Si Tongsi is very sensitive to this voice now. He knows who is speaking without looking at people.

"What are you doing here?" Si Tong Si didn't look behind her, but she knew who was standing behind her. She was light and couldn't ignore that heavy tone.

As she spoke, Cao Ying's hand was already on her shoulder. Cao Ying asked what he had just said, but after asking, he didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction. Instead, he stood behind Si Tongsi, put one hand on his shoulder, bent down and leaned his chin on his shoulder, and said, "you dropped something in the morning, I'll send it to you."

Si Tongsi wanted to look back at him in doubt. As a result, he was too close to her, and their lips met.

When Si Tong was about to leave, Cao Ying butted against the back of her head, pecked her red lips heavily, and then put a ring on her hand.

"You forgot the engagement ring." He wanted to explain what she had forgotten.

Si Tong Si didn't hold back and frowned at Cao Ying.

When did they have an engagement ring? Why doesn't she know?

If he didn't understand what Cao should do to himself, Si Tongsi almost believed that he was really a gentle and considerate fiance.

Shi Ling watched two people show their love in front of her eyes. She couldn't help but smile. She didn't expect that Cao Ying's taste changed so quickly. I didn't hate this kind of woman before, but now I like it?

"Just said there?" Taking care of his fiancee's mood, Cao Ying looks up at the director again and asks.

Si Tong Si didn't notice what he said. He just focused on the ring between his fingers.

This ring is just right on her hand. The shape of the ring is also very beautiful. It doesn't look like she bought it in a hurry.

The director was slightly surprised to see that Si Tongsi and Cao Ying had a good relationship. He heard that their relationship was not very good. How could they be so sweet now?

Hearing Cao Ying's question, the director thought, maybe it's just Cao Ying's show in front of everyone. After all, it's still necessary to make a show.

"Mr. Cao, there are some things I shouldn't have said. But originally agreed to start the time, now procrastinate again and again, the film is not shot? When we used to make movies together, you know what the specific system was like. " The director looked at Cao Ying angrily and said that there was a smell of complaint.

Cao Ying nodded to listen to the director, as if thinking of something, nodded: "I remember the system of making movies together, en Before shooting, I always take the actress out for a walk, right? "

What he said was Cao Ying's habit.

But the director didn't know that it was not Cao Ying who was in front of him. This was what Cao Ying had done. He immediately said, "yes, let's relax together to get into a better state."

The director's face showed a smile that men can understand, which made Si Tongsi show a kind of irony.

Soon, Cao Ying opened his seat, sat down beside Si Tongsi, and said, "I understand the director's meaning, which means that the crew must go alone."

The director smiles at Si Tongsi and nods: "that's the meaning."

"In my opinion, if there must be one person in the group, then You go Cao Ying hardly thought about it. As soon as the director's voice fell, he said such things.

As soon as his voice fell, the director looked at Cao Ying with unbelievable expression: "general Cao..."

What does Cao Ying mean? Just now Mingming is still talking for himself, and now he's going to kick himself out?

"Mr. Cao, it's Si Tongsi who should go, not me!" The director is a little excited and points to Si Tongsi and says it seriously.

"I said that the project was left to the director of the Department. If you can't listen to her, you can't listen to me. Why stay here?" Cao Ying looks at the director, looks down a little, and speaks without much humanity.

This is Cao Ying now. He can protect his weaknesses as he can.

"No, Mr. Cao, you have forgotten what we said before?" The director still can't accept this fact.

"What else do you want to say?" Cao Ying looks at the director formally, full of threats.

Accepting his eyes, the director swallowed all he wanted to say.

Cao Ying's eyes have already explained everything. The director must go today.

"Cao Ying, you can't do that. But the director has helped us make several plays. As long as the better plays are made by the director, you can't do that. " At this time, Shi Ling came forward with dissatisfaction.

Si Tong Si Yang looks at Shi Ling with his chin. He doesn't know what Shi Ling is.

Shi Ling was rejected by Cao Ying several times, but she didn't realize that this Cao Ying would not follow her like the previous Cao Ying. He even could do something unacceptable to Shi Ling.

"What's the point? I like that word Cao Ying a smile, fine product of these four words, and then a smile: "however, Cao's company never want donkeys."Everyone knows who the word "donkey" is scolding.

When was the director said that? At this moment, I can't swallow this tone, and I still have some meaning of blaming Shi Ling: "Miss Shi, please don't say it again. I never asked you to say anything for me. Isn't it just a TV play? If you don't shoot it, you won't shoot it. I'm not bad for this TV series. "

The director said, picked up his own things on the table and looked at Cao Ying: "Mr. Cao, you can do it yourself in the future! One day you will die at the hands of this woman. "

Then the director went out in anger.

Shi Ling bit his teeth and wanted to say something, but Cao Ying took a deep look at her and said, "do you want to go?"

Cao Ying's eyes are very serious when he looks at Shi Ling. It doesn't seem like a joke at all. This makes Shi Ling lose his mind for a moment. In the past, Cao Ying begged him to stay. Now, is he going to drive him out of the cast?

Shi Ling did not dare to speak, she did not dare to take away, so high liquidated damages, she has not found someone to help them bear.

Shi Ling finally took a breath in his heart, looked at Si Tongsi and left.

All of us find fault with Si Tongsi. It seems that they all find fault with the cast's failure to start on time.

However, we all don't know that today Ye mu, who is abroad, has started to pack up his things and set out to return home.

On a foreign plane, ye Mu showed her the script of Si Tongsi. The first thing after returning home, she asked Ji'an to take over the project.

That is to say, the director asked to start the next day, but Si Tongsi didn't agree. But because ye Mu entered the state quickly, he started the work smoothly on the third day, and the original deputy director became a regular filmmaker.

If the director knows that he just missed a day and can't make the play, he will probably vomit blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!