Chapter 110.1

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 110.1

[Part 1/5]

Giant blue dragon sword swung by the giant frog, creating a resounding sound as it descended from above.

Large and small coins danced in the air. Gold, silver, and copper coins scattered around. Crystal balls were shattered, and coral was slammed against the walls, causing fragments to scatter and glisten in the light.

'(*>∇<)ノ Kyaa! Sparkling and shining!!'

"You're saying such carefree things...!"

While facing the scene unfolding before me, I cursed at the white spider, who was making light-hearted remarks, while continuing to defend myself. I was forced to defend, constantly on the defensive.

How much time had passed since we intruded into "Kaeru Taishō no Ma (Room of General Frog)"? Surely not more than a hundred count. Yet, I was already gasping for breath, fully occupied with dodging the youkai's spear strikes. The youkai's techniques with the blue dragon sword, despite being a monster, were top-notch. Top-notch martial arts, top-notch spear technique—they were undoubtedly superior to me.

The difference in strength was overwhelming. Yet, the reason the battle continued, in a sense, was due to the balance of power being equalized by several factors.

One of the reasons was the difference in physique and physical structure. Despite the youkai's skill and strength, its massive body inadvertently created blind spots and delayed movements. The weapon, the large blue dragon sword, made it difficult for the youkai to perform intricate movements. The frog's body, designed for quadrupedal locomotion both in water and on land, was inherently less efficient in bipedal combat compared to humans.

The second reason was the use of terrain and tricks. For instance...

"Like this...!!"

Instinctively, I hid behind a luxurious marble phoenix statue that dominated the treasure vault. I used it as a shield. Immediately after, the youkai's sword struck it mercilessly, and it exploded into pieces. It was a marble statue that might have been worth several hundred ryōs.

'(. >д

"Ah, you've got to be kidding me!"

Amidst a very rare agreement, I kicked the pile of copper coins at my feet toward the frog's face. In response, the frog's tongue shot out with bullet-like speed, trying to catch me. I evaded it with a quick twist of my body and ran away at full speed.

'You're so tricky, aren't you?'

But then, the youkai frog leaps at me in a frog-like leap. It closes the distance with the speed of a cannonball.

'Σ(; ゚Д゚) Papa, it's coming!!?'

"As expected...!!"

In a split second before being crushed from behind, I used my spiritually enhanced leg strength to leap sideways. And then...!!

'Huh!? Grrr!!?'

The youkai frog, with its jumping resembling a bullet, collided with the protruding treasure spear. It hit the belly with full force, and the frog screams.

'(`・∀・ ́) Is it done!?'

"Stop setting flags, damn it!?"

I interjected with a desperate voice against the irritating remarks of the white spider. Predictably, the frog got back up, rubbing its belly in apparent pain, but there was not a single scratch on its body. It seemed that the mucus and fat had managed to protect it from harm.

'Ugh, are you done? A mere human is persistently struggling!!'

"Thank you for your compliment...!"

(Indeed, amphibians are resistant to slashing attacks, but this is the first time I've encountered such resistance...!!)

Unlike the idiotic spider who exaggeratedly showed astonishment, it wasn't as if I hadn't expected it, but I was still disappointed. Suppressing such emotions, I immediately withdrew my left hand and retracted Teguruma. Just then, the blue dragon sword was swung down, seemingly to split my head.


Holding Teguruma's body in my right hand, I extended the thread to catch the blow of the Blue Dragon Sword. The spider thread penetrated almost a third of the one-shaku long blade. The point where the blade and the thread met produced sparks as they collided. The weight was overwhelming, and my arm felt like it might break. My waist bent, and the blade was literally right in front of my eyes. Even though the thread was biting into the Blue Dragon Blade, or rather because of it, the blade was creeping closer and closer.

Wait, if I cut the blade now, my head will be smashed at the same time, won't it?

"Yun-shoku (允職)!!"


The one who broke the stalemate between me and the giant frog was Sakuama's servant leader. It seemed he aimed at the frog, which couldn't move. He lunged at the frog's protruding belly with his sword.

'How naive!!'

The giant frog grabbed the raised sword with one hand. With a twist, the sword easily bent like candy. In a state of shock, the leader was blown away with a punch.

...Soundlessly approaching behind were Hidden Group member and Asakuma's servant. However, it seemed the giant frog had already sensed their presence.




The giant toad expelled steam from its back. It was the vaporized secretion of its own poison. The poison frog's venom.


Unable to bear it any longer, Asakuma's servant withdrew. The black part of his clothing's left arm was rotting away. It was probably affecting his skin as well. He groaned in pain from his burning arm.

The Hidden Group members was more skilled and managed to protect themselves from most of the poison with their Coats in the nick of time. However, it turned out to be a trap. It was a desperate measure.

"No! Get out of there!! Run!!"


My warning came too late. The frog, who had twisted its head around, widened its mouth. Its tongue struck through the partially melted Coat, kicked Hidden Group's neck like a soccer ball, and sent him flying. His head rotated as he fell into a pile of gold coins. It was undoubtedly an instant death.

"D*mn it...!!"

And when the giant toad turned back, it smirked and opened its gaping mouth. This position made it impossible to move...!!



'( ; ゚Д゚)?'

It was a moment when I prepared for my death. But just then, the giant frog noticed something and widened its eyes. Instead of ignoring me, it jumped towards somewhere else...

* * *