And then again, Feng Xi was just about to lose her mind. "Whew!" The sound of the sound, instantly was sucked into the eight trigrams Crystal Tower, felt as if he had entered the oil pan of a bi hell, exploded, and there was no pain left in the bones.

At the moment of inhaling the Crystal Tower of eight trigrams, when the intense unbearable pain hit, Fengxi completely lost all consciousness.

In a coma, the wind Xi's face, body, skin, seven orifices, slowly exuded a trace of blood, the body of the black robe is still on the body.

Slowly and strangely, even the black robe was infiltrated by the blood, as if it was completely immersed in the pool of blood.

However, the black robe was slowly melted in the pool of blood. Finally, even the clothes on the body were not immune.

So, the wind seems to be red again!

All of a sudden, the dense white fog, like substance, quickly seeps out from the white skin of Fengxi with blood suspicion.

It took a long time to stop.

However, her bloodstained body seems to be twitching and twisting in pain, as if the whole body's channels and tendons are constantly moving!

This time, the borrowed energy is too much.

In other words, with the strength of her strength, her borrowed energy is increasing, however, her body is completely beyond the maximum capacity.

There is no harm to the body.

If it had not been for the last moment, the gossip Crystal Tower suddenly sucked her in, I'm afraid she would have been blown up.

Just after the convulsion, the white body suddenly stopped.

There was no sound, as if there was no heartbeat.

There was a terrible silence.

The strong aura of heaven and earth in the eight trigrams Crystal Tower suddenly swarmed in, and wrapped up the body lying on the ground in the wind.

It is as if at this moment, the white fog of aura, crazy gushing in, from every inch of the body's skin, every place, even every hair pore, like crazy gush.

I don't know how long it took.

Wind Xi finally moved her fingers, eyelashes trembled slightly.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked around hard. When he saw clearly that he was in the second Pavilion of the pagoda, he finally snorted.

"It seems like a big bet!"

In fact, according to the previous several times, they were almost survived. Although they almost hung up, they all got unexpected results.

Wind Xi heart also has such a fluke psychology, to be honest, is gambling.

But at this time, the whole body was still in sharp pain, and there was no sense of comfort that the ability was too high.

Fengxi also knows that she has played too much this time.

Just come back to God, immediately feel a headache to crack, as if there are tens of millions of ants, gnawing in their own mind.

The painful pain made the veins on both sides of the temple jump wildly.

All over the body, as long as the joints, it is like being pricked by tens of millions of fine needles.

This kind of pain is really unbearable to the saints.

At this time, the wind, I really don't understand what this is about.

But also had no mind to think about other, the death of the pain, but finally or in front of a black, and again the pain dizzy over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!