Chapter 96: The Heart of a Healer

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 96: The Heart of a Healer

A single knock rapped against the forges heavy-set double doors, causing Yao Shen to pause mid-swing.

Another week had passed since he discovered the seven layer cultivation technique that Vondar had revealed to be a Legacy Script. Unfortunately, during that time, Yao Shen had not practiced the valuable technique in the slightest. He had an inkling the moment he had heard the name of the first layer and Vondars explanation had only cemented the fact that The Liquid Canvas was grossly unsuitable for a metal as volatile as lumenite, even in its unchange form.

As much as Yao Shen wanted to dabble in an ancient forgemasters inheritance, neither he nor Vondar expected it to surpass a fully forged set of Lumenite Armor in versatility, offensive and defensive ability. The Dao of the Forge was a pursuit of two key elements the blacksmiths skill and the purity and innate desirability of the ore or ingot being forged.

Yao Shen would not allow the temptation of an ancient technique overpower his desire to ensure that the Modern Sect would be capable of defending itself in his absence.

Give me a moment, Yanyue, Yao Shen called out in an uncharacteristically soft tone, as he addressed his honorary disciple. A final hammer blow landed upon the chestplates shimmering hot surface, ironing out the last kink that had been marring its surface. A loud hissing sound filled the air as Yao Shen quenched it, not giving much thought to the final product as he moved towards the lever mechanism.

Yes, Master, A meek, distinctly feminine voice replied in acknowledgement.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

The heavy-set double doors slowly swung inwards as Yao Shen applied the necessary amount of force to the rotating mechanism. Dressed in floral sky-blue robes, Yanyues golden-blonde hair and unblemished, pale skin was the picture of modest elegance. The nervous yet unmistakably gentle smile playing upon her visage matched the first impression he had of her- Yao Shen didnt need his Human Dao to note that the sense of distance he felt that Yanyue instinctively seemed to maintain hadnt lessened around her.

He knew that it was his own fault. In hindsight, taking a disciple not long after the foundation of a project as arduous as the Modern Sect was not a decision his previous self, unburdened with the memories of another world, would have approved of. Yet, it was not a decision that Yao Shen regretted in the slightest.

He had seen the impact Yanyues presence had on Shadows personality, the way she brightened up in her presence. As for Yanyues own cultivation, Yao Shen believed that the injustice she had suffered at the hands of the Xue Family would serve as a catalyst for her own growth, once she stepped out of the shadow the incident had cast upon her.

Neither, though, had surprised Yao Shen.

As a Soul Emperor cultivating the esoteric Human Dao, it was very difficult, if not nigh impossible, for a Foundation Establishment disciple to conceal their emotions before him. So he was not particularly surprised to have judged Yanyues character accurately.

There was one aspect though, in which the otherwise average Yanyue had surpassed not only her fellow disciples, but perhaps Yao Shen himself.

For she possessed the heart of a healer.

Master, may I ask a question? Yanyue asked, phrasing her question as politely as she could.

Yao Shen suppressed the slight pang of guilt he felt at the unfamiliarity she addressed him with, before answering, Yes.

Yanyues gaze took the forges interior in, before examining the armor he had just quenched.

She asked with an amazed twinkle in her eyes, Was this forge built especially for you?

Oh, Yao Shen found himself at a momentary loss, surprised by the trivial nature of the question. Compared to the Mortal Capital that was being built at his behest, a small earthen forge placed beneath the Elders residence was so insignificant that it had barely registered in his mind. Yes, indeed. Elder Tianjian has been assisting me and I have made great progress in my understanding of the Dao of the Forge.

The enthusiasm in Yanyues gaze intensified as she listened to Yao Shens casual explanation initially had him perplexed, requiring him a few moments of contemplation before he understood.

It seemed that Yanyue still hadnt quite understood what being the disciple of a Sects leader meant, let alone a veritable Soul Emperor. She was not to blame, of course until now, he had done little to earn the title of Master.

It was time for that to change.

Yanyue, Yao Shen addressed. Do you know why I have summoned you here today?

There was a pause as Yanyue considered the question, before shaking her head.

There are certain things that you must know as my Honorary Disciple. First, let me ask you a question. What do you think about your Elder Sister, Shadow?