Chapter 138: Three Years in the Palm of Sickness, (1)

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 138: Three Years in the Palm of Sickness, (1)

[Part 1/4]

The actions of Princess Onitsuki, a noble and elegant second princess, were completely unexpected for me. It's already quite unusual to threaten imperial officials during the night and go to a forbidden area, but the problem doesn't end there.

The purpose of this expedition to the forbidden area is to obtain an item from the forbidden area itself, as demanded by the imperial court. Princess Onitsuki managed to secure it during the night, before dawn. It's a remarkable achievement. A great feat. If it had ended there.

But then, there is a bird messenger that had arrived at the checkpoint suddenly began to speak. The guards panicked, thinking it might be some kind of youkai, and gathered around, pointing their weapons.

But the fire watcher nearby, based on past similar cases, recognized it as a Shikigami. They calmed down the agitated guards and ordered them to summon the chief overseeing the checkpoint. The chief reluctantly appeared, and the Shikigami began speaking forcefully, leaving everyone present in awe.

As a diversion, the main party continued deeper into the area, and Princess Onitsuki mentioned having the desired item transported by the Hidden Group, among other things. It's needless to say how self-centered this plan is.

"The requested item is from none other than the imperial court, from the nobles of the inner palace. Normally, the princess should be responsible for transporting it personally... don't you think?"

"...As a humble and ignorant servant, I'm afraid I cannot make judgments."

I smoothly deflected the question from the chief, who was sitting in his chair on the third floor of the main station. Even though I was just a servant, I couldn't give him my word. I am, first and foremost, a servant of the Onitsuki family. I couldn't utter words that would be detrimental to the Onitsuki family, let alone make unilateral decisions. I emphasized that I was nothing more than a cog in the machine, not meant to think for myself.

In reality, the situation where I had to face an official like this was absurd. Unfortunately, the tyrannical and unreasonable Princess had brought all her entourage on this forbidden trip. Thanks to her, I was now stuck here, receiving reprimands without any weapons or equipment.

The chief kept tapping the table with his fingers, looking at me. After a while, he let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair.

"It's a troublesome matter. Even though you're in a position like yours, the situation won't improve. I understand, but my subordinates have been expressing their dissatisfaction. Some form of inquiry was necessary. I hope you can forgive us."

"I see..."

I didn't interject it, even though it was clear as day. It wasn't goodwill. Looking at it sideways, I could immediately see that it was an attempt to make me repay for the huge hole they had hastily covered with cloth. To be honest, I even felt a bit sorry.

"You, and your subordinates, right? Princess didn't say anything about how to treat you all. Whether you follow along after her into the forbidden area, or wait for her return... what will you do?"

"I... cannot make that judgment."

I was genuinely lost in the face of the unexpected situation. That damn Loli Gorilla had taken matters into her own hands and disrupted the plan!!

"I see. Do you know about the reinforcements?"

"Only rumors."

As a lowly grunt, I didn't know the details. I hadn't received any explanations. If it goes by the original story, could it be the rescue squad from the family that joined us after rolling the youkai that violated her?

"I see. There's also the option of joining them. Well, in any case, since you don't have any authority over them, you're free to decide. If you choose to stay here for a while, I'll prepare a room. It's one of the purposes of this checkpoint's existence, after all."

"I appreciate it."

I bowed in thanks. It was partly a formality, but it was also sincere. Considering the unreasonableness of that Loli Gorilla, it felt even more so. At the very least, this person wouldn't force me to do things beyond my authority and would listen to my opinions.

"Very well. I've taken enough of your time. You may leave..."

"Chief!! Pardon the intrusion!!"


As I was about to protest further, another small explosion sounded. It was the second smoke ball. There was no time to lose, not even a two-hour grace period.


I turned on my heel. My destination was the main station where I had been until a moment ago, to be precise, the front gate.

Like many others, I found the checkpoint inspector who had been bewildered by the rising smoke. I forcibly retrieved my equipment and belongings that I had entrusted to that sentry.

"Give them back!"

"Hey, wait!?"

Ignoring the protests, I sprinted. Once I climbed back up to the corridor of the checkpoint, the sound of the third smoke ball was echoing. I prepared myself.

"What do you intend to do?"

"I am a servant of the Onitsuki family. I am going to fulfill that role!"

I responded to the question with bureaucratic reasoning. I wasn't a soldier of the checkpoint. There was no reason for me to obey the orders of the checkpoint officials.

"What are you doing on your own...!?"

"It doesn't matter. Let me go."


The officials and soldiers who were perplexed by my actions and the rising smoke alternated their gazes between me and their colleagues. The person in charge of the checkpoint stopped them from intervening and explained.

"From the beginning, permission was granted for members of the Onitsuki family to enter the forbidden area. If you want to accompany the main force, let him go. It's not yet dark."

It was a bureaucratic, yet somewhat sarcastic statement. It seemed that there were issues with the Loli Gorilla-sama.

"...Thank you."

"There's no need for thanks."

The words of denial to my gratitude. But there was no need for further discussion. I bowed and, in the next moment, had leaped out of the corridor. Toward the side of the dense forest.

"Hey, hey...!?"

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!?"

Several officials and soldiers at the checkpoint were stunned as they watched me jump from a height that was equivalent to the fall of four or five grown men. It was a height where one could break their legs or even die. They probably didn't expect me to jump from the corridor instead of the gate.

Of course, I had no intention of dying.

"Here goes...! Ouch!?"