"Maybe I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself." Cao Di sighed and said something to himself.

Si Tongsi heard what he said, but didn't understand: "if you want to help me with what you do, or cooperate with what you do, I can only tell you that I can't do it."

Indeed, she has been sitting high for too long. As long as others treat her better, all she can think of is conspiracy theory.

Cao Di didn't feel surprised to hear that from Si Tongsi.

From the beginning when they met, Si Tongsi didn't like him. No matter what kind of cooperation, she tried to avoid him.

Occasionally, if he is kind to her, he gives her some fruit or helps her a little. She didn't touch anything he gave her. For fear of getting involved with him, she wished she didn't know Cao Di at all.

This is all that Cao Di can feel from Si Tongsi. She thinks that Cao Di has a purpose for her. He had a purpose for her, but it was not the purpose she thought.

Cao Di smiles and denies Si Tongsi's words: "originally, I didn't think of this, but what you said reminds me that I can think about it."

"Cao Di, sometimes I really don't understand you. If you really don't plan to help Cao Ying, just don't look for me, but why do you look for me? Then tell me, you won't let Cao Ying know? " Si Tong Si is really hard to believe that he really has no purpose at all.

"I'm trying to help you." Cao Di didn't joke with Si Tongsi. He took every sentence very seriously: "even if I know that you don't like me and guard me everywhere, it doesn't prevent me from treating you as a friend. From the first meeting, I will treat you as a friend. Although you and Cao always love each other, I know that you have many grievances in your heart. I know what you know. "

In the last sentence, what he said is very meaningful.

"What do you know?" Looking at Cao Di, Si Tongsi doubted whether Cao Di knew anything.

Cao Di bowed his head. He told her what he knew but never said: "I know who Cao should be."

"You..." Si Tong thought that his eyes were staring.

With just one sentence, she knew what he was saying. It's just, how could Caodi know? Cao Di and Cao Ying didn't spend much time together, and Cao Di didn't show any difference. No one can see what he knows

Seeing her surprised expression, Cao Di just laughed: "I know this is not a strange thing. I know Cao Di best. Many people say that they can't even tell their parents apart. But I can. When I was a child, we played together so many times that I could see who they were at a glance. But when I first met him back home, I was not sure, but as soon as he spoke, I knew who he was. "

Even though Cao Di and Cao should be brothers, they have different personalities and different ways of speaking. He can change a lot of things, and even imitate and conceal people. However, there is no way to hide the small details.

When Si Tongsi heard Cao Di say what he knew, she was very flustered.

Cao Di knows. In this world, you not only know the secret, but also Cao di

I don't know why, Si Tongsi feels that his weight is much lighter and less oppressive.

"I came to you, really just to inform you, don't reveal your whereabouts." He told stone seriously.

Si Tong Si really can't believe that the people of Cao family really have no purpose at all.

"And again, I really think of you as a friend. In my heart, you are more important than Cao Ying, so you don't have to be wary of me or worry about what I will do, as long as you treat me as a friend. " He leaned over and told her with a smile on his face.

In fact, he was the only one who knew that stone was there. He is happy, in this world, only he knows she is there, as if he has hidden her, only he can see her.

Si Tongsi was still vigilant, but his words were not so aggressive: "thank you."

It's not easy to hear her thanks to Cao di.

Cao Di just heard a thank-you, the smile on his face happily hung up.

"Maybe you need to thank me more later. Now it's too early." Cao Di said with a little pride, like a joke, and like sincere words.

Looking at his humble appearance, sitongsi felt as if he had seen him in the company.

He sat for a while and began to take off his coat.

Si Tongsi watched him take off his coat and push his sleeve up. He didn't ask, and he didn't know what he meant.

"Come on, tell me, is there any hard work you can't solve here? I'll help you out. " He came, and that could help her.

This is Cao Di's initiative. She really can't finish it well, but Cao Di can finish it well.

She led Cao Di to the greenhouse and told Cao Di, "this is the greenhouse I built a few days ago. I have checked the information and did it according to what I said on the Internet. However, it still can't be stable. As long as there is wind, it seems that it can be blown. Can you help me solve it?""Of course." Cao Di's face was fixed.

Si Tongsi couldn't do it well because she didn't have enough strength. He bent down, not afraid of the dirt, and forced himself into the soil.

He asked Si Tongsi to have a try. Si Tong Si tried, and immediately gave him a smile and a thumbs up: "it's really good. It's stable!"

Cao Di was very proud. After hearing Si Tongsi's praise, he seemed to be more energetic, and immediately dealt with the following.

Soon, the stable work of the greenhouse was finished.

In order to express his gratitude, Si Tongsi invited Cao Di to have breakfast.

Breakfast is made by her own hands, I don't know if Cao Di will like it. In the morning, she only made a white rice porridge with two seasonal vegetables. In this way, Cao Di was quite satisfied.

After eating, he did not forget to praise it as his favorite breakfast.

As long as it's made by her, no matter how bad it is, he will say it's delicious.

Cao Di did not forget to ask her what else he needed to do.

It's very difficult to draw water in sitongsi. Grandma's house hasn't installed a tap yet, so she has to carry water several kilometers away. Every time she drives her second-hand car, she can't load much back.

Since he's here, they'll drive to transport some together, which should be enough for her for a week!

It's just a small favor. Of course, Cao Di helped.

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