"Come on, there are not many guests now. Let's go to the box and tell you that the food here is really delicious. I'm sure you'll think twice after one meal."

The woman, who was familiar with familiar roads, led them directly to the box on the second floor.

And the inn, except for the old lady, seems to have not seen half a person. It's strange.

On the second floor, came to a number of days wing room.

The one next to the attic.

As soon as they sat down, they couldn't help being attracted by the scene outside.

I saw that the window on the second floor could see a very busy street outside. Looking at the street, we could see a spire in the distance.

The sign of the flame can be seen clearly even from a long distance.

"The street outside is connected with the guild of pharmacists. Do you see, it's crowded. Even if you have money, you can't find a place in the city."

Woman, it seems that from the beginning, that mouth has not stopped.

As she spoke, she pointed to the building on the other side.

"Because there are so many people, that place records the people who enter the city. Wait a minute. If you want to register, go to that building. It's more convenient."

"Also, over there is Juyuan square, where the alchemy competition is held. However, to tell you, the preliminary competition is over. In the second round of competition, there will be more people. If you want to watch, you can go ahead and occupy the position. Otherwise, you can't see a good play."


"I said," the woman named little orange, you have just entered the city, and you are all blocked out. How can you be so familiar with the city? Have you been here before? "

It's said that the pharmacy Union competition will be held in different cities every time.

Even if she had seen the Games in previous years, she should not be so familiar with Juyuan city! Unless, you know, she comes a lot, or she's been here before.

The question of the Pharaoh made the women laugh.

"I can even find such a secluded place here. I can tell at a glance what else is needed to be familiar with the aboveboard buildings in the city."

What she said made Feng Xi interested in her words!

"Are you good at finding hidden things?" Wind Xi looked at her and asked.

The woman looked at her, "why, do you have something you want to look for? I can help, but my reward is very high. I'm afraid you can't afford it! "

Smell speech, wind Xi, the corners of the mouth hook up.

As long as it's money, there's nothing she can't afford.

"As long as you use the fastest speed to help me find someone, the payment is negotiable."

"People?" The woman raised her eyebrows. "Why, do you want to find the nine grade pharmacist?"

Listening to her tone, it seems that they are not the only ones who ask her to help find people.

"It's not impossible to find someone, but do you want the nine grade pharmacist to accept you as your apprentice? It's not that I want to talk about you. The Jiupin pharmacist has a strange temper. Even if you find him, he may not recognize you. "

"Listen to your tone, you seem to have seen the nine grade pharmacist?" Zuo Yufei looks at the woman.

The woman laughed and shook her head, "no, because those people can't afford the reward I want, so I didn't find it for them."

It was as if she could find someone who could afford to pay her.

"What kind of reward do you want?" Kim Gaye looked at her.

The woman is not in a hurry to answer like, the face is still the sunshine like smile, poured a cup of tea for themselves.

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