Update: New Chapter in 72 hours.

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Update: New Chapter in 72 hours.

Had a lot of people message me- yeah, I know I said two days, haha, but finishing a book turned out to be way more draining than I expected and I felt like I kinda deserved giving myself a break. Alternating between stories has definitely got my motivation and enthusiasm to write Modern Patriarch up. Not that I haven't throughly enjoyed what I believe is the best story to date that I have written, but after eight months of consistent uploads, a break does wonders for keeping up the quality.

This post might come off as a little melodramatic when the next chapter is only three days away, but I had a lot of people message me and I know people get antsy if they don't hear from the author for more than a month (communication is important!), so there you have it. I'm very excited for the opening scenes of the new book, and it only gets better from there!

See you in seventy two hours!

EnigmaN0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.