"Are you here today to brag at me?" Lin wanting's cold tunnel.

"I'll come to see you. After all, I want to see you and see what you are like now. If you want to say that I'm here to show off, you can also think so?"

Half a year ago, Lin Rao knew that Lin wanting was locked up here, but she never came.

Lin wanting stares at her. After a while, she suddenly smiles and says, "Lin Rao, don't you want to kill me?"


Lin Rao looks at her and doesn't speak.

"You should hate me very much. You want to eat my meat and drink my blood to get rid of it. But what about that? Can you put me in jail? What can you do with me? Do you dare to kill me to vent my anger? You can't! Because it's against the law to do so! You can't do anything to me. You can only watch me, ha ha ha... "

Lin wanting's crazy laughter rang out in the room.

Lin Rao drooped her eyes and looked at the floor tiles under her feet and said, "who said I would kill you to get rid of my hatred? Don't I hate you now


Lin wanting looks stiff and stares at her coldly.

Lin Rao said with a smile, "I heard that you can't sentence you by taking advantage of your mental illness to evade legal sanctions. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Since you like to admit that you are a mental illness, you should always treat it as a mental illness. Do you think I will be unhappy if you stay here all your life ?”

Lin wanting's pupils shrink sharply and stare at Lin Rao. She seems to be angry, and her breath is a little short.

"You see, five years ago, you tried to burn me, but you didn't succeed; five years later, you tried to kill me, but you failed again. Now I'm still alive, but you have spent your whole life in this mental hospital. Lin wanting, do you regret it? Have you ever thought about what kind of life you have now if you didn't do that? How does it feel to destroy your life with your own hands? "

Lin Rao said.

If these things hadn't happened, Lin wanting might have made other achievements. Maybe she is still a big star, standing in the spotlight and accepting other people's pursuit. She owns a large villa and numerous luxury goods

Either way, it won't be trapped in this little room.

Lin wanting's eyes were in a trance for a moment, clutching the quilt, gnashing her teeth and saying, "what kind of person are you pretending to be! You are very happy to see that I am down and down, if not for you, I am better than anyone else! It's because of you that I became what I am today! "

Lin wanting was suddenly excited and suddenly jumped out of bed, as if to rush over and Lin Rao desperately, but was pushed back by the bodyguard and roared: "don't move!"

Lin wanting falls on the bed, dishevelled, gnashing her teeth and staring at Lin Rao indignantly.

Until now, she still thinks that all of this is because of Lin Rao's mistakes. If it wasn't for Lin Rao, she would have a beautiful life.

Lin Rao suddenly laughed and said, "it's good to have hate in my heart. At least you can have a goal to live on. You'll hate me here in the future. Do you know what I'm going to do? I want to be Mrs. Li, take care of my son and husband, and then start the studio. I have too many things to do, so there is no need to waste time with you here. From now on, we will never see each other again. "

With that, she lifted her feet and went to the door.

"Call Li Hanting! Call Li Hanting

Walk to the door, behind suddenly ring Lin wanting's voice, some hate, some despair, some hope.

Lin Rao stopped and turned her head to look at her: "why call him here?"

Lin wanting gets up and stares at her coldly: "why don't you dare him to come? Are you afraid that he will meet me

Lin Rao was surprised: "do you think I'm afraid? Can you be a danger to me as you are now? "

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Lin wanting's pupils suddenly contracted.

Lin Rao stopped and said, "why don't you understand? Li Hanting is very willing to start with you. If you want to live smoothly here, I advise you not to ask to see him, and I think that even if you want to see him, he may not be willing to see you. "

With that, she walked out without looking back.

When the two doors closed in front of Lin wanting's eyes, she was shocked, as if she suddenly returned to her senses, and cried out: "Lin Rao! You come back! Lin Rao! Come back

But no one paid any more attention to her.

The narrow room suddenly quiet down, death like silence can drive people crazy.

Lin wanting looked at the door with hate in her eyes, and murmured in her mouth: "let me out, I want to leave here, let me out..."

No one likes going to jail. She wants to go out.

But she can't go out. This is her life.

As a child, Lin Rao fights with the girl next door in order to protect herLin wanting clenched her fist, and her lips uttered a voice of despair and hatred: "aren't you the one who loves me the most? Why don't you love me now?"

Lin Rao walked out of the ward, waiting for the Dean outside to greet respectfully: "Mrs. Li, I'll take you downstairs."

Lin Rao said: "Dean, you just said that Lin wanting's condition is not serious, can she be cured?"

"It can be cured." The dean said, "but the drugs are very expensive, and she can't afford it now, so..."

"Then cure her." Lin Rao stopped and said, "no matter how much money you need, just give her treatment. I'll pay the money."

The Dean was surprised and said in surprise: "Mrs. Li, Lin wanting has treated you so much. You should have paid for her treatment. Your heart is too kind."

Lin Rao smiles and says nothing.

She is not kind-hearted, only let a thorough sober, can make her more painful.

Lin wanting doesn't hate her, so let her hate her every minute.

Get out of the hospital gate.

Lin Rao stopped when she got on the bus and turned her head to look at the hospital building behind her.

Since then, she has no younger sister.

On the way back, the bodyguard received a call, hung up the phone and said respectfully, "madam, your father Lin Baoyuan has also been caught. Do you want to see him?"

Lin Rao: did he get caught

Half a year ago, when she was in the factory, Lin Baoyuan took the opportunity to escape. At that time, she and Ning Yecheng were both seriously injured, and his cold temper didn't pay attention to let people catch Lin Baoyuan, which made him arrogant outside for such a long time.

"Yes, he seemed to be too hungry to bear. He went to other people's shops to steal. He was caught on the spot and beat him up. He couldn't stand it. He called the police himself." Said the bodyguard.

Lin Rao squinted: "I don't go to see him. How can he deal with it? There will be a law to solve him. I don't need to tell me about him in the future."

"Yes." The bodyguard said respectfully.

She didn't want to see any of the Lin family.