Book 10 Epilogue 1

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Book 10 Epilogue 1

[Part 1/5]

"So, in the end, it was a failure, huh?"

As they advanced through the treacherous Hyouga Mountain Range, a rugged beast path that Fusō-kuni still hadn't fully grasped, the youkai hummed to themselves. They sneered at the figure leading the way. A voice that seemed both coddling and insolent.

The one who spoke was Yuka, a high-ranking member of the Salvation Youkai organization, the calamity youkai Kamaitachi.

"So, I said we should take action too, right? What are we gonna do now? We couldn't even sever the transportation at Seki or kill the Princess, huh? Our carefully planned scheme went to waste, didn't it? It's a major failure, isn't it?"

Crossing their arms behind their back, Yuka confronted the other person, circling them round and round. They had strongly suggested that they participate in the operation utilizing the Ezo tribes this time around.

The curse-tool was provided to the Ezo tribes as a matter of course. THey also helped with the breeding and capture of the lower-ranked individuals. However, it was quite unlikely that they could defeat the skilled exorcists who were stationed in the city with just that. In fact, three of the main forces youkais that were supposed to be deployed around the city were literally killed in seconds, and the remaining key figure couldn't even reach the city.

"Complete defeat, total failure. Isn't that right?"

"It doesn't really matter. Just sowing the seeds of discord around Ezo's princess is already a sufficient achievement. There was also a possibility that we would be counterattacked if we intervened half-heartedly."

The figure clad in a coat leading the way responded in a detached and intellectual tone. The Four Disasters, who once threatened the capital, and also the head of the first Omnyouji Bureau, did not seem to be concerned about the outcome of this operation.

Furthermore, it can be said that he never expected success in the first place. After all, it was nothing more than a mere harassment. The real goal was another operation that would be executed simultaneously in another area. Therefore, Nue was relaxed about the outcome.

"More importantly, it's unlike you to be so eager. Are your restraints loosened? Or... did you really want to pay your respects that badly?"


"Whether it was in Hotoya Village or Mount Hōraku, you must have received a painful blowback. And in Hotoya Village, you were confronted by a cute underclassman..."

What interrupted Nue's question was a scythe-like claw thrust at his throat.

"...Don't get carried away, alright? Do you want your head to be chopped off, human?"

A child-like figure had approached without him noticing. It was a Kamaitachi disguised as a young child. With an adorable child's appearance, they coldly questioned while looking up at the flesh mass imitating humans. Mocking, belittling, and insulting. They told Nue to know his place.

Five hundred years ago, during the time of great war, countless monsters gathered under a single pillar. They challenged humans with this leader.

But their leader brought someone who was the head of the noble flag and stopped the almost-human human as his advisor... There are not many who openly oppose him. However, many did not trust him because of his background. Yes, for example, like this Kamaitachi...

"Just because you were welcomed by the leader, doesn't mean you're one of us. Don't act so important when you're not even one of our own."

Although he stops humans wherever he goes, he is originally human. And he is not the opposite of humans, which would be youkai. Being not human does not prove that one is a youkai. The monster with a hundred faces in front of Yuka can't even be strictly called a youkai. That's why they had that attitude.

"It's not good to bring personal emotions into the workplace. I think it's important to separate personal and professional matters."

It was a sharp and immediate response to the warning. Especially if it is spoken in a calm and composed manner.

"Then, should I crush you instead?"

"Of course, I don't want that!!"

Yuka revels in a sense of superiority as they threaten and directs their killing intent towards the fox, who panics desperately. This is exactly how it should be. Lately, the humans they encounter have been needlessly rebellious, so it can't be helped. This fox is a perfect substitute.

...And here, Yuka suddenly notices a gaze and looks back at Nue. It's an awkward sight of the two of them impolitely comparing their bodies and wearing solemn expressions.

"...What's the matter? Why are you staring at me like that?"

"No, I certainly agree with what you're saying. I do have prepared gatekeepers for the modified youkai creatures ahead... It's true that Kouka would have more impact than you, I suppose..."

Before he could finish his words, a sound of wind cutting through was heard. Nue's head was swiftly cut off from the chin.

"Oh, sorry. My tail just moved unintentionally. What were you saying?"

"...Kouka-kun, what did I say? My mind went blank and I don't remember."

"You're lying, right?! That's definitely a lie...!!?"

Kouka desperately condemned Nue, who tried to push her away as if deflecting a bomb. It was bullying. It was unfair. In this situation, it was a tragedy to have the lowest position. The fox genuinely wished to advance quickly. It would be great if there was a vacant position somewhere.

"Well, well... Can't we stop fooling around here? The sun is almost directly overhead. We just have to go down from here. Are we really going to take a nap together?"

In response to Nue's words after looking at the time, Kouka nodded with teary eyes and responded. Yuka also agreed but looked disgruntled. "Are you speaking the truth?" they muttered inwardly.

And the march resumed. With a severed arm and two-thirds of the head missing, the mass of flesh led the way.

"Now, now. Let's hurry. Oh, it's better not to look up, you know? If your eyes meet, you'll be devoured from the head."

Without asking what, Nue continued to warn while advancing on the treacherous mountain path, bouncing despite the unsteady balance. It wasn't due to good physical reflexes but rather a basic function built into the container. As always, it was peculiarly fixated on strange things.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by 'devoured from the head'? What's lurking?"

"Oh, ladies should be especially careful. Sometimes it might feel a bit stolen (or taken), too."

"Why in katakana!?"

Amidst the commotion, Nue and the fox continued forward. Nue seemed delighted, while the fox had a pale face and a desperate expression.


And there stood Yuka, the sole remaining pillar, silently standing in that spot for a while. With a bewildered gaze, they continued to stare intently at the back of the figure clad in tattered clothes...

"...It smells like a lie. You raccoon monkey."

And then, their tail wagged. Jumping towards their own face from behind was a freshly severed arm. After impaling it on the extended palm with the hidden mouth opened to its limit, they tore it apart as if stirring it.