Suddenly took the contract, Gu forgot to look directly on the table.

"I didn't expect you to be the person in charge of this project. It seems that I still need to study your company's character and integrity." Gu forgot to sneer a way, "you can go."

Gu's refusal was obvious. He made it clear that he didn't want to talk business with her. Zhao also wanted to leave here early, so he nodded and said, "OK, someone else will contact you later. Then I'll go first. "

Looking at Sophie next to him, Zhao Yinuo turns around and leaves.

Sophie was about to speak when she saw Gu's cold expression. It's also very sensible to shut up.

Looking at Zhao Yinuo's lonely back, Gu forgets that his fist is loose and tight. He is upset for no reason. He smashes the table and walks out of the office.

Sophie saw everything in her eyes, "Zhao Yinuo, Zhao Yinuo. What's the story between you and Gu forget? "

Sophie murmured, her eyes shining with thought.

Out of the door of Gu group, Zhao Yinuo's heart is full of bitterness. She never thought that she would meet Gu forget again, and she buried her sincere feelings in the deepest memory. But fate is always full of uncertainty, they meet again in an unexpected way, and he has his own girlfriend.

Zhao Yinuo thought of the past, thought of the days when he met and fell in love with Gu forget. They were so in love, but how deep the love was, how heavy the injury would be.

Just when they fell in love with each other, Zhao Yinuo was told in a physical examination that she had a tumor in her brain, and it was already advanced.

This is a heavy blow for Zhao Yinuo, who has spent the same time. The doctor told her that you need to go abroad for treatment immediately. And the probability of a good cure is less than 10%, because the tumor has been compressed to the central nervous system, she may be blind at any time.

Zhao Yinuo's parents suspended Zhao Yinuo from school on the same day, and the most painful thing for her is how she should face her love.

In order to avoid Gu forgetting the pain caused by her own accident, Zhao Yinuo chooses to break up with him. The excuse for breaking up is that she no longer likes herself, but has other loved ones. Gu forgot and begged. I hope she can change her mind. Although Zhao Yinuo was very sad, he still didn't tell him the truth. He further stimulated him with words to let him forget her as soon as possible.

The next day, Zhao Yinuo left quietly and never heard from him. Since then, Gu's temperament has changed greatly. He went abroad for further study. After returning home, he inherited Gu's group and became the president of Gu's group.

I thought that after separation, each other's life is like two parallel lines that never intersect. But fate, or let them interweave together again.

When she comes back to the company, Zhao Yinuo informs other staff of the company to contact Gu group. She also works hard to forget what happened today, but Gu's figure and the beautiful pictures of the past are playing back in her mind over and over again. I don't want to leave for a long time.

She could never forget that person, but that person no longer belonged to her.

Gu forgot to sit in the office chair of the company, his hands crossed against his forehead, thinking about what happened today.

His heart is not mixed. After the woman left her, he was drunk and uninhibited. He thought that the woman had been completely forgotten by him, and he found it today. It turned out that he just hid her in the deepest part of his heart. Once he touched her, the memory would surge out. Let him no longer have resentment and anger.

After struggling for a long time, Gu forgot to pick up the phone and dial orno design company.

"Hello. I'm Gu forget, tell Zhao Yinuo, come to our company tomorrow, otherwise, don't want to get my signed contract After hanging up the phone, Gu forgot to raise his mouth slightly, "hum, Zhao Yinuo, I won't let you live so well."

"What? Gu forget, no, Gu always let me go to his company to get the contract!? Why me Zhao Yinuo, who got the news, widened his eyes. The fact was finally confirmed by the staff.

She didn't want to face Gu forget again, but she had to face it. This is the first big business of the company, which has long-term benefits for the development of the company in the future. As a member of the company. She has no reason not to go.

"I'm just going to talk about cooperation. Don't think about other things, let alone mention them!" After a long time of self suggestion, Zhao Yinuo finally got up the courage to come to Gu group again.

When he came to Gu's family again, Zhao Yinuo had the feeling of coming to the gate of death.

Die, die! Zhao Yinuo's heart was horizontal, and he walked inside as if he were dead.

"Bang, bang, bang!"


Zhao Yinuo's heart trembled. When it came to an end, it was too late to run. Thinking of this, she pushed the door open and went in.

"Gu Mr. Gu, I'm here to get the contract. " Zhao Yinuo lowered his head and whispered.

"Come closer and stand at the door to get the contract?" Gu's voice is as cold as ever.

Wen Yan Zhao Yinuo moved forward cautiously."Speak Gu forgot the unquestionable voice.

Zhao Yinuo swallowed her saliva. Gu forgets that her powerful aura makes her afraid of her hands and feet. "I've come to you to get the contract. You can put forward any suggestions to me."

"Well, this is the contract, which also contains my suggestions for your scheme and the areas that need to be improved." Gu forgot to pause. "And the most important point is that all the parts I mentioned above need to be completed by you alone. Remember, you are the only one."

Zhao Yinuo nodded his head in a daze. As a result, he took a look at the contents of the contract and asked suspiciously, "do you mean that all the work should be done by myself?"

"What's the problem?" Gu forgets tone to begin obviously impatient.

"No problem." The whole company's life is entrusted to her. How dare she have a problem.

"You need to finish the work in a week. What's the problem?"

"No problem!" Zhao Yinuo is about to cry, but he still grits his teeth and agrees.

"You go." Gu forgets to glance at Zhao Yinuo and hums coldly.

"That's all right?" Zhao Yinuo is very surprised. She feels that Gu can't give up so soon, but can she leave in a few words?

"Are you deaf? If you have any suggestions, put down the contract and get out of here Gu forgets to roar angrily, this woman, as always stupid.

"I know, I know. Goodbye, President Gu. " Zhao Yinuo was so scared that he quickly replied, "I'll go, President Gu. We have a good cooperation."

Without waiting for Gu to forget to speak, Zhao Yinuo rushed out of the office. , the fastest update of the webnovel!