v3 Chapter 51: Take a shower, Midnight Horror

The pheasants and rabbits provided them with improved food, while the others were responsible for cleaning the wolf skins. It took half an hour to clean up all the wolf skins, prop them up one by one, and bake them around the fire. The pheasant and hare that Dong Yi had just returned.

After finishing these few people can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Clothes are almost done.

The clothes washed with pancreas has a faint fragrance, and if you smell it carefully, you will not smell a little fishy smell. Dong Chenghu is very satisfied with this.

After lunch, everyone packed up all the wolf skins that were dried, even if they were not completely dried, and immediately continued their journey to the west.

Because of the battle with the wolves last night, they still have some lingering fears, a group of people made up their minds to speed up their journey, the goal is to find a suitable foothold before dark.

The further west you go, Dong Chenghu and several others found that the vegetation here is more differentiated from the east, even the small animals are a little different.

In the evening, they had already climbed over two mountains, either on steep slopes or cliffs, and finally found a dry cave halfway up the mountain before dark.

With this cave, everyone's tense nerves can finally relax.

Don't need Dong Chenghu to speak, Dong Wei and Dong Lie have already started to clean up the cave, because the east of Qingping Mountain is Danxia landform, and the west is granite landform. The cave is very different from the cave where Dong Chenghu and the others lived before.

It is not only dry, but also ventilated. Although Dong Chenghu has not found a vent, this does not affect his love for this cave.

Dong Yi and Yang Yi didn't want to see Dong Chenghu's **** at the cave. The two quickly set up a bonfire and continued to take out the wolf skins to dry. Then one went out to find food, and the other Go to check the situation nearby, with yesterday's lesson, they don't dare to be careless now.

Dong Yi went out for half an hour before coming back, only brought back some wild fruits and bird eggs, seeing his depressed face, Dong Wei was very curious, "Dong Yi brother, you are hunting But it will never fail, and today I didn't even bring a pheasant!"

Dong Yi glanced at them indifferently, calmly, and divided the food before saying: "You ate pheasant at noon, and you still want to eat pheasant at night? I originally wanted to find some mushrooms and the like. Yes, but it's too dry here, and I ran more than half of the mountain, and I didn't have a single edible mushroom, and there were not as many wild vegetables as the green bamboo mountains. After thinking about it, I had to bring you wild fruits."

"The wild fruit is good and delicious." Dong Chenghu happily took a piece of fruit and ate it, not picky at all.

Dong Chenghu has no opinion, Dong Wei and Dong Lie naturally dare not say a word or two more.

Everyone finished eating quietly, Dong Chenghu thought, with this cave tonight, they should be much safer than yesterday, and they can sleep well.

As a result, another accident happened in the early morning before dawn.

Dong Lie woke up and stumbled to a remote corner to take a break. How could he know that he finally walked to a slit and was about to take off his pants, but the vague firelight made him see a When the skeleton was erected, Dong Lie screamed in fright, "It's dead!"

, it looked like he had seen a ghost.

Dong Yi walked over first, and after seeing the skeleton, his expression slowly became solemn, and calmly said to Yang Yi and others: "There is a human skeleton, come and see."

Dong Chenghu and Dong Wei heard the words, and their whole bodies were stunned. Although Dong Chenghu had seen dead people and killed them himself, he had never seen this skeleton. This really challenges people's psychological limits.

Dong Wei is weaker than Dong Chenghu. Although he looks fierce, he swears that he is definitely a law-abiding and honest mountain villager. Can't you watch it?

Dong Yi directly ignored Dong Wei's cowardice and said to Yang Yi, "How about making it together?"

Yang Yi responded without hesitation.

In the end, the two worked together to get the skeletons out, only to find that there were still skeletons under the skeletons, one or two. In the end, more than a dozen corpses were found.

Dong Lie was so frightened that he was so frightened that he immediately pulled Dong Wei to hide away. Dong Chenghu was frightened and numb, and even approached these skeletons by ghosts.

Yang Yi clapped the dust on his hands, stared at these skeletons for a long time, and said calmly: "Knife wounds, all died at the key points, either by being smeared on the neck or pierced by a sword. The heart, simply and neatly, what an expert does."

Yang Yi was looking at Dong Yi when he said this, the meaning is obvious, are you not a killer? How can you not see that these people died abnormally?

Dong Yi didn't have the heart to care what Yang Yi thought, squatted down and flipped the bones at will, and added: "These people have been dead for about three or four years. It was specially moved to that gap and hidden, I guess something happened to cause them all to be stacked together."

Between the lightning and flint, Dong Chenghu exclaimed: "Earthquake! There was a movement in Qingping Mountain three or four years ago, and the sea water poured in, but at that time, only the Qingping Mountain was severely narrowed. To the east, I didn’t hear that this side was also affected.”

"You don't know it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Maybe some natural disaster happened here a few years ago, but what I don't understand is why the body is hidden there instead of dragging it out. Buried, or directly destroy the corpse?"

Yang Yi touched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. Dong Chenghu couldn't help disgusting him when he saw his hands touching his face with the bones.

Dong Yi watched it for a long time, and sighed: "How could it show that the situation was urgent at that time, and they didn't have time to deal with these corpses, so they placed them in a random place. Now that there are none of these, so If many corpses are found here, there will be a big problem, let's dig a hole and bury them."