Chapter 17: Unforgettable

That night, Song Qingshi held Yue Wuhuan tightly in his arms, desperate to comfort him. He was incoherent throughout the whole thing. Philosophy, medicine, and sociological theories took turns on stage. He was so distressed that English, German and Latin all rushed out. Let alone Yue Wuhuan, even Song Qingshi himself didn’t know what what he was saying. 

At least, the attitude was right…

Yue Wuhuan had already recovered. He quietly sniffed the comforting fragrance of medicine on his body and listened to those messy but reassuring words. The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but tick up into a slightly pained arc.

He had known for a long time that he couldn’t hide this matter for the sake of temporary stability, waiting for others to showcase his dirty past in front of Song Qingshi to drive a wedge between them and arbitrarily discredit him. Therefore, while they were in Lecheng, even if Song Qingshi hadn’t found those picture books, he would have taken the initiative to lead him to that bookstore and he would have pretended to have carelessly let him see it. And during this time, while he still likes him, he’ll be honest and strive to gain his mercy and promise, breaking off any chance for anyone with ulterior motives who would use this to create an issue.

How ridiculous… 

Obviously it was something he had been prepared for long ago and yet, the moment Song Qingshi opened that picture book, he was still so embarrassed, he couldn’t bear to show his face. What was even more embarrassing was that even when he had seen such things, Song Qingshi had anger and sympathy in his eyes but not the slightest desire. It made him realize even more clearly that their two ‘likes’ were different.

Song Qingshi’s ‘like’ was appreciation, cherishment and care.

His ‘like’ was monopoly, invasion and desire.

Yue Wuhuan greedily kissed the tips of his hair. His thoughts quickly turning crazy…

Why does his every probing reveal even more of this person’s goodness?

Given this, how could he possibly let go?

How good would it have been if he could have met this person while he was still clean?

The venom of resentment spread from his heart to his whole body. He hated Xie Que. He hated Jin Feiren and everything that had dirtied him. He hated this disgusting world. He wanted to destroy everything outside the Medicine King’s Valley. It was enough to leave only a piece of pure land in the world, to leave only this one person… 


After this incident, the two of them gave up all thoughts of touring Lecheng and casually rested overnight, setting off for the Medicine King’s Valley the next morning.

Throughout their entire way back, Song Qingshi researched all kinds of plans to conceal one’s identity and disguise one’s appearance for Yue Wuhuan.

He even thought about cosmetic surgery to change his face, but he couldn’t bear to ruin that perfect face… 

Suddenly, the sound of cultivators fighting came from the forest.

Song Qingshi stopped the magical beast and took a look. He saw two Core Formation cultivators having a life or death battle. Swords clashed and spells filled the sky. They fought for about half an hour and the cultivator in black suffered a crushing defeat. The cultivator that defeated him took away his magical weapons and mustard seed bag, then got on his sword and hurried away.

This kind of murder and looting was a common sight in the immortal realm and no one can ascertain the identity and the enmity between the two parties.

Therefore, unless you get were acquainted with one of the parties, you wouldn’t interfere in this matter. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Song Qingshi abided by the rules of this world and was unwilling to get involved in this mess. After watching for a while, he got ready to spur the magical beast to leave.

Tef Qetejc rabqqfv tlw, “Zjrafg, ifa er ub jcv rff. Ufgtjqr atja qfgrbc lr cba vfjv sfa.”

Coafg tf olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, tf raffgfv atf wjulmji yfjra ab atf yijmx-mibatfv meialnjabg. Fqbc rfflcu atlr, Vbcu Hlcurtl tegglfvis obiibkfv joafg tlw.

Ciatbeut atf yijmx-mibatfv wbcx ralii tjv ygfjat, tf kjr ugjnfis lcpegfv. Lf tjv rfnfc bg fluta rkbgv kbecvr bc tlr ybvs, qjga bo tlr lcafgcji bgujcr kfgf vjwjufv jcv tf kjr ecmbcrmlber. Po tf kjr ifoa klatbea agfjawfca, tf qgbyjyis kbc’a ilnf obg ibcu. 

So as to avoid any trouble, the Medicine King’s Valley never accepted patients from unknown sources.

Song Qingshi frowned and hesitated.

Yue Wuhuan squatted down. He put on his gloves, carefully checked the black-clothed cultivator’s wounds and then asked, “Master, you recently taught me how to stitch up and treat injuries. I have already studied this but I lack hands-on practice. Could we bring back this injured individual back to the Medicine King’s Valley so that I may treat him and practice my medical skills?”

Even if the protagonist shou has encountered so much ugliness, his heart still remained good and honest. In the future, he may become a famous doctor, serving for the good of the people. 

Song Qingshi sighed for a long time. He immediately agreed and helped him perform emergency treatment on the patient. They then loaded him up on the magical beast and took him home.

In the Medicine King’s Valley, Song Qingshi placed the patient in a quiet sickroom.

This was the first patient that Yue Wuhuan took charge off. He took extra care, not only did he perform a good job of sewing close all the wounds but he also decocted the medicine and fed it to the patient with his own hands. He kept recording his vital signs, asking for advice on everything, lest there be any accidents. Song Qingshi couldn’t help sighing at his immense talent. All he needed was a hint and he could figure out the rest himself. Every step was done perfectly. His medical records were also well written. There was almost nothing to fault. After the patient showed obvious signs of improvement, he felt reassured that he could leave this matter entirely to Yue Wuhuan.

It was three days after that black-clothed cultivator woke up. He became aware of the smell of medicine in the room. He moved his wounds a little and found that he was bandaged tightly. The knew that he had been rescued and he rejoiced in his heart. He looked up to thank his benefactor but when he did, he saw the bright and beautiful face that he had never forgotten. 

“We-were you the one who saved me?” the black-clothed cultivator murmured.

Yue Wuhuan had stayed by his bedside, taking care of him for a long time. Seeing that he was awake, he nodded and said, “This slave greets the immortal elder.”

The black-clothed cultivator was named She Yun. He was a demon cultivator and he wasn’t a person of any significance. Two years ago, he had the good fortune to be a guest at Golden Phoenix Manor with his friends. Originally, given his identity, he would not have been qualified to meet such a remarkable beauty such as Yue Wuhuan. However, that night the beauty did not serve the honored guests well and as punishment, he was drugged and given to them to have fun with.

Those loose phoenix eyes, that coquettish teardrop mole, that bewitching voice, the seal of imprisonment… 

The joy of that night was something he would never forget his entire life.

No matter which courtesan in whichever brothel he looked for, he couldn’t get that same feeling anymore.

She Yun looked closely at Yue Wuhuan, feeling a bit thirsty in his throat. Under the control of Acacia Seal, no slave had the ability to hurt people. So, what exactly was this beauty’s purpose for saving him? Could it be that he still remembered him…

Under his burning gaze, Yue Wuhuan slightly lowered his head. He poured out the potion that had long been kept warm by a small fire. He carefully served it to him to drink and then smiled, “The medicine is bitter. The immortal elder should take this candy pill as well. ” 

He used his fair fingers to put the sugar pill into She Yun’s mouth.

Those beautiful eyes were looking at him, full of tenderness and anticipation.

She Yun was dizzy and unable to think. The sugar pill had melted in his mouth. There seemed to be some strange bitterness in it.

Yue Wuhuan waited for him to finish taking the medicine and got up to tidy up the room. He piled up all the junk in the room in the corner, leaving only an empty table and chair. He then put on a pair of animal-skin gloves. 

She Yun asked expectantly, “Do you remember me?”

Yue Wuhuan walked back and looked at him, with the brilliance of desire blooming in his eyes, “The immortal elder has made this slave very happy. This slave wouldn’t dare forget.”

He used to be like a flower branch that has been manually trimmed. Although beautiful, he was too artificial. Now, he has his own color, making him even more dazzling. He was actually somewhat more beautiful than before. If Jin Feiren saw it, wouldn’t he regret letting such a stunning beauty go?

She Yun felt his mouth go dry. His heartbeat was speeding up. His whole body weakened and his lower half was gradually getting a reaction. 

Yue Wuhuan glanced at him and smiled even more charmingly. He gently slid his fingertips across She Yun’s chest, opened up his shirt and then pressed him back down heavily. He said, ambiguously, “Today, I would like to be happy with the immortal elder once again. Is this okay?”

Yue Wuhuan’s teasing had made his heart like a frisky monkey. He could hardly believe that such a good thing would happen. He hurriedly agreed, “I would happily be with you. If you have been rejected by your owner, I would gladly take you back with me.”

Yue Wuhuan laughed happily as if he had heard something amusing.

Immediately afterwards, She Yun saw Yue Wuhuan place a sound barrier formation on the door. He then took out a bunch of strange little tools from the mustard seed bag and placed them on the table covered with white cloth. There were small knives, scissors, pliers, saws and other instruments of horror, he didn’t know the use of. Yue Wuhuan then introduced them one by one, “This is a scalpel. These are surgical scissors and bone scissors. These are elbow forceps…” 

She Yun realized something was wrong. He wanted to struggle but found that he had lost control of his hands and feet. He couldn’t move.

“You took a Puppet Pill. I haven’t been able to make it successfully yet so I can’t control your actions, but it’s enough.” Yue Wuhuan put on his robe and his put on a mask. He picked up a scalpel and asked, sounding concerned, “Now, aside from being unable to move your body, can you still feel anything?”

She Yun was shocked and angry. “You’re not controlled by the Acacia Seal?”

Yue Wuhuan let out a mocking chuckle but there was no human emotion in his eyes, only near-overflowing craziness and longing, like a demon that had crawled out of hell. 

“Please, please, don’t be like this.” She Yun finally realized what was going to happen, screaming and begging madly for mercy, “Let me go!”

This night was like that night, when a demon faced a defenseless lamb. There had been no mercy, no kindness, only cruel toying.

The scalpel fell again and again. The wailing was endless.

“Does it feel good? Having it shoved into you, does it feel good?” 

The demon happily repeated what he had said, word by word:

“Come, let me enjoy this bliss on earth…”

“Use your depraved body to pleasure me…”

“Scream! Come on! Scream in ecstasy…” 


Yue Wuhuan looked at his hands, covered in dirty blood. But his heart felt very satisfied.

It turns out that he really was crazy.


It was late at night and Song Qingshi was still sitting on the Luohan bed in the library, reading. Suddenly, he found Yue Wuhuan leaning on the door, looking at him. He had no idea when he had taken a bath. He was wearing a newly-made red single robe. On his body was the scent of orchids mixed with the scent of herbs. His hair was dripping wet and carelessly tied together. He seemed to be in a really good mood.

Song Qingshi raised his hand and motioned for him to come closer. “Why’d you take a bath so late? Be careful or you might catch a cold.”

“My clothes got stained with something dirty so they had to all be washed.” Yue Wuhuan sat on the Luohan bed obediently and casually opened a book, “I couldn’t sleep so I’d like to accompany Master to read a book, is that alright?”

Song Qingshi naturally welcomed him and pushed the snacks on the table towards him. 

“Right,” Yue Wuhuan said casually, “The cultivator we rescued a few days ago woke up and insisted on leaving, so I let him go.”

Song Qingshi was slightly startled. “Leave? His injuries aren’t healed yet.”

Yue Wuhuan said, “I saw that he seemed to have some personal concerns weighing on his mind so I couldn’t question him too closely.”

Song Qingshi was afraid that he was unhappy and persuaded, “We can’t control patients who insist on being discharged from the hospital. Let him do as he wants.” 

Yue Wuhuan smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, he already rewarded me. We’re already even.”

Seeing that he didn’t seem bothered, Song Qingshi discarded this matter from his mind and concentrated on reading.

Yue Wuhuan leaned in lazily, contentedly smelling the scent from his body.

The mad killing intent gradually dissipated and the bloodthirsty desire slowly calmed down. 

This was his pure land.

The author has something to say:

Scholar-Tyrant Song: That patient is in no shape to appear in polite company. He’s disobedient. He insisted on being discharged despite being injured. Next time, we won’t be accepting him.

Yue Wuhuan: Yes. 

(The medical related details in his article rely on information found on Baidu. If something is wrong, I am willing to let the real medical students and doctors beat me…)