Outside the window, there is a hotel.

Century Hotel.

Su Kexin can't believe her glasses.

Gu Chi took her to the Century Hotel, a place where she was heartbroken, where she lost herself two years ago!

Su Kexin looked at Gu Chi, pale, "Why are we here?"

Gu Chi still doesn't speak. He takes her out of the car and walks into the hotel.

People in the hotel all know Gu Chi and respectfully send him and Su Kexin into the elevator. Go upstairs.

Su Kexin's hand can't stop trembling slightly. She doesn't understand the reason why Gu Chi does all this, but she knows. I really don't want to come to this place!

I don't want to!

Seems to feel Su Kexin's shaking, Gu Chi holds her hand.

After walking out of the elevator, Gu Chi takes Su Kexin to the door of a room. When Su Kexin sees the room number, the last trace of blood on her face recedes.

She recognized the number of the room.

This is the room she lost two years ago.

Su Kexin's mood is at the bottom of the valley.

The painful memories of two years ago are flooding in.

Su Kexin feels that she is about to faint.

But Gu Chi said, "let's go in?"

"No Su Kexin refused. "I don't want to come here again. I hate it here. Gu Chi, let's change places. "

Gu Chi persuades her: "Su Kexin, some things can't be avoided. We must face them bravely. Besides... "

Gu Chi wants to stop talking.

Su Kexin just didn't have the courage to face Gu Chi's scandal two years ago.

She remembers that she was at a party two years ago when she was drugged by someone. Her body felt weak but scorching.

She was confused, but she knew that she had to get out of there.

However, as soon as she got out of the door, she was taken to century hotel by someone and went up the elevator.

She remembered a man holding her by the waist.

Su Kexin wants to struggle, but she has no strength.

She tried to fight, or ask for help. Her feeble voice and no one could be alert.

Su Kexin felt very painful. She knows what kind of situation she will face next!

She's going to run away and get rid of this man. However, she just can't move, Tao can't leave.

She was afraid, but her head was getting dizzy.

Later, she was brought to the room by the man, pushed her to the bed by gravity, and thought like a wolf that she was coming, wave after wave. Swallow her up completely. The effect of the medicine made her lose her last resistance and let the man occupy her.

After the thing, Su Kexin do not want to recall, recall once, heart pain once, like the wound with blood as pain.

Over the years, every time she thought about these things, she hated them very much.

Who gave her the drug and why did she frame herself. She did something wrong.

After that night two years ago, Su Kexin knew that she would never be able to face Gu Yihan again. She was very sad. The whole sky was dark, and she could not see any color, like the coming of the end of the world. She's lost her mind.

Look at the room in front of you. Recalling those memories, Su Kexin is in a bad mood. She wants to leave here and doesn't want to follow Gu Chi.

Gu Chi forced her to the door.

Su Kexin looks unhappy, "Gu Chi, why do you want to do this? I don't want to come here, and I don't want any gifts."

Gu Chi didn't know why, but this time he was very persistent. Looking at Su Xin's eyes, he looked like black stone. Trust me

Simple a few words, let Su Kexin hesitated for a while, finally or reluctantly followed into the room.

Room. It was as like as two peas, and the same as the memories of Su Ke Xin, which made her feel suffocated.

Gu Chi didn't seem to see her pale face. He took her to the bed.

Su Kexin lowered her head and didn't dare to look after her. She was afraid that he would care about his past and despise her. If Gu Chi and she come here, think of her things two years ago, and feel that she is not clean, will his feelings for her fade from then on?

"Look at me, Su Kexin." Gu Chi thought in a low voice, "look at me. Good

Su Kexin slowly raised his head and met Gu Chi's hot eyes.

Gu Chi's eyes seemed to be burning. He said in a low voice: "now, close your eyes, close them."

Su Kexin has been unable to think about what Gu Chi is going to do. I just closed my eyes.

She heard Gu Chi turn off the light.

He gently put Su Kexin on the bed and lay down, lips slightly open, he gently kisses her.Su Kexin's mood nervous, two people in this sad room together, really good?

She called softly: "Gu Chi, are we here? Gu Chi, no, no..."

"Why not?" Gu Chi gently kisses her and whispers, "I think it's very suitable for us here."

Su Kexin was Gu Chi kiss seven meat and eight vegetables, the body has gradually softened down. His finger belly is warm and powerful, sliding across her chest, Su Kexin can't help but take the initiative.

He obediently let her hold her tightly.

In the dark, she saw that his eyes were very bright. She was looking forward to Gu Chi's further exploration.

But at such a critical juncture, Gu Chi suddenly stopped.

In the dark, he asked her in a low voice, "don't you remember anything from such a scene?"

He continued to touch her smooth skin, inch by inch, passing by the dangerous place, full of infinite provocation, and just didn't give Su Kexin what she wanted most at the moment.

Gu Chi's questions make su Kexin flustered. There are only bad memories here. What else do you think of? Is Gu Chi going to abandon himself That's why he didn't go on.

Su Kexin said incoherently: "what? What do I remember? I don't think of anything

Gu Chi is still meaning to point out, "Su Kexin, you think about it again, don't you think this kind of feeling is very familiar?"

Su Kexin also realized that Gu Chi was wrong and frowned, "Gu Chi, what do you remind me of?"

Gu Chi saw that Su Kexin's reaction was so slow. He knew that she must have been rejected two years ago, so he would not have a profound experience.

Gu Chi finally stopped tormenting Su Kexin and whispered, "I think of the man two years ago."

Su Kexin body froze, heard Gu Chi and said: "two years ago that man, I found him."

Su Kexin was stunned, then shivered all over and turned pale.

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