Chapter 151.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 151.4

[Part 4/4]

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"...He's gone."

Towards the departing benefactor, Tamaki murmured.

For Hotoya Tamaki, that household member treated as a servant was truly her benefactor. A benefactor to her, to her family, to friends, and to her hometown. He was a senior to whom she owed a debt of gratitude that she could never repay, and she should respect.

"If it were Tomobe-kun, could it have been done better...?"

This is about the aftermath of the disturbance in the Seki city. Tamaki did her best. But there were certainly sacrifices, plenty of sadness, and above all, her efforts turned out to be in vain. The white wolf's child was taken away, Ezo's princess looked at the giant wolf's corpse from a distance and definitely cried. After crying, she expressed gratitude and even defended against suspicions about Yukine. Tamaki couldn't say anything.

For Tamaki, it was all too unwilling, unable to give up, and an unresolved outcome. Realizing one's own lack of strength, the admiration for him grew even more.

"...I want to become stronger."

Tamaki murmured again.

"Could I have become stronger... Would things have gone well if I had?"

What she embraces is something swirling within her chest. Perhaps a glimpse of the power she used during that commotion. It was said to be some kind of supernatural ability. Tamaki realizes this and tries to wield it on her own. But it's terrifying. It's something she can't possibly control.

It is said that, like the head of the servant group' assistant, there are often cases of one's supernatural ability going out of control within their inexperience. In some cases, causing injuries to those around them or even taking lives. Considering that, it's not something that can be easily trained. But she wants to become stronger, but she can't become stronger this way. And if she can't become stronger... Tamaki becomes gloomy.

Yes. If she can't become stronger, she might lose someone. Someone might end up doing something reckless. And the most likely possibility is...


A sensation of tightness swirled in her chest. It was a mixture of fear, a sense of loss, and helplessness. As she looked down at a future that might resemble this tomorrow, her clear expression from a moment ago transformed into a tragic one.

"What should I do..."

It is not about anyone else. It's a question that confronts oneself. It's a call. It's a cry.... The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

"Ah. Miss Tamaki. Were you here?"


Tamaki comes to her senses at the sweet cat-like voice. She quickly wipes her eyes with her sleeve, and turns around. And she sees that person in her sight.

The population had probably increased by ten percent compared to a year ago. That was the case in the old city, which had strict regulations. The new city would be worse. Outsiders increased, and if they worked hard, it was good, but in reality, some of them became thieves, gamblers, swindlers, or bandits without getting a job. To crack down on them, the court sent more troops and Kebiishi (police and judicial chief) to patrol the city.

In the front Rashomon Gate, people and carts crowded. The security guards seemed unable to control them completely.

"Well, this is troublesome. The countryside is in chaos, and so is the city... Hmm. It's better to sneak in. I should return before the sun sets. The gate will be closed at night."

With the guard's approval, I passed through the gate. From the neatly organized old city, like a checkerboard, I stepped into the new city, lively and more chaotic in a sense.

"...The promise seems impossible to fulfill."

I muttered, recalling the time I first stepped into this place. The idea of showing my face to Azuma Hibari was discussed as a possibility, but unfortunately, it's difficult now. Will I be killed by the curse?

"...But, who knows?"

Children may find her sweet, but she is the former head of the Omnyouji Bureau. Would I really be okay? Wearing the inhibitory Coat (Haori), I proceed through the city. Dodging merchants and reaching into my pocket with a nonchalant mud-covered arm, I advance through the streets lined with shops.

I then venture deep into the hinterlands, purchase several skewers of Dango from a seemingly clean establishment along the way and satiate my hunger nearby. Three Mitarai Dangos in total.


I ate one in silence, chewed the second, moistened my throat with the bamboo water bottle, and reached for the third.

"It looks delicious. Would you give me one?"

"...Can I request payment at your home?"

Suddenly, without warning or even a hint of his presence, an old man who stood beside me, asked me. At the same time, a piece of cloth swam from the old man's pocket, blocking my view.

"It's a blindfold. Also, wouldn't you sweep away the bugs before you go? The books could be ruined."

The angry old man's sneer. He was probably stroking his beard, but I no longer felt intimidated, so I shrugged my shoulders and agreed.

It was a direct reunion with Matsushige Dōgen, former head of the Omnyouji Bureau's Saigūken Rikyū (Research) Institute...

Fan art:

Title: A three-year anniversary + Christmas illustration of Kayo-chan in a Santa costume. She seems truly innocent!

URL: [Link]

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