Chapter 145.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 145.4

[Part 4/4]

"Y-you wouldn't understand."

"I don't want to understand. Although I don't know the details, you must have been treated well while wearing the cat disguise, right? And yet, you left so many holes open for him... Do you have no heart?"

In response to the accusation that she is trying to exploit Aoi's conscience, Hisame's face turned pale instead.

"Torturing and kidnapping, and now playing the victim? How convenient."

"Yes, I'm quite convenient, aren't I?"

Himeno clicked her tongue while Aoi pokes her forehead with her toes. She thought that no matter what she said to this princess, she would respond in this manner. But she couldn't believe that she could still joke around in this situation.

"...It's ridiculous."

"You're the ridiculous one, aren't you? Perhaps you didn't even consider the idea of poisoning a dagger or a needle? That's why you're treated like a fool."


"Is that an order?"

Before she could argue back against the princess's accusation, the princess interrupted her with more words. And then she mocked her even further.

"I see. From the gradual deployment of forces so far... they want to corner me slowly, don't they? Whoever planned this must have had a very bad character."

Aoi laughed through her nose while stepping on Hisame's hair. Laughing, she sneered, "So it's not my father after all." Aoi firmly believed that her wise and intelligent father was not such a mean and irrational person. At least not herself.

"Well, even so, there was no way you and the others didn't do anything at all. If the condition is not to kill instantly, there were various options, right?"

There's paralysis poison, delayed poison, just dirtying the soil with germs would cause the wound to fester. Even the blood and excrement of a youkai would do. Tetanus is guaranteed. If they're going to kill her, take their time and inflict unavoidable suffering.


"At the very least, that's what I was told by that servant. He didn't want to kill you, you know? Even though I didn't ask, he told me all sorts of things while running away."

He really didn't want to kill her. He even made a promise of mercy and then explained his intentions, making excuses with his "assessment". Aoi was honestly fed up. Or rather, it could be said that the poison had dissipated. If he had anticipated all of this, then it was well done....

"Oh, by the way... When you were wearing the cat disguise, you still had memories of your sister, right? I felt odd glances from you from time to time. That's what it meant, huh?"

"...So what?"

And just as she expected, Hisame coldly replied to the young princess's remark. Aoi had a look on her face as if she were watching a fish that had taken the bait. It was a wicked smile.

"It's interesting, isn't it? While I was watching, I couldn't sense any murderous intent from you when you were wearing the cat disguise."

"Because my memories was being manipulated, okay? If I had hostility towards him, I couldn't get close or surveil him."

"Even though you know that. Manipulating or altering memories doesn't change a person's true character. It's just false memories after all."

False memories are nothing more than accessories. Adding them later doesn't change a person's values. In fact, the more memories that deviate from one's innate personality and values, the greater the "gap" and the more likely they are to collapse. Honestly, it would be much more effective to distort the mind from its very foundation through drugs or dependence. If she still had memories of her sister even though she became a servant, it was strange that there was not even a trace of murderous intent.

"What are you trying to say?" N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

"Are you more natural when you were a servant? You seem to be forcing yourself now."


Hisame tried to say, but the words got stuck in her mouth. She didn't know why it got stuck, not even herself. However, she could only recognize the uncomfortable feeling and frustration in her chest.


It was truly unexpected. If that's the case, I should have acted sooner... Maybe even together with Hisame. Were they aiming for me to exhaust myself while on night watch? Even so, I can't understand.

"Well... Apologies are unnecessary. What about a solution?"

"To be honest... I will do my best."

The initial assumptions were completely thrown off. Does this mean Hisame should be prepared to be recaptured? Can she escape?

"I see. I will hold onto that hope. Do your best. When you return, I will reward you accordingly."

"Something like 'you can't catch a tanuki', right...!!"

Aoi's somewhat carefree and enlightened remarks make me aim the slingshot towards the darkness and prepare myself. I still haven't shot. I'm pulling it back. Hisame will definitely attack when I release it. Can I escape while carrying Aoi on my back?

(It's not a matter of whether I can do it, I have to do it!!)

I prepare myself for the numerous battles that are about to begin, take a deep breath to calm my nerves. And then, I tighten my grip again as I feel the presence emerging from the darkness... However, I widen my eyes in astonishment.

Ill-intentioned or one-armed figures emerged with unsteady steps. The tattered attire under the coat was undoubtedly that of the servants, but their masks were unfamiliar. Ebisu masks...?

"No way!!?"

Upon comprehending their true identities, I was taken aback and bewildered. I had expected professionals in that line of work. But why had they come? I couldn't even fathom what the conspirators were thinking, and my thoughts momentarily froze.

It was a fatally misguided judgment.

"You're standing there so leisurely. Hmm?"


Before I knew it, a figure had materialized behind me unnoticed. Not only I but even Aoi had failed to notice them until the last moment. It was the effect of the curse tool they wore. A superior Coat compared to the frontliners. A higher-grade perception-inhibiting effect...!!

"Who are you...!!?"

In response to the voice that seemed familiar but unpleasant, I turned around with intense hostility, drawing a hidden needle from my waist. I thrust the large needle confiscated from Hisame. I aimed for the neck, fully intent on killing, for I knew I couldn't afford to leave room for injury.

"I won't let you...!!"


Simultaneously, Hisame's unexpected action caught me off guard. Despite her hands still being bound, she deftly rose and obstructed my thrust. She intended to hinder my attack.

"This isn't good...!?"

I was certain of my failure. My blood was boiling. I had momentarily forgotten Hisame's presence. I observed the detestable person before me who held a spear. Their spear was shabby, but in this situation, it was deadly.



Hisame collided with me. My posture is disrupted and the needle strike misses. The spear approaches straight ahead and Aoi screams. I try to strengthen my body by channeling spiritual power into my muscles. But it's no use, I can't make it in time...!!

In an instant, fresh blood dances in the air...

Fan art:

Title: protagonist + Youbo.

URL: [Link]

Hello, we have a new project about someone who has returned from an isekai. The main character is a hero who has defeated the Demon Lord. However, for some reason, the human-demon war has resumed and will take place in the MC's original world. The MC, unaware of this, meets a Saint from that world and asks them to join the war. But what does the MC say? They refuse. Is it because their love was rejected by the princess when they adventured together in the past or are they simply fed up? And are the MC will join later? You can find out by clicking on the following => [Link]