Chapter 834 The Endless Chatter of Fortune's Muse

Chapter 834 The Endless Chatter of Fortune's Muse

As Ren begrudgingly trailed head, Pamela's incessant chatter filled the air like a constant buzzing in his ear. The Goddess of Fortune and Luck seemed to have an unending stream of words, and Ren couldn't help but wonder if her divine domain extended to her ability to talk anyone's ear off.

Pamela prattled on, her voice carrying through the mist as she regaled Ren with tales of her previous adventures and mishaps. She spoke of her encounters with mischievous spirits and her triumphs over formidable foes, each story more outlandish than the last.

"And then, there was the time I stumbled upon a treasure chest filled with golden feathers, they're rare you know because they symbolized higher angels," Pamela exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "I couldn't believe my luck! It was as if the universe itself was rewarding me for being such a wonderful goddess."

Despite Ren's best efforts to ignore her, Pamela's voice persisted, insinuating itself into his mind like an uninvited guest who refused to leave. It seemed as though she possessed some supernatural ability to bypass his defenses, her words echoing relentlessly in his ears.

Could it be that this was yet another facet of her divine powers as the Goddess of Fortune and Luck?

Ren couldn't help but entertain the unsettling thought that Pamela's ceaseless chatter might be a deliberate tactic to drive her victims to the brink of insanity. After all, what better way to torment someone than with the relentless onslaught of nonstop chatter?

As Ren trudged on through Cloudy Forest, his mind filled with Pamela's endless stream of words, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being slowly driven mad by the Goddess of Fortune and Luck herself.

While Pamela continued to prattle on, Ren found himself growing increasingly frustrated by her endless chatter. He tried to tune her out, focusing instead on the path ahead and the creatures that lurked in the mist.

But Pamela seemed determined to fill the silence with her ceaseless ramblings, her voice rising and falling in a never-ending crescendo of words. New novel chapters are published on

Ren was convinced that Pamela's luck had kept her alive thus far, despite her low stats. It was the only explanation he could come up with for her survival in such perilous realm as being a goddess.

Yet, lurking beneath Pamela's seemingly carefree exterior, Ren couldn't shake the feeling that there might be hidden powers within her that he didn't know about and certainly didn't want to uncover. There was always the possibility that she was tricking him or hiding her true intentions, but Pii was comfortable around her, and this eased some of Ren's suspicions.

Besides, he reasoned, she seemed too airheaded to plan something truly evil. Her cheerful demeanor and obliviousness to danger painted her as more of a nuisance than a genuine threat.

Nevertheless, Ren remained cautious, wary of the goddess's unpredictable nature. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not when they were surrounded by unknown dangers in Cloudy Forest.

As they continued their journey, Pamela chattered incessantly, her voice a constant presence in Ren's mind. She talked about everything and anything, from her adventures as a goddess to her favorite foods and hobbies. No matter how hard Ren tried to ignore her, her words wormed their way into his thoughts, like an annoying melody that refused to fade away.

Despite his annoyance, Ren couldn't deny the strange sense of comfort that Pamela's presence brought. Her endless chatter provided a distraction from the dangers that lurked around them, and her unwavering optimism was a welcome contrast to the gloomy atmosphere of Cloudy Forest.

As they trudged through the mist-shrouded landscape, Ren couldn't help but feel a grudging appreciation for Pamela's company. Perhaps her incessant chatter was a small price to pay for the protection her luck afforded them.

And so, Ren resigned himself to endure Pamela's endless stream of conversation, knowing that her presence might just be their saving grace in the end.

And despite his annoyance, Ren couldn't deny that there was something strangely endearing about Pamela's bubbly personality. Beneath her boastful tales and exaggerated stories, he sensed a genuine warmth and kindness that was hard to ignore.