Chapter 80: Patriarch v. The Ancient Codex

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 80: Patriarch v. The Ancient Codex

In all honesty, even Yao Shen had not expected, or for that matter, could not have predicted, the response he received from the Blood Constructs. He had not wanted to even imagine the unspeakable lengths the demon would have gone to make the proud, tenacious souls of cultivators that had been willing to brave the very wrath of the heavens in the pursuit of ascension, yield to the one responsible for their deaths.

It was not hard to deduce that the taboo Soul Qi had a role in the process, a means or method of influencing the soul into compulsion. However, Yao Shen had no way to identify what the precise nature of the corruption was and knew little else besides the observation that they were still capable of experiencing human and human-adjacent emotions.

Rage was an emotion that he had been able to register in Vondar, despite his heritage as a dwarf. Yao Shen had extended the same concept when he chose to imbue his own rage into his blade, a violent rage that was specifically directed towards one, singular cultivator.

It seemed that the rage he felt towards Gavril had found a resonance with the Blood Constructs own hatred of the cultivator, canceling out the Demons control mechanism with an influx of intense emotions and perhaps memories, for rage did not exist in isolation; forming an equally potent counterbalance that allowed them a brief respite from the endless nightmare.

The Blood Constructs that had bowed to him had done so after having chunks of their soul, the very building blocks of their sense of self gouged out by a sadistic cultivator of the Demonic Path. Their memories, even their original personalities, had likely been lost to the sands of time. Yet, despite Gavrils vicious methods, he was still incapable of erasing the hatred that was ingrained into the souls of the cultivators that he had defiled if he still wished to rely on their combat prowess. .

They had bowed to him and then they had chosen to go out in defiance of their tormentors commands, while they still had the free will to do so.

Yao Shen was moved by the display of sheer tenacity by the Blood Constructs, for the very concept of a humans innate desire to resist oppression by an external, seemingly all-powerful yet uncaring being incorporated into his domain was an event that he had just witnessed with his own eyes as nine blooms of scarlet blood flame lit up across the serpentine spiritual beasts large frame.

There was no anguished roar or resentful death throes that sounded out, but the serpentine spiritual beast crashed onto the ground regardless. Its immense weight sent strong gusts of wind whipping out from the site of impact, but the blood flames only lasted for a few more seconds before winking out.

Yao Shen truly understood just how much he was in the dark about.

It was not the Soul Emperor level pressure the blade exerted that was the source of this new-found trepidation, no. The blade, on its own, was deadly. But it was also a part of its wielder, a unity between sword and man that had reached a level that he had never seen before.

A Soul Emperor possessed a Soul that was hundred times denser than a Nascent Soul, making them incredibly different to kill. But there were no absolutes in the world of cultivation, no techniques that were not analysed until a counter was formed.

The Soul Blade A powerful blade that had been steeped in the Soul Emperors soul until it was like a part of himself, a second nascent soul.

A tool designed specifically to target the Souls of other similarly powerful cultivators.

It was an oversight in his knowledge that Yao Shen ought to have anticipated.

But that was only the beginning of the nightmare.

Soul seal, release.