Book 7 Epilogue, (2)

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Book 7 Epilogue, (2)

[Part 2/10]

In response to Azuma's confirmation, the Head of the Omnyouji accepts the teacup with a reverent bow.

"Hey, hey, don't be so formal. I am merely the head of an orphanage, without any official position. The Head of the Omnyouji Bureau shouldn't treat me with such respect."

Azuma said, smiling wryly as she admonished her successor, a former colleague and a younger exorcist.

"That is precisely why. It is a natural etiquette to be courteous to one's predecessor. Please forgive me."

"You're as stubborn as ever. At least consider appearances. Not everyone in the Imperial Court sees us in a favorable light. By the way, who is accompanying you?"

Azuma asked, feigning exasperation but genuinely interested. She directed her gaze towards a young exorcist who stood somewhat bored outside the reception room, wearing an eye patch that exuded a sense of authority.

"Perhaps... has spring finally arrived? Hahaha, I suppose all the companions you've assigned are people who lack charm."

Azuma speculated, voicing her thoughts and then asking the individual directly. In reality, Azuma knew very well that her former comrade was strict and unyielding, and his colleagues were typically serious and inflexible. It was rare to find a topic that could lighten the atmosphere.

"Don't jest. It's actually an introduction I had in mind. This young exorcist is the newly appointed Sixth Seat from the Tsukimi family."

"The Sixth Seat? The Taima Nana-shi (Seven Demon-Sealing Warriors)?" The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

Azuma's expression, which had been smirking, suddenly turned stern. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I want to speak a little more quietly."

Without touching anything, Azuma Hibari gently closed the sliding door. Then, she deployed a soundproof boundary and checked for the presence of hidden shikigami lurking around before speaking again.

"So, this young one is the Sixth Seat of Taima Nana-shi from the Tsukimi family, huh? This is quite... impressive."

Taima Nana-shi, officially known as the "Head of the Seven Government Exorcists," refers to a group of seven elite individuals appointed by Emperor Yasutake over a thousand years ago to subdue the monsters known as the Four Disasters that threatened the capital city.

They have faithfully fulfilled the imperial decree and this title has continued uninterruptedly ever since, even as the times changed. It is a position of honor and the pinnacle of the Omnyouji Bureau, renowned for their exceptional abilities.

"Of course, it is merely a prestigious title in some regard."

Azuma's remarks were not meant to be sarcastic, but rather highlighted a certain aspect of the truth. The title of the "Taima Nana-shi" evokes reverence among many exorcists and common folk, ranking just below the head of the Omnyouji Bureau. However, it is an exaggerated perception.

In reality, the Taima Nana-shi are undoubtedly elite among the full-time exorcists in the Omnyouji Bureau, but the bureau does not necessarily assign their most accomplished members as officials. It is likely that there are more than ten families possessing individuals with equal or superior abilities. In that sense, their capabilities are not as unique as they might seem.

...Of course, it is true that the Taima Nana-shi are more than capable elite exorcists from the perspective of average exorcists.

Another reason is that the Taima Nana-shi are primarily specialists in field operations. The Omnyouji Bureau, which focuses on combating supernatural creatures, is still a government office. Below the head of the bureau, there are several positions and departments responsible for education, research, sealing, security, and more, under the supervision of the assistant, attendant, and junior staff members, who are called "doctor".

Some of these positions, such as finance and personnel, are held by individuals without spiritual powers. In the current era of relative peace, their responsibilities and authority may exceed those of the field operatives. In that sense, there is a significant discrepancy between the reputation of the Taima Nana-shi and their actual roles. Ultimately, the title serves more as a symbol than anything substantial.

Azuma defended the remorseful Head of the Omnyouji Bureau, realizing that being stubborn could lead to a reduction in the budget for the following year.

"...Anyway, once the decision is made, there's no point in dwelling on it, right?"

Azuma sighed with crossed arms, and then continued.

"Besides, except for the last surprise attack, she handled everything smoothly, didn't she? So, forgive her and don't underestimate her too lightly."

"Yes, but..."

"I understand your concerns. That's why, for a while, let's support her with assistance instead of sending her out alone. She is still young, and through gaining experience, she will develop the necessary mindset for her position. By the way, did you bring that person along to hear my evaluation?"

"...I apologize for the presumption."

As Azuma asked in a reproachful yet playful manner, the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau lowered his head deeply. In other words, that was indeed the case.

"Heh, you've become quite audacious in the time I haven't seen you. It's reassuring... By the way, I heard there have been various troubles in the Northern region?"

Azuma smiled wryly at the attitude of her comrade, and then, as if recalling something, asked while taking another sip from her teacup.

"You have good ears, don't you? Did you hear it from some exorcists over there?"

"No, I have someone entrusted to handle matters there. I received a report recently... Did they manage to eliminate that Yamanba?"

"To be precise, they neutralized her completely. She has become nothing but skin and bones, and has been sealed up in a certain place with seals and chains."

Suddenly appearing in the Northern region and even attacking the county capital with her followers, the calamity youkai that once gathered under Kubou's banner. For a long time, there was no information about her. Where has she been hiding all this time, and why did she appear now?

"Well, you may not know, but that mountain evil god caused me a lot of trouble. During the Great War, I saw her presence several times while on reconnaissance duty. I heard that a special extermination squad was formed right after the Great War, but they either finished the job or escaped somewhere. I was quite frustrated myself..."

Closing her eyes, Azuma muttered as if reminiscing. There were some of her acquaintances among the members of the extermination squad. Unfortunately, they couldn't even find a trace of her remains... Shouldn't they bring some consolation, at least?

"I heard that they also took down the arm of the Namahage. Quite an achievement. It's strange how no rumors have spread about it. It would be a perfect material to demonstrate the authority of the Imperial Court, wouldn't it?"

With a probing tone, Azuma shrugged her shoulders, causing the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau to sigh.

"Oh well, you never cease to be cheeky, do you? If you've heard all that, you should know the answer already."

Azuma smiled wryly, and then the Head of the Omnyouji Bureau explained the course of events.

"It seems that the Imperial Court is somewhat perplexed by this incident. It all started with negligence and failures, after all."

The Head of the Omnyouji Bureau explained how the monitoring mission of the Namahage had been neglected, the extent of corruption within the local administration under the collaboration of the Imperial Court, the disgraceful events during the siege of Hieda County, and the unexpected final extermination of the Yamanba...

"I had heard some of it, but it's astounding how everyone managed to pile up negligence upon negligence like this. How many villages were destroyed? It's understandable that the Imperial Court doesn't want to advertise it openly."