How does Ye Mu feel that Ji'an will give him a little surprise this time?

"Meeting new people is meeting new people. Why hold a meeting?" Yemuke didn't ignore what Ji'an just said.

She just said she needed to hold a meeting, but later it was related to the trainees and new people. Jian has not made it clear yet.

"Well, in recent dramas, actors are needed. I don't want you to help me. Those acting skills are good, so we can focus on pushing them out. Now, if we want to launch our own actors to shoot, we always have to have some capital. Recently, several writers of the company have a good idea. They want you to help the staff. Can they shoot for you? If we can shoot, we can use all our actors, so we don't have to listen to others. " Ji'an can see clearly that the current market is different from that of Ye Mu when he first started his career. He can fire a group of people in any way.

In the past, their main focus was TV series. After all, TV plays have the highest dissemination and the highest national foundation. Even if some actors on the screen are very famous and popular, they can produce good actors. However, no matter how big the movie actors are, they don't come as fast as the TV actors to let the audience know. That's why Ye Mu has successfully transformed to the screen, and Ji'an will still connect her to the big screen. That's because this is the place with the most audience.

Therefore, looking at the whole group, there are no more actresses than ye Mu fans, and there are no actresses with higher quality than ye Mu fans. Her fan group has more fans than many second-line stars' personal accounts. Ye Mu is the actor who sends the least messages, but her fans are the most concerned.

These are not coincidences. Although Ye Mu's efforts are inseparable, Ji'an's strategy is also inseparable.

Now, the market has changed. We no longer stick to one form. In the past, we only recognized movie and TV stars, but now we have produced online dramas.

When the network drama just came out, it was not optimistic. Everyone thought that no one would be able to make a debut here. However, an actor in their studio received a network drama last year. The quality of the script was not very high, but the communication was no less than that of TV drama. This network drama became famous. After that, although he didn't have any works, many companies and directors came to ask about the actor's whereabouts, and invited many more.

TV stations don't exclude the celebrities coming out of these networks. Now they are fans. As long as they are hot recently and fans love to watch, TV stations are happy to invite them to the program. Therefore, Ji'an is thinking that if the production of TV series is troublesome, they can start from the network drama first. In short, it is simpler than the system of TV series.

However, if they want to do it, they need to do the highest quality online drama instead of following the trend.

Ji'an told ye Mu what he thought. Ye Mu agreed with Ji'an: "I watched two episodes of online drama before. It's no accident that it can be popular. Now there are online platforms to push, and most people watch TV on the Internet. As long as the online platform can push, they don't worry that someone will watch it. Moreover, the audience is getting smarter and smarter. As long as it's of high quality, no matter it's TV Drama, or network drama, or film, will not be buried. "

"Well, we'll discuss the script. If we can, I'll contact the person in charge of the online video platform to have a talk. I believe that if you hear your name, everyone will be willing to have a talk." The first drama they want to produce must involve Ye mu. As long as ye Mu's name exists, no one will be afraid of not buying it.

Ye muzai thought carefully and agreed: "OK, let's go."

The conference room is next to Ji'an's present office. Ye Muxian goes there and Ji'an calls the staff to have a meeting.

There were only seven or eight people in the meeting. These people are very familiar with Ji'an, but they are not familiar with Ye mu. There is a little more eager contemplation and silence in their sight.

They don't know how to talk yet. After all, ye Mu is the real boss here. He always worries about the displeasure caused by a wrong sentence.

"If you have any ideas, please let me know. I've heard some from sister Ji. I'd like to hear what you think." Ye Mu's attitude is very kind, no end shelf, face with a smile asked people.

The men looked at each other and then at Ji'an.

Ji'an seemed to think of something, immediately patted his head and said: "look at me, I forgot to introduce you. The three writers sitting next to you are the ones we chose to participate in this project. The three in the middle are marketing and the other three are editors. Because there are some special effects this time, I want to call them to see if we can achieve our expected effect. "

Ji'an is very good at choosing. Whether it's the market, the story or the picture, it's very comprehensive. We should discuss something.

After Ji'an introduces Ye mu, ye Mu Chong Ji'an nods and doesn't speak, but according to Ji'an's understanding of Ye mu, she knows that ye Mu wants her to preside over it.

Ji'an said a few words, and soon stirred up the topic of the public, saying what he wanted to say and his opinions on the story.

Ye Mu listened quietly. When everyone said it, she wrote down the key questions.She put forward her differences when the other party finished speaking. Ye Mu didn't intervene in this project too much. It was just a kind of inspiration. He has followed everyone's will to make some changes and go to a higher level. The whole meeting went smoothly, and ye Mu himself was satisfied.

At the end of the day, although we didn't talk about a few personal topics, it seemed that we were closer and didn't feel alienated. Ye Mu didn't have airs. This is the most comfortable place.

After everyone went out, Ji'an said, "now I'll call new people and trainees in?"

"Don't you give me a little rest?" Ye Mu leaned on the chair with a sigh.

"No, you have plenty of rest time at noon. I'm afraid you won't be free later." Ji'an said with Ye mu with a dry smile.

Ye Mu sat up from his seat and asked curiously, "what can I do for you?"

Ji'an only said that he had arranged work in the afternoon, but he didn't say that there was also work at noon.

"Don't you want to meet Si Tongsi today? I've made an appointment for you until noon. After the meeting, she should be here Ji'an arranged the time of the day very well.

Ye Mu helplessly shakes his head and smiles. Ji'an does things without leaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!