Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye, the final exam of Xuanqing university is coming.

Xu zuiling was busy with examination, review and making beauty oral liquid every day, and finally went through the last day of examination week.

After getting up in the morning and washing up, Xu zuiling and Zhou Shuangqing left the dormitory. They planned to review in a deserted corner for a while before the exam.

But Shen Qingyan has been tidying up for a long time, and he is not in a hurry to go out.

However, after Xu zuiling and Zhou Shuangqing left the dormitory, Shen Qingyan immediately put down his schoolbag. He quickly ran to the cabinet where Xu zuiling put beauty oral liquid, opened the cabinet, took out a bottle of beauty oral liquid and poured it into his mouth.

Even before, Xu zuiling had questioned whether she had stolen her beauty oral liquid. Shen Qingyan did not mean to stop, but more rampant to steal the beauty oral liquid of Xu zuiling.

Xu zuiling, a silly woman, was totally indifferent to this, as if she had not found her behavior at all. There was no reaction.

Recently, Shen Qingyan has a headache. When he first drank Xu zuiling's beauty oral liquid, it was very effective. His skin improved a lot and his figure became plump.

But recently, it has no effect at all. Not only it doesn't work, but also she doesn't know what's going on. She starts to burst out and get fat suddenly.

Shen Qingyan thinks that it should be the reason for the pressure near the final exam.

Unlike other people who muddle along, the final exam results are very important to her, because it's about the scholarship. If she can't get the scholarship, the cost of living next semester will be a big problem.

She felt that even Xu zuiling's beauty oral liquid could not suppress the changes of her body caused by excessive pressure.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingyan looked at the rows of beauty oral liquid in Xu zuiling's cabinet.

One bottle won't hold. Would you like to try some more?

Shen Qingyan thought that Xu zuiling didn't respond, so he simply took out three bottles of oral beauty liquid from the cupboard, raised his head and drank them all, then hurriedly picked up his bag and ran out of the dormitory.

However, what Shen Qingyan didn't expect was that the door of the dormitory was opened again within a few minutes after she left the dormitory.

Xu zuiling and Zhou Shuangqing, who should have gone to a corner of the library to review, actually came back.

After entering the door, Xu zuiling went directly to her cupboard. She opened the cabinet door and counted the beauty oral liquid inside. She found that there were four bottles missing this time. She couldn't help picking her eyebrows and hummed coldly, "Shen Qingyan is really greedy! It's four bottles at a time. I'll see a good play later. "

Xu Jining's words. Let the side of Zhou Shuangqing curious up, can't help asking, "Zui Ning, those beauty oral liquid in the end you add something?"? Why are there good plays? "

Xu Jining returns to her with a smile. "You'll soon know that we'll just go to the theatre when we wait for the exam."


Ten o'clock.

The last examination of Medical School of Xuanqing university is about to begin.

Xuanqing University attaches great importance to the final examination in Shenyang. In order to prevent students from cheating, the examination is not conducted in the classroom, but in the open places such as the stadium and auditorium.

Their last exam was arranged in the school auditorium.

The auditorium has been cleaned up and everything irrelevant has been cleared out. Only rows of tables are left in order, and the auditorium is spacious. There are thousands of tables in it, the scene is very spectacular.

After Xu zuiling and Zhou Shuangqing came in. Quickly find your seat and sit down.

In such a large auditorium, in addition to the examination of Freshmen in their medical college, many other college and grade students are also arranged here.

As soon as Zhou Shuangqing had sorted out the test supplies on his seat, he saw Bai Yizhi and some of his friends come in.

After seeing Zhou Shuangqing, Bai Yizhi was stunned for a long time.

But a few days did not see her, she became more beautiful, quietly sitting in the crowd, but it seems to be in the light.

Bai Yizhi was stunned at her.

Until a friend next to him pushed him with his arm.

"You see, your girlfriends and they seem to be the same examination room with us."

Bai Yizhi came back. Looking at the direction pointed by a friend, I saw Shen Qingyan sitting not far from Zhou Shuangqing.

Shen Qingyan is wearing her favorite white dress, but because she has become plump recently, her original fairy clothes have been stretched out of shape.

And it's only been a day. Shen Qingyan's acne on his face increased obviously, and some of them even burst out of pus, which made him very sick.

Bai Yizhi quickly looked away and said, "OK, OK, let's prepare for the exam."

The examination bell soon rang, and the noisy students soon quieted down and began to answer the papers seriously.Shen Qingyan finally carefully checked the paper, and couldn't help looking back at Xu zuoling.

Xu zuiling's position is behind Shen Qingyan's side. Shen Qingyan looks back and sees Xu zuiling's head supported with one hand, almost lying on the table, looking drowsy.

Shen Qingyan could not help but snort, his eyes full of irony.

What else does Xu zuiling have besides a pretty face?

I remember when I was in high school, she was famous on campus because she was the last in the grade.

She knew it! Even if Xu zuoling stepped on the dog's excrement and was admitted to the medical school of Xuanqing University, she was still a scum in the scum!

The more Shen Qingyan thought, the more excited he was!

Sooner or later, Ouyang Chu will understand that only a beautiful and excellent woman like her is really worthy of him! What is Xu zuiling!

Shen Qingyan was in a good mood, and his eyes were even more pleased. After calming down for a while, he was ready to check the test paper again.

But I don't want to feel a strange heat coming from my abdomen at this time.

Shen Qingyan's face suddenly changed.

What's wrong with her?

Looking at Xu zuiling on the other side.

She had already finished the test paper, and she was looking at the beauty oral liquid made in the space of medicine soul stone.

During this period of time, her beauty oral liquid has been in short supply, and many female stars in the entertainment circle come to buy Beauty oral liquid with her through the relationship of he Lingyi.

Those female stars ordered a lot, which made Xu drunk and tired.

But in order to carry forward the ghost doctor in the world as soon as possible, and to earn more money, Xu zuiling still seizes all available time to make beauty oral liquid.

Just when she was doing it happily, she heard the invigilator's angry voice from outside -

"Shen Qingyan, what are you going to do?"

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