Chapter 128.1

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 128.1

[Part 1/4]

Drowning. Drowning. Drowning. A water mass with intent forces its way into Tamaki's open mouth. It goes down her throat, fills up her breathing passage, and heads for her lungs.

"Ugh...!? Nghh, cough...!!?"

She's struggling to breathe. Coughing. Moving around frantically. But fighting didn't help. Fear started to take over. Her awareness was fading. Her consciousness was slipping away. Her vision grew dimmer...

"So annoying...!! 'Mushiage (Steam Up)'!!"


In an instant, in the blink of an eye, blinding flashes filled her vision. At the same time, the intense cold that had surrounded her started to disappear. It was as if the coldness had turned into heat and vanished into thin air. The wetness that had covered her body now lay motionless on the floor. Tamaki, who had fallen to the ground, held onto her throat and coughed.

"Pardon me...!!"


Immediately, Murasaki inserted two fingers into Tamaki's throat. She then twisted and pushed a pill down. A strong bitterness engulfed her entire body, not just her tongue. She felt something stirring within. As Tamaki reflexively tried to vomit, Murasaki closed her mouth.

"Ngghh!! Ngghh!!?"

"Please wait, just a little longer. Just a little... now!!"

Murasaki released her grip on Tamaki's jaw. At the same time, Tamaki threw up a lot of water and stomach contents. This was a kind of cleansing, not for bugs, but for youkai. Depending on the kind, if it's a youkai that's in the body in the early stages, using this method can help get rid of it for sure.

"Cough, cough, cough!? Bitter... so bitter!!"

With teary eyes, Tamaki repeatedly spat out saliva. It was truly a terrible taste. Worse than anything she had ever eaten. Her tongue was numb beyond belief.

"I don't apologize. If I hadn't intervened, that creature would've filled your lungs and suffocated you. You brought this upon yourself."

Murasaki scolded Tamaki sternly as she observed the unresponsive mess on the floor. Bred Suiko had significantly changed its nature from the original species. The massive size and increased aggression were just a part of it.

From a foolish and clumsy primitive form that could temporarily liquefy itself, envelop opponents, immobilize them, and cause them to drown in its body, to the now significantly transformed and extremely vicious and malignant that became a challenge beyond comparison. It wasn't something third-rate exorcists could control. CAnd so, out of embarrassment for such incompetence, numerous cases of illegal disposal without even euthanasia had been reported. It was only natural that it was strictly forbidden to breed them as a forbidden technique.

"While your decapitation was impressive, it's a shame that you were careless."

"Haah... haah... Cough!?"

While still coughing up remnants of the medicine, Tamaki struggled to catch her breath. Seeing her in that state, Murasaki retorted. Even as she did so, she thought back to the incident a while ago and felt a slight suspicion in her heart.

(Still, that swordmanship...)


Momentarily puzzled by the point, Tamaki quickly arrives at the possibility. What were they doing right before the attack?

"The whereabouts of Princess Tamamo...?"

"With that many, they couldn't have been sent without prior preparation. We were attacked the instant we set eyes on this place. It can't be just a coincidence, right?"

Tamaki might not fully understand the meaning, but she understands. Perhaps this attack is related to Princess Tamamo...?

"In any case, we must protect Princess Tamamo as soon as possible. Also, I can't guarantee the safety of your maid."


At Murasaki's mention, Tamaki becomes anxious all at once. The situation has already escalated to a bloody one. It couldn't be dismissed as a joke.

"Let's go...!!"


Tamaki stands up with a stern expression. She raises her voice in urgency. At the same time, she looks at the nearby cry that leaked out... and it unsettles her to the point of stumbling back. It couldn't be helped. The child she had helped looked up at her with frightened eyes.

"S-Sorry... I-I scared you, didn't I?"

Tamaki speaks gently to the child, making a conscious effort. There was no response. The child huddled and trembled uneasily, just like a small animal fearing a predator. Quietly and deeply, the child's appearance wounded Tamaki's heart.

On the other hand, for Murasaki and Shirowakamaru, it wasn't a big deal. Spiritual power holders or exorcists, are different from ordinary people. Whether it's lower-ranking or not, their physical abilities are far beyond ordinary strength. If they become strong, their unruliness is close to that of a thousand warriors. In a sense, exorcists themselves are monsters when fighting monsters, and both of them know that all too well. Moreover, they have received such gazes countless times and have grown accustomed to them.

In a way, it was merely a common rite of passage for exorcists. The problem was that it had come precisely at a time when they had only a couple of hours left...

"Boy... where... are you!? Answer..."

A voice called out from the back of a public bath. The child reacted by shifting their gaze. It seems that their parent is safe. That fact erased Murasaki's final concern.

"Miss Tamaki, let's go quickly. There's no time to dawdle."

"I'll go ahead. If there are guards, I can confuse them with words, but it won't last long."

The two announced, as if tapping Tamaki's back. They declared to go ahead.


Tamaki couldn't afford to procrastinate any longer after being treated like that. She shook off the feeling of being pulled back and tried to follow the two.

"Uh, wait...!!"