Chapter 92.3

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 92.3

[Part 3/4]

In this world, regardless of whether one is human, god, or youkai, the most important thing is the spiritual vein. The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Land blessed with a spiritual vein is rich in every sense and provides a suitable environment to sustain a large population. The substantial dominion of the Imperial Court is formed by the spiritual veins scattered throughout various regions and the city roads that connect them. Outside the central lands, the control over the territories is established through points and lines.

The facilities responsible for maintaining and managing the security of the city roads are checkpoints and lodging towns. In the game, these serve as bases where players can purchase items and rest (save). Among them, the smallest and most numerous facilities within Fusō-kuni are the "stations."

Sakui Station is one of the twelve stations located at the foot of Mount Araki in Hieda County. It is recorded in the county's ledgers that two officials oversee the affairs, fifteen soldiers guard the city roads, two hired workers are employed for various tasks, and ten horses are kept for security and messenger purposes.

Given its original functions, we had planned to stay at this particular station while heading north in the county. We struggled through the blizzard, with me in particular trembling... but we finally managed to arrive.

...Unfortunately, it was difficult to find peace.


The first thing that caught my attention was the missing head of the Jizo statue placed near the station gate.

The boundary, a charm to keep youkai away from the station, had been destroyed. Everyone present, including myself, was not ignorant or unlearned enough to not understand the significance of it.

"This... could it be..."

"Hey, hey, I've got a bad feeling about this. Right?"

I turned around in response to the call from behind while keeping my gaze fixed on the headless Jizo. There was a tense stare coming from behind...

"...I'll investigate. Wait here for a while."

I instructed the two of them after brushing off the snow from my shoulders and head. While giving the order, I checked the dagger (tantō) at my waist and confirmed the teguruma. And just as I was about to pass through the gate... my shoulder was grabbed.

"...what are you doing, Iruka?"

"Are you stupid? Are you planning to go alone?"

Iruka retorted to my question.

"Last time we were in the village, you waited for me."

"The situation is different this time, don't you think? If something happens, we can escape and leave you behind at that time. But in this blizzard, if we run aimlessly, we'll end up in a disaster."

The Ezo pointed her thumb at the fierce blizzard behind us to emphasize her point.

"...But worst-case scenario, we could encounter calamity youkai in this place."

"Isn't that what happened to us in the village (Tamaki)?"

* * *

The office was deserted. Snow and cold air were pouring in through the open window. There was a desk, a chair, a shelf, and various stationery and documents scattered on the desk and floor. ...And I noticed faint bloodstains on the desk.


I look around. There was another door on the left side when facing forward, different from the one we used to enter. I turned my feet towards it... and right after, I sensed a presence from beyond that door.



A presence coming from the other side of the door we entered. I met eyes with Iruka and gestured to hide Shiro behind her. I held a dagger in one hand and pressed myself against the wall next to the door. At the same time, I hear footsteps. No, multiple footsteps. They were gradually but steadily approaching.


The presence stopped in front of the door. I squeezed the dagger tightly, feeling tense.

The door slowly opens. I take a breath. And as soon as the presence on the other side of the door invaded, I aimed the dagger at their throat.

"Stop! Who are you!!?"

I warned them. If they resisted even a little, I intended to tear their throat apart. Yes, I glared at them with that intention... but the next moment, I understood the identity of the intruder before my eyes and involuntarily fell speechless.

"!? Y-You...!?"

"What the...!?"

The person threatened by me and I spoke almost simultaneously. And we were both surprised. It was because neither of us expected the other to be here.

"Why...why are you...!?"

"That line belongs to me. Why did you come here from the county capital?"

Facing the person who was shaken as I pointed my dagger at him, I calmly replied and questioned him. The person was one of the soldiers who had caused trouble for Suzune and the others in the capital... He turned out to be the intruder.

"Hey, what's wrong, Hikorokurō? Did someone come...ugh!?"

As he spoke, several figures appeared from behind. As they appeared, they also frowned upon seeing me. I recognized them. They were the ones who had bothered my sisters along with the man in front of me.

" were the one in the capital!?" another soldier inquired, his voice tinged with both surprise and accusation.

"Y-you...! You dare to show up here?! It's been a hundred years since then..." another soldier exclaimed, his words dripping with long-held resentment.

"What? What's this about a hundred years?" Iruka interjected, her tone laced with curiosity.

As they tried to draw their weapons, seemingly remembering their grudge against me, they hesitated and lost their fighting spirit when Iruka suddenly appeared behind me. Yeah, you guys got knocked out by this guy all together, right?