Chapter 112.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 112.4

[Part 4/4]

"This is bad!? We need to retreat!"

"D*mn it...!!"

'w(゚Д゚)w run away!!'

Shishimai and I cut down several of the bugs that had broken through the guards, but we quickly had to withdraw. Unfortunately, we couldn't handle their numbers.

Amidst the chaotic situation, Botan continued the ritual diligently with the summoned guards. She understood that if she didn't succeed in the curse, everyone would die. She told the bear to kick the mummy's head to make it stop making noise. She then flipped through the book's pages and read the final passage.


Several golden beetles climbed along the walls and approached Botan.

"Leave them to me!!"

Leaving the bugs chasing us to Shishimai, I rushed to intercept the bugs approaching Botan. One, two, three...!!

'Σ(; ゚Д゚) Papa-!!'

"Damn! They dodged...!!"

One bug that avoided my attack charged straight at Botan. I enhanced my leg strength with spiritual power and managed to catch up to it, crushing it against the wall. However, another one made a beeline straight for Botan...!!?


"I won't let you!!"

The golden beetle that leaped towards Botan was swiftly cut down by Tamaki's sword, which intercepted it in an instant. It was a brilliant flash of skill. Both Botan, who was casting the curse, and I were left dumbfounded.

"Haah, haah...!! I'll do everything I can too! So leave this to me!!"


With determination in her tense expression, Tamaki's words reached us. I nodded slightly and turned my attention back to intercepting the bugs in front of me.

"'Ka-geki - Noyaki Hiki (Flame Attack - Field Scorch)'!!"

Shishimai swung her naginata, releasing a curse. The sparks from the naginata transformed into the shape of a fox and dashed through the swarm of insects. The flames scattered by the fox dispersed the swarm of bugs.

"Cut them down!!"

'ヽ(;▽;)ノ Please give me a lucky charm!?'

I rushed into the swarm of bugs with my Teguruma. With a single swing, I tore through dozens of bugs, and my Teguruma returned to my hand. Damn, these pesky spiders. Trust your own thread! Relying on modern tools is weak!

"Kuh!? Can I get through!?"


Surprised voices came from Tamaki and Shishimai. They were confused, not understanding what had happened. As for me, I simply gave a wry smile. It wasn't as if I hadn't anticipated this situation. I knew I could end up in this kind of predicament. So my surprise was relatively small. However...

"Do you really have to do this at this critical moment!?"

"Fire Seal...!!"

With blood spilling from my mouth, I shouted. Despite her own astonishment, Botan managed to take out a talisman and began casting a fire spirit art.


Immediately, the naginata was roughly pulled out. The blade swung, and the sparks scattered. In that moment, I took a step forward. I passed through the gate, intending to join Shishimai and Botan in the battle.

...An instant later, the sight before me spun violently and dispersed.


'(@_@) What! (>.<) Aaah?!'

Transferred by the teleportation gate, I was thrown somewhere in the next moment. I broke the fall with a roll and, despite the pain in my chest, forced myself to stand up. Looking around, I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.

Unfortunately, it seemed we weren't outside the monster's belly. The sight before me was that of a ruined room. Decaying tatami mats, torn screens, broken pillars, and fallen sliding doors. The air was foul, the darkness dim, and the Japanese-style room had turned into ruins...

"Hahaha... if it's true, you should have done it right before we escaped, but you're so impatient, aren't you, huh?


It was an instinctive reaction due to the precaution I had taken beforehand. I endured the pain in my chest, which was not a shallow wound by any means, and asked her. I asked the bewildered and confused her. No, I addressed the creature looking at me through her eyes.

"Well then... How should I deal with you?"

Pointing my Dagger (tantō) towards her "limbs," I smiled wryly at the potential complexity of the situation that might unfold after this, and muttered softly.

Yes. Shishimai Asami, the existence that clouded the minds of both readers and the protagonist in the 'Firefly of the Dark Night (Yamiyo no Hotaru)' novel version...


Title: Murasaki-chan enduring the infinite rotating hell

URL: Here

Title: From Chapter 110, the main heroine, Gorilla-sama

URL: Here

Title: From Chapter 110, a scene with the four characters

URL: Here