Chapter 88.3

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 88.3

[Part 3/4]

"Miss Tamaki, please don't hold back with this matter. Exorcism is not something you can do half-heartedly. If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to ask me or anyone else you can rely on for advice or questions."

"Mmm, yeah... That's right," Tamaki replied with a tense expression, appearing to take my warning seriously. I'm not kidding; if we're careless, we could die. Even if we're not careless, we could still die.

...After all, she's lived a good life till today, hasn't she?

"...Well, by the way, I heard about the surveillance mission this time. Will Suzune and Iruka be joining us?"

Feeling uncertain, I asked Tamaki about the story Iruka had told me as a way to change the subject.

It had already been decided that a group of five people, excluding myself, would be dispatched from the servants' group, and a member of the hidden group would be dispatched to serve as an attendant. There should also be a several temporary hires people. If Shirowakamaru, who had probably slipped in by Madam Advisor, were added to them, the number of people dispatched would be too large for this mission alone.

Considering that in the original story, there was only one attendant, one servant and one miscellaneous person, in addition to the main character, even including amateurs, three exorcists.... makes the perception that this is an excessive force even stronger. It was unusual considering that the mission was not to exterminate but to monitor the situation.

Well, it might only be a simple mission for now, but I heard that two more escorts might be added to Tamaki's entourage... and I was asking about the truth of that.

Tamaki furrowed her brow. "Would it be a nuisance?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "And Suzune... I did say it was dangerous, but she said it was her job to be by my side."

"That's... yeah..."

Even after all this time, I was still surprised to see how obedient my playful little sister had become. She must have understood the horror of youkai at least a little after what happened to our father and the shrine. Should I say that she had made up her mind, or should I say that she lacked a sense of crisis?

"Should we leave them behind...?" Tamaki asked, peering at me. Did she think I had some discomfort with their presence? Personally, I wanted Suzune to stay...

"I understand Iruka. But I'd really like you to convince the maid to stay...."

"Yeah, I know..."

Tamaki nods hesitantly at my request. I guess she wants a close friend nearby on her first mission, and I understand her feeling. I understand it, but...

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll ask her. I don't want Suzune to be in danger either."

Tamaki forces a smile that I can sense is hiding her true feelings.

"...please, I'm counting on you."

I wish I could do more to encourage her, but all I could do was to repeat my request again.

And of course, I am not taking it easy either. I had to think of the worst case scenario.

(In any case, I have no choice but to do it to prevent the protagonist from falling into the darkness...)

Well then, should I start preparing too...?


"That's good to hear."

I thought from the bottom of my heart. At that time, I acted without thinking about the consequences, but it was only natural that there was some punishment for Sarujirou. I couldn't let my guard down, but for now, it was a relief that it was only a groundless fear.

"...I won't ask for the reason, but we crossed a dangerous bridge, okay? If it weren't for Princess Hina, we'd have been beheaded by now. What a stupid thing to do, huh?"


While pouring me another glass, Sarujirou stated. I did not confirm his words so as not to deny what had ostensibly happened, but neither did I refute them. Silence speaks louder than words sometimes.

"Seriously, you are stubborn with a lousy attitude, aren't you? ...Don't be reckless, okay?"

Sighing at my attitude, he throws some dried fish into his mouth and swallows it with grape wine. After swallowing, he looks at me and says, "That's right. I had some weapons that I was planning to sell to you." He pointed with his hand. "That one. Take it with you while you're here."

I quickly looked in the direction where he pointed. Two weapons hanging on the wall of the workshop come into view.

"The spear is yours. You always break it with such flamboyance, right? I had it ready even if you didn't ask for it. I specially ordered it through the trading company and embedded a curse seal. It shouldn't be fragile anymore."

Sarujirou's explanation is both sarcastic and ironic. Unfortunately, I couldn't deny it and could only force a smile. That's the fact of the matter, it's inevitable.

"I have to write down the expenses in the account book later... What about the other one?"

"It's for the new wolf-girl recruit, Iruka," Sarujiro explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

The other one's for the new wolf girl. I see, but...

"An, it's a battle-axe, huh?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity.

Sarujiro nodded and gestured toward the weapon. It was a big, single-edged battle-axe, with a lump of iron embedded on the opposite side of the blade, making it like a hammer. It gave the impression of a practical lump with a rough texture and no decoration.

"Do you have any questions?" Sarujiro asked, his tone indicating that he was ready to move on.

"No, it's just different from what I imagined. I've seen her use a sword, but I've never seen anything like a battle-axe before."

In the capital and in the village, she always used a sword.

"Don't worry. I asked her myself. She can use a sword, but she doesn't specialize in it. She prefers something with different characteristics than her master," Sarujiro continued, his tone becoming more reassuring.

"So that's why it's a battle-axe."

"Ultimately, these types of weapons are easier to use than swords or spears as long as you have the arm strength. If you're half-youkai, stamina won't be an issue," Sarujiro concluded, his voice confident and knowledgeable.

A battle-axe is ultimately a deadly weapon swung to beat someone to death. I didn't choose it because I was worried about its timing, maneuverability, and weight, but with an Iruka those problems would hardly be an issue. Given that, this choice seemed like a good one.

"Thank you very much." I bow my head.

"Don't thank me, it's my job," Sarujirou replied dryly. "So, what do you want?"