Chapter 74: Enemy

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 74: Enemy

The Nascent Soul Elders that had been engaged in their respective duties along with Yao Shen moved with such haste that the ground beneath them, irrespective of whether it was actually ground or the floor of an Apartment unit in construction, cracked. The disciples that had been around at the time got to experience the true reaction time of cultivators that had transcended the mortal stage and stepped into the realm of the soul.

Yao Shen stood at the helm of their formation, flanked by Wenyan Ren to his left and Huoxing You, the head of the sacred forge and Yao Shens instructor, to his right. Liuxian Xun, the Flame Division Elder that he had come to appreciate and Tianjian Shuan trailed a little behind them.

As the only Earth Cultivation specialist among them, Tianjian Shuan would form the backbone of their formation by providing them defense, while Liuxian Xun was too young compared to the cultivators he stood in presence of to stand in the first line of offense.

There had been no communication between them to establish this formation and neither was any required. The Righteous Path Cultivators, for all their faults, knew how to come together when faced with an unknown, external threat.

They were all capable enough of self-assessing their capabilities and knowing what role they had to play in such a situation.

In a moments time, they had cleared All-Havens construction site before abruptly halting their acceleration. They floated a little above the grasslands, having stopped a safe distance away from the silhouette that had been waiting for them outside the city.

Yao Shens visage was a mask of cold composure as he took in the cultivator that had called him out.

His skin was pale, paler than it had any right to be. If the man before him had been a mortal, Yao Shen would have declared his pallid complexion to be inches away from death. He was tall, even for a cultivator. High-cheekbones, a sharp jawline and a body chiseled to perfection; his tightly corded muscles speaking of the innate strength contained within.

The man wore no shirt, his bare flesh exposed to the elements. Had that been all, Yao Shen would not have been alarmed to this extent.

Rivulets of blood used the mans visage and upper body as a canvas, intersecting and diverging to form complex patterns. Some resembled fractals, others runescript and a few, formations, but Yao Shens gaze couldnt make any sense of the meaning contained within. His face, in particular, was marred by criss-crossing blood tattoos that continued to lightly flow along the established path.

His lower body was covered by coarsely fashioned animal-hide pants and equally roughly made moccasins.

Who are you? Yao Shen finally asked, his body primed to call upon his domain the moment the cultivator before him moved in the slightest.

There was silence as the cultivator considered the question with a thoughtful expression on his face.

If you hide behind the pact, then indeed, I cant touch you. But do you know what the problem with invoking the pact is? The Demonic Cultivator cocked his head as he asked, the mockery in his gaze obvious.

It wasnt designed to protect weaklings! The Demon screamed maniacally.

A Soul Emperor level wind blade, two Nascent Soul level wind arrows and three flaming arrows were unleashed by the righteous path group in quick succession.

Blood Escape, The Demonic Path cultivator muttered under his breath and Yao Shen and the other Elders watched as he exploded into a mist of blood before the attacks could land.

The blood mist shifted and the attacks sailed harmlessly past it.

Only Yao Shen was fast enough to react to the mists terrifying speed. Three more wind blades were unleashed in quick succession, but it was simply too easy for the blood mist to evade.

And then, Yao Shen was out of time.

He couldnt fire off any attacks because the mist was rapidly heading towards All-Haven, even as hundreds of cultivators split off and fled into every direction, hoping that the enemy could not intercept all paths.

You dare! Yao Shen bellowed as he moved to give chase at the very limits of the speed that he could currently manage.

Never had he felt so enraged before.

Never had he felt such unmitigated hatred before.

Never before had he felt so.
