Chapter 95.1

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 95.1

[Part 1/4]

It was a night enveloped in darkness, where not even the moonlight could reach.

"Haa... haa... haa...!"

As soon as I heard the news from Monk Hayashi Gen, who was at the Onitsuki family house for a memorial service, I rushed towards the main house with a sense of urgency. Despite the darkness, I stumbled occasionally but continued to run with all my strength, determined to reach my destination. I had one goal in mind: keep running.

Breathless and trembling within the grounds of the vast estate, I finally reached the front gate. As I arrived, I was at a loss. How should I face that person? I found myself thinking such things, as if it were too late.

And once those doubts surfaced, all I could do was hesitate. I hadn't even locked it, the thin wooden entrance, yet I hesitated to open it.

"What are you doing? Standing there like an idiot."


The voice came from behind, and when I turned around in surprise, there stood a tall figure wearing a Hannya mask. Observing me, who had opened my mouth in astonishment, they smirked, as evident even from behind the mask.

"Oh, I see. So you've come for a night visit, huh? Well, well, I thought you were just a kid, but you're quite audacious. To think you would attempt to elope with the princess."

"That's not it! I just... Ouch!"

As I tried to defend myself against the undeserved suspicion, I instead let out a cry of pain. My ear was roughly grabbed by the figure's left hand and I was mercilessly dragged, as if being pulled along.

"Hahaha, it's useless to make excuses now. Well, just in time. I was just about to have a drink after work. Bring some sake. It's an order from your boss."

"That's power harassment!"

With a gleeful shout, she mercilessly pulled me into her room as she opened the door. I screamed as I was tripped, and she quickly rummaged through her shelves, preparing a tray, alcohol, and snacks in no time. ...But only for herself.

Well, even at my age, I can't drink even if she offers it.

"Alright, let's drink then! This job is such sh*t, I can't stand it without a drink! Come on, pour it already!"

With that said, my boss, still in her work attire, sat cross-legged as if she had gone crazy, loudly complaining about her duties while offering me a sake cup. I was about to retort with a sarcastic remark, but I quickly faltered.

From the slightly peeking bandages around her sleeve, I could see her right arm stained with a dark red, indicating a painful wound...


I had heard about it beforehand. In fact, that's why I had come to visit her.

The reckless mission from the Onitsuki family had resulted in devastating losses for her and her two subordinate teams. Among the eleven people, eight had died, one was left with irreparable injuries, and she, along with the remaining person, also sustained significant injuries. As a result, the nest harboring thousands of monsters was eradicated by the Onitsuki exorcists, at the cost of the low-ranking servants but significant spiritual vein falling into the hands of the human world.

It was an extremely worthwhile sacrifice. It was even cheap. No casualties among the exorcists and the spiritual veins were released—it was a remarkable achievement.

...Even if the sacrifice included the subordinates she cared for and the seniors who had taken care of me.

"Hmm, what's wrong? You have such a dumbfounded expression. Haha, could it be that you've finally noticed the charm of this big sister? Oh dear, it seems like I've become irresistible to you." The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

"...You're so annoying. You're way too conceited, you sh*tty boss."

How long had I been silent? It couldn't have been too long. So, in order to hide my inner turmoil, I blurted out those words and reluctantly poured her another drink. I listened to her complaints about work as she emptied her sake cup. And when the snacks were gone, I reluctantly followed her orders and searched for a new bottle from the shelf.

Because that's the only way I, as a powerless individual, can repay her. Because that's the only consolation I can offer to her. And looking back now, I must have enjoyed this momentary peace. That's why... that's why...

"I wish you wouldn't tarnish people's memories too much."

As I sighed while contemplating the past, the moment I raised my head, I was cursing in disgust at the thing in front of me.

The green-haired monster, seated as if she had been there all along, responded to my words with a smile resembling that of a celestial maiden. Her golden eyes now reflected my current height, having grown from that of a boy.

Reflecting my face, without my usual mask.

"...It's probably useless to say, but you still seem to enjoy trampling over people's memories. It's detestable."

And what's even more annoying is that she probably has no understanding of why I'm angry about that.

"D*mn it...!"

I despair at mother's triumphant words. I realize my defeat as she slowly, but steadily approaches. And... I suddenly notice the giant shadow behind her, a presence that wasn't there before.



It seems both the monster and I have simultaneously become aware of its existence. Our words spill out almost at the same time. Our gazes also directed towards it. Reflected in my sight are eight glowing crimson eyes, massive fangs, and unmistakable anger.

'Well, well, what a lovely young lady we have here. Hehe. Look, it's your grandmother...'

'Papaaaaaaa!! Don't you dare buly himmmm!!'

Mother, who tried to welcome it with a smile full of affection, is abruptly interrupted as the next moment, a garbled scream reminiscent of an infant echoes through the air, accompanied by the sound of it sinking its teeth into her head.

And I can only stare in astonishment as it continues to swing her around in its grip. But that doesn't last long either.


...Suddenly, the surrounding scenery melts away. It's as if the paint on a canvas has been washed away. And it extends to the ground beneath my feet, causing me to rapidly plummet.


I fall into darkness. Deep, unfathomable darkness. I reach out instinctively, confused. I try to scream something. And then, and then, and then...

* * *


As I woke up inside the tent, I stared blankly at the ceiling for a moment, not understanding what was going on. I then recalled the hazy contents of the dream, organized my thoughts, and fell into silence... only to remember the most important issue.

...At the same time, I vomited uncontrollably, the contents of my stomach rising up.

"Ugh... Blegh...!!?"

"Tomobe-san!? Uh, um...!?"

The white fox, who had been sleeping by my side, woke up and looked bewildered. But at that moment, it meant nothing to me.

I just rushed out of the tent while vomiting. I flew out and forcefully spilled the contents of my stomach toward the snowy plain. I vomited not just once, but twice, three times.

"Hey, what's wrong...!?"

"What is it!? What's happening...!?"

The remaining two tents nearby were also alerted to the situation, and army soldiers emerged, still half-dressed. They looked at me, perplexed.

"Step aside!! And, Tomobe-san... Are you okay? Huh!?"

Concerned about my condition, the fox-girl rummaged through the luggage inside the tent and found stomach medicine. She pushed aside those around her and rushed over. However, as soon as she saw my expression, she flinched in fear. My face was contorted with anger to such an extent. Shiro instinctively fell on her bottom and her eyes welled up with tears.

However, none of that mattered. After vomiting to my heart's content, I staggered away, leaving the bewildered crowd behind. I walked unsteadily toward that person.

It was easy to find them. Not more than a hundred steps away from where our tents were pitched, in an open area without any obstacles blocking the view, that person stood, with an axe stuck in the snow and a gourd in hand, observing the surroundings.

Indeed, standing by the footprints that are said to stretch beyond the horizon, belonging to the Namahage.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Is it time for a shift change...?"

Iruka, who noticed my presence, wore a puzzled expression... but as she noticed my attitude, she fell silent. Then, after taking a sip from the gourd, they observed me with a stern gaze. She was cautious.

I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. Smirk and speak.

"Haha... Well, thanks for keeping watch. Is there anything abnormal?"

"Nah, nothing at all. ...But you've got quite a terrible expression, huh?"

Looking at my undoubtedly pale and haggard face, Iruka said so naturally and drew the blade of the axe from the snow. I laughed at her action. Laughed and put on a full-face Hannya mask, serving both as protection against illusion and for facial protection.

"You seem a bit drunk... But anyway, Iruka, you're really skilled at hunting, aren't you? The rabbit during dinner tonight was delicious, you know?"