"When did I say that?" Ye Mu first sent a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth before asking.

She hasn't eaten ice cream for a long time and forgets when she said it.

"Last year, when Bao Mei fell down on her balance car, you said when you bought her ice cream."

Mo Shen said, and took the spoon from ye mu.

"I remember. It was the first time I had this ice cream." Ye Mu bit the spoon and nodded, sighing: "at that time, I thought this ice cream was delicious. It's a pity that I never ate it again."

"Not today?" Mo deep pick eyebrows, but he heard from ye Mu speech in the deep complain.

Ye Mu saw Mo Shen didn't move the spoon for a long time, and sent a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth, blocking his words: "mm-hmm, satisfied."

Mo Shen didn't let her eat ice cream. She wasn't unhappy about it, but she was very happy when he gave her permission.

At this moment, there is nothing more exciting than ice cream. Soft soft ice cream in the mouth, each mouthful is not greasy.

Ye Mu eat attentively, Mo Shen seriously looking at her, ice cream did not eat a few mouthfuls, the sweet taste is not less than ye mu.

"Peipei is going to make a new play." Ye Mu seems to have the fastest speed to forget his unhappiness, very conveniently mentioned his son.

Mo Shen was not surprised. Peipei was not an actor for two days. He spent half a year filming. It's normal for him to take on a new play.


Mo deep light should be a, no redundant answer.

"The theme is different this time." Ye Mu throws a message.

"What's the difference?" Mo Shen looks at his wife with some gossip in her face.

Ye Mu is very calm about all the news outside, except his own children.

She would not be curious to see what kind of news in the entertainment industry, but when she saw Peipei's little news, she would show her gossip.

"This time there's an emotional drama." Ye Mu showed a good-looking teeth and said with a smile: "it's no longer a boy's childhood, but a serious emotional play."

"I don't understand." Mo Shen doesn't understand the meaning of Ye Mu's words very well.

"Peipei's new movie characters are very special. The character is 40 years old, but his appearance is still young. " Ye Mu had read the script a few days ago and explained to Mo Shen in detail: "it's not the leading role, but it's brilliant. In other words, in this movie, Peipei's character is actually a 40 year old character, and he will play with Bai Xiao. "

She wanted to talk about it for another reason.

Bai Xiao, who has been away from the background for many years, plays with Peipei this time. This time, she is also a guest star. Bai Xiao tells Ji'an that she only wants to see if ye Mu's son has got the true story of Ye Mu when she takes the film.

"Bai Xiao as Peipei's wife?" Mo Shen has some problems.

Ye Mu shook his head: "No. Just one of the lovers. "

"Peipei has three lovers and a wife in this movie."

Although the film has not yet been made, ye Mu has a premonition that when the film is broadcast, it should cause a great sensation.

After all, none of Peipei's characters is as challenging as this one.

When Pei Pei takes over the opera, ye Mu never interferes. He takes whatever he likes.

The script found Peipei this time. The agent felt that it was a little risky. It had already been pushed off, but Peipei agreed on his own initiative.

Ye Mu knew that Peipei took the role, expecting and worried.

In fact, such a role is easy to make people look forward to and arouse the public's curiosity.

But it's too challenging. After all, Peipei's age is there, so mature and complex role, ordinary people can guess it is difficult to control.

If the role is well performed, it will surely become a classic of Peipei's acting career. But if it is not well performed, Peipei may suffer great ridicule, and all his previous efforts will be denied.

Ye Mu wanted to have a talk with Peipei, but Peipei threw out a few words on the social platform these days, which made Ye Mu feel very much. He still gave up the idea of having a peace talk.

"Want to do everything I want to do, it's that simple." He wrote a few paragraphs, there is such a simple sentence.

Ye Mu thought that the agent had stopped him from taking the role, but he took it himself. It must have been considered.

The life of an actor is different from that of others. If the role is not challenging for an actor, he will be meaningless.

Peipei's age is small, but he can't stop taking challenging actions. Whether it's good or bad, you always have to try.

Mo Shen doesn't interfere much in Peipei's way of arranging his acting career. She has already given Peipei such a simple truth as to what kind of consequences she has to bear when making a decision.

"When the movie comes out, let's go and see it together." Mo deep listen to Ye Mu finish story outline said to her.

Ye Mu nodded, did not hear Mo Shen stop, she was a little happy, Mo Shen did not say a word to stop Peipei, then what he thought in his heart should be similar to her. They thought the same, ye Mu felt that he had made a right decision.Speaking of Peipei, ye mushen and Mo Shen sat in the living room watching a movie and unconsciously watched several important movies related to Peipei.

In this family, there are not only all ye Mu's movies, but also Peipei's.

Most of Peipei's films have been seen by Ye mu, but few of them have been seen by Mo Shen, and their husband and wife have seen them together.

Mo Shen's extravagance for Peipei is that he is happy. He didn't expect Peipei to perform so well.

Seeing Mo Shen's ecstasy in watching the movie, ye Mu leaned into Mo Shen's arms and felt a little proud: "do you think Peipei Pei is very like me?"

"He's always been like you." Of the three children, Peipei is the most like her.

"It's a gift, too." Ye Mu fingertips in Mo deep chest buckle a few sound said.

"Heredity." Mo deeply stroked Ye Mu's shoulder and praised the mother and son together.

Got the satisfactory answer, ye Mu nodded and admitted: "not bad, not bad."

Over the years, Peipei has grown rapidly. It seems that she has been standing still all the time. It's not achievement, it's mentality. She didn't seem to grow up at all, and she didn't seem to need to grow up at all.

But ye Mu is not without a little feeling, she does not need to grow up because Mo Shen, in a good marriage or love, is able to let people always keep the original heart. Other people, she is not easy to say, but she and Mo Shen, indeed.

Ye Mu quietly leans in Mo Shen's arms to watch the movie. She hopes that this moment can be still, but she feels that time has not changed, as if they have been holding such a posture for a century. And this hug, always for the first time, makes people feel at ease and happy.

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