Chapter 144.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 144.4

[Part 4/4]

There is only one entrance to the hollow tree. There is no possibility of being attacked from behind. Go around and aim from the front, hiding in the bushes and using projectiles. It will be difficult to surpass this attack in a situation with little cover and hindrances.

(Then... I should move quickly)

Always take the initiative. Don't give the opponent the upper hand. Keep them on the defensive. That is the secret to surviving and maneuvering in a long battle without much spiritual power, like a household member...

"Princess! Let's go!!"


Immediately after the shout. Hisame's eyes confirmed the figure jumping out of the hollow tree. At the same time, three needles were released. Two were deflected, but the last one hit the mark.


The third needle pierced the man's palm, causing him to drop the throwing star. A scream escaped, and the throwing kunai fell with a sound at his feet. It should be hurt for him. But ignoring all of that, the man fled while carrying his injured hand. The preys started fleeing with all their might. However, she knew that it was the man's last weapon. There were no spare daggers or throwing kunai left.

"He's quick to react...!!"

He must have realized that staying would lead to a dead end. His reckless action seemed like a desperate move, but it was a decisive move that took advantage of the momentary gap in her judgment. Whether it was a few seconds earlier or later, it would probably have failed.

...However, even if she admires him, she has no intention of letting him escape. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.


Hisame's eyes started pursuing the injured prey, beginning the chase to end it all...

* * *

"She's chasing us!! To the right diagonally!"

"Take this...!!"

In response to Aoi's warning to keep an eye on our back, I twisted my body and prepared the slingshot. I shot stones one after another without much aim. It didn't matter if they hit or not. It was just a distraction.

...Or rather, it could only be a distraction.

"D*mn it, what a quite junior to keep poking holes in people's bodies...!!"

The sound of another stone being deflected. The pursuit momentarily stopped. I concentrated on the front again and ran through. I ran and spat out blood. When I looked at the palm holding the stone, it was overflowing with red blood. It was because I forcibly removed Hisame's needle. It hurts.

"What should we do!? Do you have any other moves!?"

"I'm still thinking...!!"

I answered Aoi's scream-like cry with a slightly irritated tone. D*mn it, curse tools that can penetrate trees...!?

Emotionless, impassive, just setting up this malicious and cunning stage.


Using stealth techniques to hide her presence, Hisame sneaked around the bushes. She circled around to the rocky area and found it. The wrist of the person peeking out from the rocks. The arm that held the slingshot, which was expected, still had the marks of the needles that had been thrown, looking painful.

Despicable... Hisame narrowed her eyes while thought so. She clenched her teeth. She knew from her previous experiences. When cornered, a person's true nature is revealed second only to their good side. Even though he had acted so virtuous, this is how he would be when truly pushed to the limit. It shows the depths of one's character.

Surely, this man was the same at that time too...


With a small click of her tongue, she approached. Without making a sound, without the sound of cutting through the wind, without even hearing her breathing, not a single sound, not a single presence could be felt. Her stealth technique was truly top-notch.

And yet, she didn't let her guard down.


Just before launching her attack, she activated her own ability. Although she lacked spiritual power, she was the biggest factor in the Onitsuki family's secret division, not just a servant or a subordinate. The power to deceive even the world within the time limit. The power specialized in infiltration and hiding. The power perfect for dirty work... She enveloped herself in that power and approached the target with full-body enhancement, without even caring about making any noise. She circled around the rocks and quickly closed in on her prey.


And right after capturing her prey in front of her, the hunter unintentionally stopped moving with the dagger still raised. In her mind, there was confusion, agitation, and astonishment...

"?, Oh, what a shame, you missed. ...You're quite the fool, aren't you?"

And finally, after the time limit had passed, the princess, who had just become aware of her presence, calmly declared even though she was in a crisis.

She, who was wearing a servant's outfit, brought her blood-soaked palm to her mouth, holding a blood-soaked needle in her other hand, and mocked Hisame.

As if watching a trapped beast.


Hisame turned around in a panic. Someone was approaching from behind. No longer even wearing the hakama, a man dressed only in a loincloth was approaching with a confident smile... holding a muddy loincloth in his hand.

"I told you, didn't I!? Instead of a dagger, you should have chosen a bow...!!"

Wrapping the dagger that was swung to him, the servant tackled his junior with all his might...


Title: Dignified and Proud Onitsuki Hina

URL: [Link]

Title: Cute Mascot Princess

URL: [Link]