The following people were in a great uproar, obviously did not think of this situation, everyone talked about it.

"What is this going on?"

but no one can answer this matter. After all, kinggaye will not explain it to them?

The above competition is still going on. After the golden leaf has made the black spring, the results can be imagined.

Black spring tries to pull his right hand hard, very not used to this situation. It was the first time he felt hard at the arena!

"Let me go!" The black spring roared angrily.

Dye gold leaves did not put in the heart, he took over the black spring fist, immediately knew the situation of the other party, did not expect to be weaker than he thought.

"Hum!" Golden Gaye hum cold, think of just thing, now also is to collect the time!

Golden Leaf pulls the black spring, bends his knees and lifts it, and then hits it on the belly of the black spring. Because the Jinjia leaf covered some strength, it also caused some internal injuries to the black spring.

The first round, black spring lost!

But no one on the arena is lying down, so they have to continue to play.

"Come again!" Black spring felt like just dreaming, there was no response. Just look at the opposite of Jinjia leaf, spit out a blood foam.

Facing this self-contained person, jinjiaye can not be soft, and just now black spring still talks like this, has touched his scale.

Gold leaves will black spring to fight no back hand, but in the mouth but also said: "this is to tell you, do not judge people by appearance!"

So unilaterally suppress the black spring, jinjiaye has no mood, did not expect the other side so weak.

The people below are also covered, thought that the one who was beaten can not return hand will be leaf wind!

I didn't expect to start to half before we had changed the results. It's totally the opposite of their ideas!

At this time, the people below changed their goals, and looked at the golden leaf with a hot eye, and shouted loudly in their mouth, "leaf wind.". "The wind of the leaves!" The wind standing on the side of

watched this scene. "Make complaints about low key," he said.

But wind on face but with a faint smile, obviously not angry, but also because of this result and happy.

Who doesn't want his other half to be a very good person!

Not long after, a referee came up and announced the result of this time.

"Black spring is better than leaf wind!"

The following people also follow the way, more enthusiastic than they had seen before.

"Leaf wind, leaf wind!"

After Ye Feng won this time, he didn't go down, and then different people came up.

Because the leaf wind is the master of the primary arena. As long as you keep it, you can continue to play directly!

Until you win a hundred times in a row, you can enter the intermediate arena for a long time.

In fact, these are also divided into their own capabilities, some of the winners will not go to the intermediate arena, because they have self-knowledge, but they can not fight each other.

This evening all the wind was on the body of jingaye.

He has won 32 consecutive times, but he can't continue to play because the time is over.

Next, when the wind leaves, everyone calls loudly under the platform. , the fastest update of the webnovel!