Chapter 122.3

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 122.3

[Part 3/6]

Originally, she had intended to propose to her lord to absent herself from the meeting, using the Hidden Group, a faction within the Hina faction, and other dissatisfied individuals. If possible, she had even considered rallying those factions to weaken and hollow out her lord's already weakened faction. However, in this atmosphere, voicing that idea was... N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

"...It's about time for the departure, scheduled in two hours. Shizu, sorry, could you leave first? We're planning to talk a bit more before heading out. We don't intend to be late, but just to be sure, I'd like you to relay our message."


Shizu couldn't deny what her lord said. She couldn't possibly oppose her benefactor's opinion, and the fact that her lord referred to her by name, not title, sapped her last bit of resistance. She was deeply moved by being called by her name in such an affectionate manner.

With things having reached this point, she couldn't resist. She couldn't betray his expectations. Although she had her own thoughts, she suppressed them and respectfully bowed. She bowed deeply and withdrew, responding to her lord's expectations. It was all she could think of...

"...Oh my, quite a change. Could it be that you used the Eye Technique to Shizu-san?"

"Absolutely not. She's an important subordinate. I wouldn't use the Eye Technique recklessly."

After Shizu left and a moment passed, the warmth that had been present earlier vanished. In response to Enmei's puzzled words, which were wrapped in a chilly air, Shisui answered in his usual composed manner. As always, he responded earnestly.

"Subordinate, you say. I was quite surprised when I heard that you offered to take her under your wing."

"Regarding the incident with her parents?"

The exorcist of the Miyamizu household, a member of the Onitsuki family. Miyamizu Shizu is the daughter of the third generation head of the family. She is called "Shizu of the Corrosive Touch," or "Miyamizu Shizu's Daughter Who Killed Her Parents"...

"That was due to an accident. While she was certainly abused, she is by no means a Demon Child (Onikko)."

The Miyamizu family is specialized in Curse Arts involving water manipulation for detection. Their delicate techniques had saved members of the Onitsuki family from countless surprise attacks and ambushes.

During her childhood, Miyamizu Shizu possessed spiritual power, but that was all. She struggled to master the detection techniques inherited from the Miyamizu lineage. Her proficiency was far from polished. She faced scoldings, slaps, and eventually even more severe forms of "discipline."

"Indeed, it was unfortunate that the power that awakened in her immediately after her outburst turned out to be so destructive. It caused quite a commotion back then."

The fact that the girl had witnessed her father rotting away and melting before her eyes wasn't a significant issue. At least not for Enmei.

What was a much greater problem was losing an experienced exorcist and a skilled practitioner in the field of detection from the Onitsuki family so suddenly. The resulting confusion was substantial. The Miyamizu family was clearly in turmoil. It was a critical situation.

"It was a difficult situation to settle, wasn't it?"

Yajima sighed as he recalled those times. It was already a chaotic period with overlapping incidents. Everyone was on edge.

"The family treated her quite coldly due to the charges and the perceived danger... That's when you took her in, wasn't it?"

"She has unique ability. It would have been a waste to let it go to waste."

'Corrosive Touch' was a unique ability that stood out among various powers in that it caused instant death. By simply making contact, it triggered the power to corrupt the target by manipulating the spiritual energy attached to them, causing them to decompose. In theory, it could work on all forms of existence, even deities. Leaving such a power uncontrolled was a significant loss for the Onitsuki family.

"Really... Do you understand, Shisui-san?"

"Unfortunately... Well then, let's continue the discussion later. Shall we head out now?"

With a wry smile, Shisui gently diverted the conversation before looking at the height of the sun and making his suggestion.

"Hmm? Ah, yes, definitely."

"Well... Well, no point in saying anything now."

Both Yajima and Enmei turned their gaze toward the sky, with one seemingly satisfied and the other reluctantly nodding in agreement.

Heading towards the send-off for Onitsuki Yuusei, the procession of the Joraku group began...

* * *

"Now then, let's depart!"

The heralding proclamation for departure. The people and carriages gathered at the front gate of the Onitsuki family's residence began to move forward in formation while being seen off.

It was the first day of the fifth month of the fourteenth year of Emperor Seiri's reign, approximately two hours after sunrise. The sky in the northern region was clear and cloudless.

The month of May (Satsuki), as its name suggested, marked the time when rice planting began in the fields. With the arrival of spring, the frozen snow melted, and the fields' soil softened.

Across the land of Fusou, the peasants, ranging from landlords and wealthy farmers who usually had numerous Servants at their disposal, to middle-tier farmers who acted like lords of their own domains, to poor small-scale farmers and hired laborers, all diligently planted rice seedlings in the fields. They did it for their sustenance and to pay taxes. It was a routine passed down through generations, making it a way of life for them.

(Normally, I would have been right there among them, huh?)

If one were to peer out of the ox cart's window, they would see the sparse figures of peasants pausing their fieldwork in the terraced rice paddies of the Onitsuki Valley's mountain path. Bowing their heads as they watched the procession, they stretched far along the slope. While gazing at them without end, I thought about such things.

Until I was sold to the Onitsuki family, I had been knee-deep in mud during this season every year, desperately planting rice seedlings. I still remembered injuring my back as a child. It was rather frustrating to think about how most of the seedlings I planted were taken away by the local officials. When I returned home, my younger siblings would walk on my back. Although it smelled like an old man, the weight of my young siblings was just right.

I wonder if my family is still planting rice now...?

(While it might be impossible for my father... well, considering it's our own land, maybe my mother and the eldest sibling could handle it.)

'(* ́・ω・) The family that I don't know.'

(I'm glad you didn't know. Actually, I've suspected it from time to time, but can't you read people's minds?)

Feeling relieved that I wasn't declared a family member, I once again think about my hometown and the family there. Unmechanized farming is labor-intensive. Manual labor is essential. I've heard from Yukine before that my mother and the second youngest are mainly involved in the farming. My father does side jobs and some household chores, while the youngest son works at the county office, if I remember correctly. While it's unlikely that they would be taxed as much as before since it's our own land, considering the expanse of land that can be cultivated, it is essential for Yukine and the other to send money.

"Sigh. It's pointless..."

I might want to help, but the fact that my family was freed from difficulties due to my sale makes it an unrealistic assumption. Moreover, even as someone who knows the original story and as a "household member" rather than a mere "servant," returning home to plant rice seedlings would be unthinkable.

"What's the matter? To release such a tired sigh."