Chapter 116.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 116.4

[Part 4/5]

Even though their defense may be low, their agility is a different story. It doesn't matter how powerful the strike is if it doesn't land. Thanks to this guy's nimbleness, which is unmatched even among youkai, Kamaitachi skillfully dodges every attack as if dancing around them.

Then, with both of their arm-scythes, Yuka seemed like they were going to attack... However, it was just a feint, and they used their giant tail that had transformed into a large scythe to threaten my body with a broad sweep.

"This one's troublesome...!!"

I flipped in mid-air to evade the scythe. Preparing for the next attack. However, it turned out to be a failure in the end.

'Here's the prey, take it'


A few youkai jump in front of me. I reflexively rip them to pieces as they are thrown at me by Yuka. It was a decoy. They were buying time.

'I can't keep dealing with monsters forever!!'

Yuka stepped gracefully to the side, and Tamaki, who was still unable to move, was now in her sights.

'(; ・`д・ ́) Nooo!?'

"The target is Tamaki!!"

I suppose this weasel decided to secure Tamaki, who couldn't move yet, and withdraw. She might have also served as a hostage against my flames. Jumping toward Tamaki, Yuka landed and forcibly pulled out her dagger (tantō). Tamaki screamed, but Yuka paid no attention and forced Tamaki's hand.

"I won't let you...!!"

With the threat of harming Tamaki and fearing the collateral damage from using my flames, and unable to use any big moves, my only choice was to get close and tear them apart before they could declare the hostage situation. I sprinted to close the distance, but...

'Get back, go back to your owner!'

"What!? You d*mn...!!"

Yuka's thrown dagger (tantō) was aimed directly at my chest, right for my heart. Avoiding it would surely give her a chance to escape. I had no choice but to defend. I used my arm to block. Since the dagger was nothing more than ordinary knives, they might even break if they tried to pierce my outer skin. The dagger (tantō) was deeply embedded in my arm.


The dagger probably pierced through to the bone. The pain was more intense than I expected, and I couldn't help but let out a scream. My focus wavered. Tamaki was approaching, being pushed forward. I reflexively tried to block her. Both of my arms were completely sealed off.

It was a trap. A well-planned strategy. Yuka was well aware that they were at a disadvantage in direct combat. They must have prepared countermeasures accordingly.

If they couldn't match me in physical ability, they would burden me with an obstacle. They pushed Tamaki forward, sealing both of my arms. In an instant, my movements became difficult. If I made a wrong move, Tamaki's neck, pressed against my arm, could have snapped. It seemed to realize that I had understood this. The weasel, who had already approached, distorted their mouth with glee and scorn.

'Well, youkai can be quite cunning, huh?'

An evil, raspy voice of an old man echoed.

'What!? Aghh!!?'

'Roarrrrr!!!!'The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Immediately after, a leaping Onikuma slammed Yuka with its fat-filled belly. The triumphant roar of the bear youkai resounded a bit later.

With that, I leaped away from the spot, as if escaping. I jumped high into the air, focusing only on turning my legs into youkai. Right before leaving the spot, I heard Tamaki trying to say something, but the end of her sentence was left behind as she was abandoned with the wind.

Nevertheless, I had an idea of what the kind-hearted Tamaki might have wanted to say. And I intended to fulfill her wish. Dying here was never part of the plan.

"...That's why, die here already!!"

Immediately after, I faced the half-crushed, ominous-looking weasel youkai and slashed them with my claws.

The intense metallic sound continued to resound endlessly...

* * *


Tamaki muttered the name of her benefactor, who had disappeared from her sight in an instant. Did he hear her last call? She wanted him to hear. And she wanted him to understand, especially after learning the circumstances he had told her about...


"...I know. Let's go, Hummingbird-san. And Bear-san too!"

Tamaki replied confidently to the call of hummingbird shikigami. She hastily fixed her torn clothes and ran at full speed in the opposite direction from the servant.

'...Hummingbird-san, huh? Oh well, this is just ridiculous.'

Hummingbird's contractor was bewildered by the sight of Tamaki's back. Normally, one would be suspicious of who they were and have doubts. But she seemed to believe without a shred of doubt in the man who was trying to cover up his own existence. Moreover, now she was exposing his back like this... The stark contrast between her and his granddaughter was confusing in its own way.

'Well, it might make the conversation smoother, I suppose. Alright, he told me to look after her. Lead the way.'


The bear youkai growled, understanding the old man's command!! And with its protruding horn poised, it sprinted at full speed.


In the blink of an eye, the bear, which had enhanced its leg strength with spiritual power, surpassed Tamaki. It charged forward with its horns raised to intercept the youkai that tried to obstruct Tamaki's pursuit of the hibachi. The bear's immense body, filled with muscles and fat, was a weapon in itself, even with both arms severely injured. It was impossible for small fry youkai like this to deal with it.

However, all of that might not matter to the main body of Mayoiga. The hibachi was already heading towards a door situated in one corner of the labyrinth, intending to use its own ability to create a vast space and escape. Even the bear might find it difficult to catch up before the hibachi reached the other side of the door.

"Kuh... Can't make it in time!?"

'Don't panic. ...I expected something like this.'

Tamaki desperately ran, thinking that they could escape! But the old man seemed completely composed as he sneered. And then, he activated it - the hidden function.

'[Constraint Release - Start] (Seiyaku Kaihō - Jo). Go, let's do the door.'


With the hummingbird's words, the bear growled. Its already massive body expanded even more. It partially released its sealed youkai energy upon transforming. The bear youkai was brimming with power and grinned fearlessly.

Then, its horns started rotating.

