Jiang yinghan must still want to rely on this entertainment circle for a meal. If he just missed a good opportunity and ruined his bright future, it's not worth it.

Gu Keyu or duding Jiang yinghan wants to go back to the entertainment industry for her future life. She thinks that men eat this meal.

In fact, Gu Keyu realized later that Jiang yinghan had made up his mind to quit the entertainment industry and never wanted to move forward in this deep swamp, but because of her sudden appearance. Let Jiang yinghan decide to rush again and return to the familiar circle.

"That's how you put it. It's concise. The public will definitely choose to believe you and explain and clarify for you. The power of fans is very strong. "

Jiang yinghan also took out his mobile phone and quickly typed four words, then pressed the send button, and then sat on the sofa opposite Gu Keyu, with a lazy face and an arm on the back of the sofa. He started marking people again, staring at Gu Keyu.

"And then what do you need me to do?"

The man's tone is light, not affected by anything, as if he is not anxious at all, as if this thing did not happen to him at all.

"If you say you have any announcements now, please tell me."

"No, not one now."

There is still no change, the expression is still calm.

Gu Keyu was surprised once in his heart. He didn't expect that there was no notice in his hand now, and the people in this circle were too heartless.

It's also urgent for Jiang Hanying to take the initiative to clarify that she didn't have enough help to explain.

Gu Keyu finished the cup of hot tea just now and dialed the phone while drinking.

"Xiao Tang, you are going to buy a pair of lovers' necklaces now. It doesn't matter if they are more expensive. You can choose a little style and send it to four seasons hotel for me. The room number will be sent to you later. "

Xiao Tang on the other side of the phone was also startled.

"Don't you come back tomorrow?"

Gu Keyu hastened to explain, but time is running out.

"If I have something urgent, I'll come back first. Don't worry. I'll explain to you when I go back. By the way, you have to ask me one more thing."

Gu Kejian had other plans in mind.

"You can contact Zhao Wei and ask him to investigate the inside story of Jiang yinghan's recent affairs, and then hype my affair with Jiang yinghan, that is, not to be obvious, but to be photographed occasionally."

Xiao Tang is now really dumbfounded to hear these words. How come all of a sudden I started to gossip.

Gu Keyu doesn't have time to explain in detail now. He can only settle down Xiao Tang and go to solve the problem quickly. Otherwise, after a long time, the heat will go away, which will be very bad for Jiang yinghan.

Gu Keyu explained to Xiao Tang all the things she could think of to help clarify Jiang yinghan's affair, and then hung up.

"Now we just need to wait for Zhao Wei to take photos. We take some trinkets between lovers and copy the gossip to the public. I have asked Xiao Tang to prepare props, so that when the news comes out, everyone will believe it. You're not a gay. "

After listening to Gu Keyu's words, Jiang yinghan is silent. He stares at Gu Keyu for half a while, and then opens his mouth slowly.

"Why should I continue to copy the gossip and directly announce to you that my sexual orientation is normal and that we are in love now?"

After listening to Jiang yinghan, Gu Keyu smiles mysteriously.

"Now go straight to the romance. We will subconsciously think that we are cooperating to clarify your scandal, so that the network public opinion will be more difficult to control. Only by slowly exposing it to you, those fans will be willing to believe that we are in love, and your same-sex scandal will not be broken. "

After listening, Jiang yinghan subconsciously nods his head to show his approval. Looking at Gu Keyu, he feels that the woman in front of him is strange, as if he knew her on the first day.

Obviously, Gu Keyu also noticed Jiang yinghan's eyes.

"Do you have any questions?"

"I don't think so. Now you look very different, it's the best marketing in the entertainment industry, you have such talent. I really shouldn't be an actor. It's too condescending. "

Jiang yinghan deliberately teases Gu Keyu, but he still looks serious.

Gu Keyu is still in a state of extreme tension. Can still be Jiang yinghan's words to make a laugh.

"I think so myself! If I can't get along in the actor industry that day, I'll be a paparazzi reporter. It will definitely be a big fire. "

Gu Keyu also smiles and teases Jiang yinghan.

Jiang yinghanwei smiles, reaches out his hand, picks up the water cup on the table, pecks it lightly, and then slowly asks.

"That Zhao Wei, should be your man?"

"In fact, strictly speaking, he is not my person, but because of the interest relationship, he has some cooperation for the time being.""Then what's the purpose of asking him to investigate the scandal that suddenly broke out of me? Is he a paparazzi reporter really able to find out what to return my innocence? "

Jiang yinghan has a little distrust in his eyes. Obviously, he has no confidence in Zhao Wei, the first paparazzi.

Gu Keyu asked with a smile.

"If you can't be cleared, why should I ask him to investigate the source of your homosexual affair?"

Jiang yinghan stares at Gu Keyu for a long time. Suddenly he began to smile. Although the smile was charming, it didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

"Then why do you believe that I am innocent? Have you ever thought that I might have something to do with that shareholder? "

Gu Keyu was stunned by Jiang yinghan's question, which she really never considered. She flew back from the shooting place in a hurry. It's basically a subconscious behavior. In my heart, I feel that Jiang yinghan has been slandered and framed because she has offended Mr. Li in the company.

"Because I believe you are not like that at all..."

Gu Keyu just blurted out his answer to Jiang yinghan, but he thought it was wrong. Although most of us are still rejecting homosexuality, because people are more open-minded, more tolerant and more accepting of homosexuality, if Jiang yinghan's orientation is really

So Gu Keyu added a sentence after what he just said.

"And even if those rumors say that your sexual orientation is true, then I'd like to believe that you have something to do with your true love for him..."

Before Gu Keyu's words were finished, he saw that Jiang yinghan's face suddenly became very ugly. He coughed fiercely, which made Gu Keyu regret. What she said just now was too impulsive. How could she say such words in her head.

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