I don't know why, when I see that lying on the bed has become the soul of the wings, wind Xi heart across a touch of pain!

In the end, she is no longer the cold-blooded killer. In this world, she has all kinds of ties of family, friendship and companion!

Now lying here on the bed is her contract beast, and at the same time, she has been a companion in her heart. It seems that unconsciously, the ties between these companions have penetrated into her heart.

When Feng Xi came in, he was looking at his little fox. When he saw the wind, he saw a surprise in his eyes

The wind Xi looked at her one eye, nodded, then the vision fell on that soul day wing body, "go out first, don't let other come in disturb!"

"My Lord!" Small fox with that in her shoulder excited small white back out.

After Xiaohu quits, Fengxi doesn't hesitate any more. She starts the eight trigrams Crystal Tower and wraps up the soul sky wings in the moment when the aura leads out

Small fox from the tent out, to see that a large number of people towards the tent, can not help but stop.

"My Lord tells you not to disturb anyone. If you have nothing to do, please leave first." Looking at the mayor of three towns, Xiaohu's tone is obviously low and cold.

When Bai Yu and others heard this, they looked at the tent, but they didn't say much. However, they didn't mean to leave.

Jin JIAYE and others had already found their own places and sat up again, entering the state of breathing.

This makes jiuxiao three people feel a little strange. Aren't they curious.

However, since they are her companions, they may have known this situation for a long time. Inexplicably, looking at them, they could not help but feel some secret envy!

The small fox sits around the door and looks for three people waiting at the door.

But all of a sudden, at this time, three people's bodies were shocked and turned their heads. Their shocked eyes fell into the tent.

This is

I only felt a strong aura of aura surging in the tent. Although it was not very rich, it was much more pure than the aura that they had been looking for before.

Oh, my God! Is it possible that the inner wind Xi is using the spirit to heal her contract beast?

In the eyes of the three people, there was a great heat and pity. This kind of pure aura should be given to her by her master? Isn't it a cruel remnant of nature when it's used on contract animals?

The three people were so hot and trembling in their hearts that they felt a pity to the extreme. However, they were almost tacit. All of a sudden, they sat up in the same place and immediately mobilized their peripheral pulse. In this spirit, they entered into the cultivation.

Unfortunately What a pity

When they entered the practice, they were all in the same mood. They felt that it was a pity that they were extremely cruel to destroy the natural things. I really hope that the strong aura can be used a little bit on themselves, and their cultivation can definitely be improved a lot.

However, they just think about it, such pure aura, even if they are greedy and delusional in their hearts, they dare not make the slightest idea!

They don't want to provoke that mysterious expert for the sake of cultivation, which will bring about a great crisis of extermination!

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