Chapter 135.5

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 135.5

[Part 5/6]

The puppet controlled by Onitsuki's Black Butterfly Lady...

"...As instructed. I apply that medicine every day. Is there something else you need?"

'You make it sound like it's a big deal. I just wanted to thank the kind young person who listens to my requests. I left some money and raw materials for medicine at your place, although it might be presumptuous of me. Please check it later.'

"Thank you very much."

Despite her response, the medic frowned. She had put up boundaries, after all... No one would be pleased with someone barging into their home without permission. This was a threat.

(Indeed. I've gotten myself into a troublesome connection.)

For Yakuko, that certain servant is not without friendship. She did not disdain the laborer apprentice whom she got to know through Sarujirou, at least not at that time. And she should have been happy that she had a chance to communicate with the first princess and Advisors. The problem lay in the unexpected steadfastness of those around him.

The incident of the boy falling to servant status forced her hand. She couldn't blame her for not choosing friendship.

She tried to advise Sarujirou, who often gave advantages to the fallen boy, but she was rebuffed. Not only that, even the Black Butterfly Lady seemed to be involved in this. And she's still dealing with that idiot in some capacity...

'Reluctantly, huh? I know I'm pushing you beyond your limits. I'm sorry.'

"...Separate from my main duties, there are additional instructions. However, they might significantly hinder my regular tasks. I hope you understand this point."

With a polite tone, but still expressing her opinion sincerely, Yakuko speaks. A hasty person might have shouted out in response, but even though she is addressing an "old hag," she chooses her words considering her audience. Her speech was a testament to her recognition that she was dealing with someone who could make rational judgments. Probably, after a while, this issue would be resolved with some assistance and consideration. This lady was that kind of woman.

In reality, Yakuko wasn't inconvenienced by it as much as puzzled. The name Black Butterfly Lady wasn't just for show. This old woman, known to be occasionally cold and ruthless even to her own family, wouldn't go out of her way to care for a former laborer without a reason. It couldn't possibly be out of goodwill. What kind of elaborate and cunning scheme was she concocting?

'But just this once. If it's about money and materials, I can manage here somehow. You're the only one I can rely on, after all. Please do your best.'

The "best" Kochou mentions is indeed the correct blend. The preparation of spiritual medicine can be a dangerous task, depending on the materials used. And the quality and quantity of the medicine Kochou ordered from Yakuko were not something that even she, who was among the top medics of the Onitsuki family, could concoct overnight.

The various secret medicines ordered, supposedly to be given to the servant... Even the ointments applied to heal the injuries from the recent punishment were the same.

'Especially that ointment. Make sure that boy applies it every day until he sets off, okay?'

Although enticed by the sweet tone of the White Egret's request, Yakuko wasn't the type to be easily swayed. As an expert, she couldn't unconditionally fulfill that request either.

"...Are you serious? Every day with that medicine?"

'Is it not possible? Does it have unbearable side effects?'

"It's not that it's not possible..."

As she mulled over White Egret's request with its fake, vacant eyes, an indescribable expression crossed Yakuko's face. She speaks with a somewhat reluctant tone.

'No problem.'


The medic, who had intended to persist, found herself answering immediately. She even curls her lips into a smirk, as if she thought his response would be something like the servant's.

'Rest assured. I'll take the supervisory responsibility. Even if you're suspected, I promise to defend you. Do you need a written guarantee?'


It was an immediate response. A fallback is essential. Having her tail cut off like a lizard wouldn't be pleasant if things go awry. They're walking a dangerous path. She needs that much assurance. Right after, a scroll falls from the sky. When she unties it and opens it, there's a written statement inside. It's not just a simple letter. It's a contract, bound by a curse of compensation, to absolutely defend her actions.

"...I've certainly confirmed it. Then, as a member of the Onitsuki family's household, I will follow your instructions."

Reassured by receiving the guarantee, Yakuko secured her immediate safety. Simultaneously, she felt a slight sympathy for the familiar servant, a sentiment of pity, albeit very slight.

(Since it's your own choice, I won't complain.)

Listening to the life stories mixed with casual chatter, the medic was astounded by the servant's ineptitude in living. Despite having no room for complacency and no time to observe others, he was busy cutting his own body, surpassing his own capacity, and causing trouble without heeding warnings. Rather, merely cooperating like this was already sufficient. She had reluctantly stepped in to clean up Sarujirou's mess, as he persistently poked his nose in.

"...Honestly, life would be easier if he were a bit more self-centered."

Whispering in a tone that mixed complex emotions, the medic pressed Yakuko about her former laborer's way of living, as if she couldn't comprehend it. The voice was tinged with feelings difficult to describe.

'Did you say something?'

"No, never mind. Would it be acceptable to continue for a little while longer? Talking for too long will attract attention. Besides, I have a concoction to prepare..."

Specifically, she had to prepare a paralysis poison. And not just any, but an incredibly potent one. Ordered by the head and elders, it was the most powerful substance known to the Dokusawa family. Concentrating dangerous materials repeatedly, it could render even calamity youkai immobile for several days.

What it will be used for exactly... whatever it is, it's a significant task. She must complete it flawlessly, without cutting any corners, for her own advancement. Normally, she should have devoted her entire being to that work. Instead, she spent valuable time caring for the servant. She wants to go home and work. She won't be able to sleep until late tonight. Her impatience led her to make what seemed like a rude remark.

'That's right. Certainly, you have a lot on your plate... I'm sorry for taking up your time. Do your best with your work, alright?'

"...Of course."

Feeling an inexplicable sensation from White Egret's words of encouragement, Yakuko mechanically offers her thanks and departs. There's no changing the fact that she has things she must do, and time is limited.


...For a while, she can't shake the feeling that something is caught in her back teeth.

