life. " Qin Kainan looked at the power of attorney and said.

There are no more than 500 million.

There are ten shops and ten houses.

All of them were purchased in the name of Qin Xiaoyue, which Qin Kainan had planned for a long time.

"Even birthday to buy a house, odd birthday to buy a shop, tomorrow Xiaoyue's birthday I can't catch up, give it to you."

Qin Kainan turned to Feng Yifan.

The sound of opening the door came from outside. Qin Kainan put his will and power of attorney into Feng Yifan's pocket.

The next second, Qin Xiaoyue opens the door and comes in.

As soon as he raised his head, Qin Xiaoyue followed fan and looked at each other. Then he immediately looked away. After seeing Qin Kainan, Qin Xiaoyue immediately became nervous.

"Dad, why are you here?"

That day, the scene of Feng Yifan and Qin Kainan fighting each other is still lingering in Qin Xiaoyue's mind, which makes her reluctant to recall.

"It's OK. It's not idle. I'll come and have a look." Qin Kainan said with a smile.

Compared with fan's dignified expression, Qin Kainan stayed out of the affair, just like nobody.

Qin Xiaoyue's heart sank when he saw Feng Yifan's suitcase.

"You don't have to go. I'll go. This is your house. It's me who should go."