Chapter 110: The Calculus of Power

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 110: The Calculus of Power

Yao Shens words were still echoing in Zhou Huis ears as he gazed directly at the armored silhouette in the distance. He observed the manner in which light glanced off the armors surface, almost as it would against a lakes gently rippling water. It was so pure, so unblemished by impurities that Zhou Hui would consider it the work of a master blacksmith, if it were not for the clear fact that it was a bit too large and loosely fitted for what he knew to be Yao Shens dimensions.

Although it was extremely rude to pry another cultivators artifact with ones divine sense, Zhou Hui could not stop himself as he tried to probe the armor that Yao Shen had forged. To his surprise, once his divine sense entered the armor it felt like it was trapped in a suffocating quagmire of Qi, the sensation so suffocating that he simply severed that strand without hesitation.

Yao Shen, Zhou Hui began, the others allowing him to speak first since he was most familiar with his fellow sect members. This recklessness is unlike you. What has prompted this urgency? He asked, unable to discern Yao Shens expression behind his helm.

It is as you said, Zhou Hui, Yao Shens voice rumbled forth, the confidence in his tone echoing outwards despite it sounding distorted from within the armor. The reason I suggest this is because I do not believe it to be a reckless decision.

Lei Weiyuans expression turned tense whilst Kang Long seemed hesitant. New novel chapters are published on

As you have proven recently. Yao Shen- you are frighteningly talented,, Zhou Hui began. However, I do not believe that the Dao of Forging is included within your skill-set. As deep as your reserve of concealed talents and abilities seems to be, I refuse to believe that you are anything beyond fairly decent at forging, let alone a master or grandmaster.

And yet, you also know that I am capable of concealing my strength when required and possess the political acumen to lead the former Heavenly Sky Sect. Rest assured, my confidence is not unfounded, Zhou Hui.

Is this supposed to be a humiliation, then? Zhou Hui asked, his tone getting heated. Surely, you do not believe yourself capable of taking a direct hit from four pseudo- Soul Emperor artifacts at once. If your Lumenite Armor fails, if there is a slightest bit of miscalculation on your part- are you confident in surviving? Will you be able to deploy your domain at such a short notice?

Zhou Hui, you know me well enough to understand that I derive no joy from putting down others. No, this is a test. Gavril Arkael will attack the moment I am not around to defend the Modern Sect. That is not a hypothesis, but fact. It was fellow Daoist Wujing who confirmed this. Our enemy does not care for casualties and he is relentless. The Modern Sect must learn to defend itself and until I am certain that the Lumenite Armor works, I cannot assign it to others. This risk is mine alone to take.

Yao Shen. No, Grand Patriarch Yao Shen, Zhou Hui took a deep breath, as he steeled himself. The others wont admit it here and now. Perhaps they will never admit it. But after seeing what that demon and his ancient codex was capable of the depravity, the sheer willingness to go that far, to cast aside their own humanity we cannot trump against that darkness without you. If you die, fleeing the Azlak Plains might be our only choice.

Yao Shen always held Zhou Hui in high regard, but in that moment his former rival had truly gained his heartfelt respect. It was not an easy thing to admit ones weakness. For a Patriarch, it was perhaps the single hardest. The courage it took for a man who only knew how to project strength before others, as hundreds if not thousands looked upon him for guidance, to acknowledge his own inadequacy in the presence of other leaders. It would not be an overstatement to say that he was in awe of the Sky Division Patriarch.

I will not fail, Zhou Hui. And I certainly do not intend on dying today. I swear this upon my Dao, Yao Shen declared, knowing that the moment he uttered those words, he could not go back on them even if the heavens were to fall.

Kang Long, who had his left fist tightly clenched and Lei Weiyuan, who was gritting his teeth, not in anger but in perhaps, guilt, reacted with surprise at Yao Shens declaration.

It was only Wenjun Long who was thoughtful as he gazed upon Yao Shens armored silhouette.

The Grand Patriarch has spoken, Wenjun Long declared. Further hesitation is futile. Grand Patriarch Yao Shen is also correct in his statement- without having its limits tested, an armor, no matter how weak or strong, has no value. For without knowing when to attack and when to retreat, battle cannot be conducted.

Very well, Zhou Hui shook his head bitterly, knowing that the sequence of events could not be stopped. I will not hold back, Yao Shen. That is my pride as a cultivator.

I would expect nothing less, Yao Shen replied, his tone calm.

Neither shall I, Lei Weiyuan declared.

I will assist my uncle in displaying the true capabilities of his artifact as I do not believe my own offensive capabilities will suffice. Is that acceptable, Grand Patriarch Yao Shen? Kang Long asked.

Indeed, Yao Shen replied, unmoved by the proposition.

How can this be, Wenjun Long stood there, gaping as his sword slipped out his grip and crashed onto the ground, causing the earth beneath their feet to tremble.

Its my turn now, Yao Shen declared with a hint of amusement in his tone. Invoke Raelinaph.

The four cultivators reacted with horror as they detected a vast ring of near solid Qi expand outwards with Yao Shen as the epicentre. Defensive artifacts were withdrawn in almost the same instant, as shields were hurriedly clenched before them.

Had Yao Shen gone mad?

That question was answered in the next moment, as the rapidly expanding ring of Qi forced them backwards at a controlled pace. They were unharmed, but as Zhou Hui tried to use his own wind Qi to resist and Kang Long and Wenjun Long created anchors in the earth to try and hold onto them, they quickly realized the futility.

Overwhelming, irresistible might.

They were like helpless children as they continued to be pushed back for mile after mile.

It was only an hour later, as they camped at the spot where the Discharge rune had finally run out of energy, did Yao Shen come to find them.

Yao Shen did consider his actions. He wondered if he had gone too far by using the Discharge rune, but ultimately decided against it.

He knew, more than anyone, how necessary his actions were.

When Zhou Hui knelt before him, Yao Shen knew that his choice had been validated.

Zhou Hui greets the Grand Patriarch, He declared, without a trace of arrogance or bitterness.

Yao Shen knew, more than anyone, that no matter what he did to gain the trust of the other Patriarchs, they would always harbor thoughts of breaking away from the Sect.

Unless, Yao Shen showed them the difference.

The cultivators before him could no longer imagine a way to defeat him, he knew from a single glance at their emotions.

Their Dao had been tested against his own and had fallen short.

Yao Shen had left the realm of an ordinary soul emperor and had entered the realm of the gods an existence that could no longer be measured by the calculus of an ordinary cultivator.

A man that they could simply no longer imagine defeating, in any scenario.

Such a man was worthy of being their Patriarch.

The next moment, Lei Weiyuan, Kang Long and Wenjun Long too knelt before him, not out of compulsion but out of genuine acknowledgement.

That was the day Yao Shen had truly become Grand Patriarch of the Modern Sect.