This is a lively and sincere night. Gu forgets that there are no worries in life, no calculations in the shopping mall, no intrigues, no greed. There are only a group of persistent and sincere men, who drink wine repeatedly and constantly, hoping to get drunk for a night.

That night, except Zhao Yinuo, everyone was drunk.

Watching this group fall asleep. Even to sleep under the table, Zhao Yinuo no dissatisfaction, on the contrary, there are inexplicable moved and faint gratification.

Time does not erase the sincerity of these people. Just forced by life, they buried their sincerity in the deepest part of their hearts.

Looking at Gu forget lying in his arms sleeping sweetly, Zhao Yinuo gently smiles, kisses Gu forget's side face, and sleeps peacefully.

The next day, I don't know whose phone rang, which woke Zhao Yinuo up.

The third day I got up and saw that it was almost ten o'clock. Remember last night Gu forget said must call him before 10 o'clock, Zhao Yinuo quickly pushed Gu forget.

"Gu forget, it's ten o'clock, get up quickly!"

Zhao Yinuo's voice wakes up Gu forgetting, who is sleeping. He rubs some of his painful head and feels confused.

Thinking of today's important things, I immediately wake up.

"Wake up, wake up." Gu forgot to get up and call out a few people one by one, "time is almost up, let's not delay today's business."

After listening to Gu's words, several people were sober. Today's events have a huge weight in their hearts. They must be careless.

One by one, they got up from the chair or the ground and began to tidy up their clothes.

"SM, where's SM?"

Gu forgot to turn around, but didn't find the bobcat's figure. He asked with some doubts.

"Boss, I'm here. I'm here."

I don't know where the sound of Bobcats came from.

Looking for the sound to find the past, Gu forget finally found under the table Bobcat has not woken up.

"Wake up, you boy! There's business to do! " Gu forgot to cry and smile.

"Well, business is business. I'll sleep again."

The bobcat said something and turned over to sleep.

No way. Gu forgot to wake him up by himself.

"Ah, ah, ah, boss, please take it easy. When I wake up, I'll climb out."

Under the table came the bitter howl of the bobcat. Gu forgot to pull the bobcat's ear and put it out directly.

"Drop it. Let it go, boss." Bobcat begged for mercy.

Looking at this scene, we all burst into laughter.

After cleaning up, several people rushed to the cemetery in P city.

Along the way, the brothers no longer had the laughter they met yesterday. One by one, they all looked very heavy. They bowed their heads and didn't say a word. They didn't know what they were thinking.

In the middle of the cemetery, Zhao Yinuo finally saw the tombstone of the three brothers. For a moment, her heart was heavy.

On the tombstone are three sunny and hot-blooded faces, full of publicity and vitality of youth, as well as the resolute and cold temperament of soldiers.

Three people are smiling, eyes calmly looking at the visitors, in front of a few, they have been the most intimate people.

Zhao Yinuo looked at the three tombstones with awe, while the remaining Gu forgot a few people. Already red eyes.

The tombs of the three belonged to the yiguanzhong. At that time, Gu forgot that several of them escaped with all their lives, and even their bodies could not be taken out.

Thinking of the brothers who had been sleeping in the tomb, there were no bones left. The people standing there were very uncomfortable.

Gu forgets several people to stand in front of the grave, deeply bowed, in mind is eight people together bit by bit, in the heart infinite emotion.

In just a few years, he was intimate. Today, however, heaven and man are separated forever. Even after a few years, the brothers are still unable to accept this cruel fact.

Sleep brothers, rest in peace! With your wish, we will live well!

Looking at a few tough men, standing in front of the tomb in pain, like children who are unwilling to accept the truth and full of grievances, Zhao Yinuo also left tears for moving.

After standing in silence for a long time, the third man said, "boss, it's cold now, and my sister-in-law is pregnant. Second, they all understand our intentions. Let's go back first. "

Gu forgot to stand there with his head down and slowly recovered.

"Good. Then let's go back. "

After that, he took a deep look at the tombstone. The smiling faces of the three made him feel painful again. He couldn't bear to look at them again. Gu forgot to turn his head and walk out of the cemetery first.

Several people are also full of emotion on the tombstone for a while. They all went in the direction of Gu forgetting.

After a long time, the party came out in a sad mood and spoke in twos and threes. The atmosphere was much more relaxed."Let's have a meal together, and then go to the parents' home of the second, fourth and eighth children to see them." Gu forgot to say.

"OK, let's go and have a look."

If Gu forgets, we all agree that it has become their annual habit to visit their parents at the homes of their dead brothers, buy them some supplements and give them a sum of money by the way.

After dinner, Gu forgot several people, as in previous years, bought big bags of things, first came to the second home.

"Mom and Dad, we've come to see you!"

As soon as he entered the house, Gu forgot to lead the way.

The rest of the people are also parents shouting, the scene is very warm.

Several people have vowed. The parents of the dead brother should be treated as their own parents, so from the beginning, their name changed from uncle and aunt to mom and dad.

At this time, two middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s came out of the house. When they saw Gu forgetting, they said with a smile: "it's our sons who are here! Come on, come in and sit down. "

The middle-aged man warmly began to greet, while the middle-aged woman was busy with tea and water.

"Dad, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you two getting along? "

Sitting in front of the middle-aged man, Gu forgot to ask respectfully.

"You can rest assured that we are living a good life!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile. It is obvious that the arrival of several people has injected fresh vitality into this originally desolate home and made him very happy.

"Dad, mom, if you have something to do, please remember to tell us. You also have the phone number of our brothers. We are your sons. Don't treat us as outsiders!"

The third man grasped the middle-aged woman's hand and said sweetly.

"Ah, ah." The middle-aged woman quickly replied, "you have a heart. We have a good life. We will tell you something important."

"It's a pity that my family is far away from me..."

when the middle-aged woman thought of her dead son, she felt a pain in her heart and couldn't help wiping her tears.

"Stop it! Several sons have gone home. Go and cook. We'll have a good drink. "

Afraid to hear what his wife said, the middle-aged man quickly stopped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!