Chapter 350


Many people were surprised. Looking at Zhou Ting flying, they not only didn't envy him, but were full of sympathy one by one. It's possible to fall to death after landing for such a long time.

The three robbers laughed cruelly and didn't kill Zhou Ting. It's good that Zhou Ting fell to death.

Fang Miaomiao was stunned. She didn't know that Zhou Ting was chasing the van. Regret, remorse, tears flow out. If you give her another chance, she will choose to forgive Zhou Ting. However, there is no regret in the world.

At this time, the people around were shouting.

Seeing that Zhou Ting's body flew out not far, he fell down and landed on the ground not far away, making a "bang" sound and splashing a burst of dust. Then he didn't move.

Fang Miaomiao was stunned. No one would think Zhou Ting was pretending.

But in fact, he did pretend.

Just in the air, he suddenly had an idea. He was injured and consumed a lot of real Qi. He can't wait any longer. Fang Miaomiao must be rescued. Exactly, he is gambling that these robbers will come and make sure whether he is dead or injured. Then

Zhou Ting lay there and didn't move for a long time.

It seems that he is really dead, or he is too injured to move.

Everyone can't bear to look straight.

The three robbers in the van shouted in disappointment. They didn't see Zhou Ting killed according to their design. However, Zhou Ting finally lay down, but he wasn't sure whether he was dead or what. The fat boss hurriedly shouted to the black faced man who hadn't said much nearby: "go, old, go and see if he's dead. If he's not dead, get the boy in and find a place to kill him later."

The black faced man didn't say anything. He directly pushed open the door and got off. It can be seen that his character is a little boring.

The black faced man came to Zhou Ting and looked at Zhou Ting who was lying on the ground and couldn't move. He couldn't help but raise his foot and kick his face directly.

Zhou Ting couldn't help thinking of the saying that a barking dog doesn't bite, and a biting dog doesn't bark. The black faced man obviously belongs to this kind of dog that can't bark but can bite. Without saying a word, go straight to the black hand.

However, although Zhou Ting thought a lot, he was not slow.

Just as the black faced man's foot was about to kick him in the face, he suddenly moved. His body moved like a cunning rabbit. He turned over and directly grabbed the black faced man with a catcher. He locked his left hand, pressed his arm and pressed him on the ground.

The black faced man obviously didn't expect that Zhou Ting would be fine. He suddenly took such a hand and was directly attacked.

Seeing this scene, the fat robber boss and the third in the van stared wide.

The next moment, he was angry.

The robber boss directly took out a dagger and pulled Fang Miaomiao up. The dagger rested on her neck and shouted to Zhou Ting outside the car, "don't move. This woman is in my hand. If you don't want her to have something to do, don't move and let my brother go."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Ting grinned and hit the black faced man he was escorting, stunned him, and then kicked him away. His attitude was extremely arrogant.

He approached slowly, his mouth full of random, "I just saw you kidnap, so I caught up with you. I didn't expect you to be so cruel. I don't know this woman. Tut Tut, it's very beautiful, but..." when he said this, he slowly walked to the side of the van with the door open.

His mouth was full of sarcasm. "If you want to threaten me with this woman, your calculation will be wrong." he gave Fang Miaomiao a vague look.

Fang Miaomiao was stunned at first, and then he reacted. He knew that Zhou Ting's plan.

Therefore, she immediately cooperated with the cry of "Wuwu", a look of panic.

Zhou Ting's footsteps kept going and he had to get closer before he could be sure.

However, at this time, the robber boss burst out, "don't come here." he didn't seem to eat Zhou Ting's suit at all. The dagger in his hand could not help but increase his strength. A small blood mark was immediately scratched on Fang Miaomiao's neck.

Zhou Ting's footsteps couldn't help but be a meal. He felt a thump in his heart. The robber was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

The robber pulled a smile on his face, took Zhou Ting's small movements into his eyes, and pulled a crazy smile from the corners of his mouth, "since you don't care about the beauty's life, I also admit that I can't beat you, so I'll pull a cushion before I die." he said, and the movement in his hand will be aggravated.

Zhou Ting was so frightened that he couldn't think of any more strategies. He quickly raised his hand to surrender and shouted, "no, no, I admit, I'm just for her. Don't hurt her. I'll admit it. Will you do it?"

"I don't know, I don't know. You can use labor and capital as a bad pen so desperately, can't you?" the robber's boss scolded, bah's spittle smashed over and screamed, "you back, back, you're so close to me, I don't feel safe."

Zhou Ting had to do it. He was full of pity. He lost the opportunity and the other party refused to relax his vigilance. It was impossible for him to save Miaomiao at this time. Moreover, the other party is more decisive than he imagined. If there is a slight difference, Fang Miaomiao will be in danger.

Zhou Ting took a few steps back and pulled away. The sharp nosed driver pulled a thumb thick rope from under the driver's seat and came to Zhou Ting. Zhou Ting didn't dare to move him. He could only let him tie his hands and feet.

At this time, the black faced man was also awakened by him. The latter came to Zhou Ting and kicked the corner of Zhou Ting's mouth. He couldn't help moving forward two steps.

Behind my back, it hurts.

A cough sounded. Zhou Ting looked up. The robber boss looked at him with a smile, "how cool?"

Zhou Ting didn't speak. Naturally, the black faced man wouldn't be polite. He punched and kicked for a while.

After a while, Zhou Ting had several more wounds on his body, and the corners of his mouth were swollen. The blood slowly overflowed. Fang Miaomiao's tears in the carriage were falling uncontrollably.

Seeing this, the fat robber boss smiled cruelly, "why do you feel distressed for a while, you won't feel distressed."

Then he waved and stopped the black faced man, "old, it's almost done. Bring him up and let's go." but he saw many passers-by calling the police without thinking. You can't stay here anymore.

The van starts under the gaze of all passers-by, and then slowly goes away until it disappears into the traffic flow.

In the carriage, Zhou Ting's hands and feet were tied, but his eyes couldn't stop patrolling several robbers.

He was wondering whether to kill the three guys and save Fang Miaomiao.

To tell the truth, in addition to their limited IQ, the three robbers were actually smart. From the kidnapping of Fang Miaomiao to his appearance, they changed a bad brain. Now they are estimated to have been in the police station cell for a long time.

They thought that Zhou Ting could be controlled by a rope. They were joking.

But Zhou Ting didn't do it because he wanted to see the murderer behind Fang Miaomiao's kidnapping. He still had to rely on these robbers. Because it's risky to subdue them and supply them. Therefore, Zhou Ting finally decided not to save Fang Miaomiao first. Because the current situation is different from before, Zhou Ting was worried that these robbers would hurt Fang Miaomiao. But now, Fang Miaomiao is right under his nose.

As time went by, the car soon reached the suburbs, then drove into a village, turned left and right, and drove into a warehouse with earth brick houses.

Zhou Ting's eyes were shining and he finally arrived.

Then the next moment, he was pulled out of the van together with Fang Miaomiao, pushed and pushed, and walked inside.

It has to be said that this place is messy enough. There are some abandoned wood, bricks and stones at the foot, and occasionally steel bars and iron bars. They are mixed together, which is a little difficult to walk.

From the moment he got off the bus, Zhou Ting's nerves jumped tightly.

"Come on, don't dally."

After entering the earth brick house, he turned several times. Zhou Ting found that some rooms inside had collapsed, but because of this, the terrain became more complex. Pushed by the three robbers, he and Fang Miaomiao could only go inside.

After walking for a while, I came to a room surrounded by a closed window with only a small, poor window that was almost no bigger than a slap.

Open the door. Well, it's actually a door. It's already shaky, but it's just separated from the outside position. As soon as he opened the door, the dust fell down. Zhou Ting was pushed in hard because he was still tied with a rope. He just walked reluctantly and could only walk like a small step like an ancient woman. Being pushed forward, he stumbled forward, and finally fell down. He almost fell on the rough concrete floor, and his clothes were worn out.

Then at this time, Fang Miaomiao was untied and pushed in. She turned her head angrily and glared at the three robbers, but the three robbers didn't care about her eyes that wanted to eat people. On the contrary, the fat robber boss joked: "this little man's skill is too powerful, so I advise you not to untie the rope for him, otherwise..." At this point, he licked his lips. He didn't have to think about what would happen later.

Zhou Ting finally couldn't help it anymore and retorted, "what about peeing and shit?"

The robber's boss was stunned at first, and then smiled, "you have already got into bed. Let her help you. Boy, you have to thank me. This is not a treatment that everyone can enjoy. Ha ha..."

Then the three robbers closed the door with a bang.

"Don't go, you don't go." Zhou Ting shouted.

"What are you doing?" the sharp nosed guy opened the door and yelled impatiently. Zhou Ting was even more angry and roared, "who the hell are you trying to do to us?"

His sudden, coupled with his previous strength, really bluffed the sharp nosed guy. He couldn't speak for a long time.

At this time, the fat head of the robber boss came up from the side and shouted, "don't inquire blindly about what you should not ask. Be honest with labor and capital. Otherwise, hum!"

Hearing the speech, Zhou Ting suddenly looked gloomy. Looking at the meaning, his abacus was lost.

In addition to what they said before, they obviously know his relationship with Fang Miaomiao, which has proved that they are with Zhou Cheng.

Now, look, the guy behind the scenes won't come out. At least he won't come here in a short time.