Chapter 130.3

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 130.3

[Part 3/4]

"That's right. The demon (oni) is here, it seems."

Princess Tamamo screamed at the gruesome sight before her. By her side, Miyataka Shinobu mocked. Against the dog that crawled out of the wall, the talismans she had scattered before once again surged forward. Like a muddy current, they flowed in from the front, cascading.

The divine dog's anguished cries echoed throughout the room. Blood sprayed. Tamaki and Suzune grimaced at the agonizing sight. Ezo's princess had gone pale.

The remaining members felt neither sympathy nor complacency.

"Miss Ako's daughter?"

"I understand!"

Responding immediately and somewhat irritably to the Curse Caster of Miyataka, Murasaki acted. Almost simultaneously, a roar resounded. A released chill cooled the room, and countless talismans that had been close by were gathered, frozen, and shattered. A headless blade snake, following Murasaki's command, cut in. Its frozen body, however, shattered from the impact that followed.

The bloodied dog, its body chipped away, drew near.

"I won't allow it!!"

Murasaki intercepted the swiping claws with a spare blade. And then the second swipe did same. The third blow left the blade twisted. A weapon that should have been adequate was, now, nothing.


"Miss Murasaki...!!"

Just as the blow was about to strike Murasaki's astonished head, it was intercepted by Tamaki's thrust from the side, reflexively presented to halt the strike. The blade was deeply embedded in the arm of the giant dog. While it wasn't intentional, it happened to pierce a spot where beast fur had been chipped away by the talismans, revealing a painful gash.


A scream of agony resulting from intense pain echoed. Tamaki's weight on top of that caused the divine dog to lose its balance. The arm strike ended in a miss. The divine dog fell to the ground.


The voice, like that of a young girl, sang out, and in response, a length of rope made of spider thread was tightly wound around the dog's body.

The thread had been collected from the lair of a fallen spider goddess some time ago, then spun and fashioned into a simple rope. It was sturdy, easily sinking into the flesh of anyone it touched, making escape difficult.


"You're quite naive!!"

As the bound divine dog lay prostrate on the floor, it raised its head one last time in an act of resistance. The released cold air was much fiercer than before, quickly turning the room into a frozen winter landscape.

Unfortunately, the onslaught of countless talismans that appeared from nowhere formed a boundary, preventing the room from being completely frozen.

"You insolent fool...!!"

Murasaki's youkai blade, while regenerating its body, struck the divine dog's jaw with its tail. The beast's cry of pain ensued. However, the spider thread rope wrapped itself around the dog's body like a snake, forcibly silencing its cry.

Now, its freedom had been utterly stripped away.

"No, Ginka!? Ginka...!!? Nooo!!?"

"Hey now, don't go to dangerous places. After all, you're about to be married, so it's important to protect your precious body."


Ezo's princess pondered Murasaki's words. She still wasn't entirely convinced. It seemed she needed one more push, and Murasaki gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Well, well, can you imagine the scandal if such a filthy creature had infiltrated the side of the Saeki clan's princess? My, my, if the ears of the court nobles were to catch wind of this..."

Princess Tamamo's expression crumbled further at the semi-threatening tone. These words were far too harsh for a sheltered girl who had only just crossed the threshold into her teens.

"Shinobu-san, perhaps you should choose your words more carefully? Isn't there a lack of courtesy toward the princess?"

"Indeed, is that so? There certainly hasn't been much gratitude shown toward the princess for harboring a monster that was hunted down by the court."

It was a tit-for-tat exchange. After all, the other party was someone who served under the Emperor. And this was an exchange where the Saeki White Dog Clan dispatched troops in return for something. It was too late to nullify this deal now. Letting Ezo have its way could come later. Right now, they needed soldiers.

Time is money. Did she intend to exacerbate the situation here? Did she think the person who authorized her dispatch gave her that much authority? Murasaki questioned this with her gaze.

"...I went a bit too far. I apologize."

Shinobu, under Murasaki's silent inquiry, yielded and offered an apologetic remark. It was a half-hearted, courteous apology. Murasaki found her attitude increasingly displeasing, but... there was no time to keep chattering.

"Princess Tamamo, are you prepared?"

"...As much as I can be, please."

Gently but urgently confirming, Murasaki's words were met with a voice that sounded strained, as if extracted after a long internal struggle. Murasaki nodded and accompanied Princess Tamamo.

"I will protect you. Let's go. This won't be pleasant to witness until the end. ...Will you allow us to handle this?"

"Of course, that's why you came here for, right? Please, go ahead."

Murasaki raised an eyebrow at the Princess's nonchalant response. She then glanced at Suzune, who had been eavesdropping with an annoyed expression.

"Suzune, accompany Princess Tamamo for a while. You're also under suspicion. Show some sincerity at the very least."

The words were cutting, yet Murasaki's intention was considerate. Those in positions of power sometimes used lower-ranking individuals as pawns to smooth over situations, and she understood this all too well. Entrusting Suzune with this role was an important move to provide relief.

"What about you, Shirowakamaru-san?"

"I know what to do. Leave that to me. ...It seems Master will be arriving shortly too."

The former boy nodded, not hearing Murasaki's words. At about the same time, a sparrow came to hr ear and told her that reinforcements were on the way, and that all of her fears were unfounded.

Shirowakamaru was responsible for collecting the captured assailant, and Miyataka's curse caster were supervising the situation. While she had considered that it might be a burden for her alone, if Onitsuki's Advisor was coming this way, it would be unwise to make a foolish move.

"Miss Tamaki, the same goes for you. You've accomplished your main objective. How about being by that maid's side soon?"

After escorting Princess Tamamo and Suzune out of the room, Murasaki called after Tamaki.


Not fully satisfied, not entirely convinced, but without resistance, Tamaki headed towards the door.

"So, can you behead it and pierce its heart simultaneously?"

"Don't worry. Thanks to the seedling parasitizing this arm..."