Chapter 91: Dao of the Forge (2)

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 91: Dao of the Forge (2)

I see, Yao Shen replied calmly. Do go on, he added after a moments deliberation, tacitly confirming Tianjian Shuans suspicions as a mark of respect for his tutelage.

If there truly existed no Dao in the forge, then mimicking the technique I have taught you without making an effort to understand its profundities should have been enough to grant you a flawless result.

But it did not, Yao Shen conceded.

Tianjin Shuan nodded in confirmation before continuing, Indeed. For the same reason why not all disciples of the Heavenly Sky Sect practice the same Wind Qi cultivation technique. No two pieces of ore are the same. That logic does not fail when applied to the ingots you are currently using, especially since it is an alloy of two metals that originally possessed different Qi-Densities. This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Realization dawned on Yao Shens visage, even if it only took the shape of a quick flicker of emotion.

Divine Sense, he muttered under his breath, as his gaze shifted to the cooling, half-formed chestplate that rested inert on a bed of mineral-rich sand. Despite the hammer sized hole that had been punched through its center, it had not been discarded as one might expect.

Yao Shens approach was marked by an intense focus, his brows furrowed and jaw set as he reached for the half-formed armor with both his hands. Then, he closed his eyes and sealed off his sense of sound, allowing the outside world to fade away.

His right hand swept across the armors surface while his Divine Sense traced its path internally, choosing a markedly different approach from his original forging attempt. It was not as if employing his Divine Sense to select a high-quality ingot was a foreign thought and indeed, Yao Shen had done so in order to maximize his chances of success.

However, it was only Tianjian Shuans words that allowed him to see how complacent his approach had been.

Astute observations, Patriarch Shen, Tianjian Shuan praised, the surprise in his tone genuine as far as Yao Shen could tell.

There is also one more factor that I overlooked, Yao Shen added as he gave the deformed armor a final glance before returning it to the sand pile.


Either my forging technique was lacking or the ingot I chose was sub-par, as I discovered that there were many pockets of air trapped within the chestplate, especially focused around the central region. If I had been more thorough in my forging, the attempt would have been a successful one.

Your divine sense was able to detect pockets of air within the armor? Tianjian Shuan asked, his tone tinged with incredulity as he locked eyes with Yao Shen.


Tianjian Shuan stood in stunned silence for the better part of a minute, his astonished expression displayed openly as if the cultivator could not believe what he had heard. Even the Core Formation disciple that had been serving as his assistant had forgotten that he was supposed to be too intimidated to gaze directly in the two Nascent Soul Cultivators, his mouth held in awe as he found himself inspecting Yao Shens hammer artifact.

Forge the armor again. I must see this for myself, Tianjian Shuan dropped all formalities as the raw passion of a craftsman came to the forefront.

Very well.