He Nian stayed at home. The three children were obedient and didn't need Ye Mu and Mo to worry.

Lin Su has his own husband here. He doesn't need Ye Mu and Mo Shen to stay here. But Lin Su suddenly out of such a big thing, Mo Shen is not at ease, insist on staying.

Mo Shen stays here. Ye mu, as her daughter-in-law, will not leave. Even if Mo Shen asks her to go back to rest, she still insists on staying here.

They stayed on the sofa all night, and the next day they both had busy work. Early in the morning, Lin Su turned them out.

Time is running out, and they don't have breakfast. Mo Shen drives Ye Mu back to the studio first, and then goes to the company by himself.

On the way, ye Mu's face twisted his neck in pain, and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Mo Shen heard her inexplicable laughter, a little eyebrow to look at her.

Let him such a kiss, the smile on Ye Mu's face more profound: "do you say we were stupid last night?"

"Well?" Mo Shen doesn't quite understand her meaning.

Ye Mu's expression was a serious sneer at his own look, relaxed and full of Epiphany relief: "you think, mom was scared yesterday, as a result, we both insisted on staying with her. How embarrassed was uncle there? Mother wants us to go, should also want to say with Uncle SA coquetry at that time mood

"Is it?"

What ye Mu said, Mo Shen didn't seem to notice at all.

Ye Mu nodded to himself: "well, I think so. Women still understand women. No matter how strong they are, they will be relieved in front of the men they like. "

"I don't quite understand." Mo Shen shrugged, thinking of Ye Mu's performance to himself: "but I believe this sentence on you."

Ye Mu slanted Mo Shen one eye, Mo Shen said so, her face is not happy, but the heart is happy. At least Mo Shen saw what she thought.

Today's set is short of Qin Xinran. When ye Mu arrived, everyone was in a mess. First, the scene he took yesterday was wrongly removed last night. Second, Qin Xinran disappeared. The agent of the crew was calling Qin Xinran. She called Qin Xinran countless times. As a result, the phone kept telling her that Qin Xinran's mobile phone was turned off.

As soon as ye Mu entered the troupe, he saw that the troupe's agent was in a mess and asked, "what's the matter? The actor is not in place? "

In this group, everyone came on time. Generally, there is no mistake.

"Qin Xinran, she didn't come today and didn't say why. I can't get through to the phone right now. " The agent frowned and complained bitterly.

"Qin Xinran..."

Ye Mu repeated the name of "Qin Xinran" and suddenly remembered something. He patted his head and said to the broker, "I'm sorry, I forgot. Qin Xinran asked for leave a few days ago. I forgot to inform you about it. Isn't there no more of her

"Ah, she asked for leave with you." The agent withdraws the mobile phone that leans on the ear, the distress on the face disappears instantly, and answers Ye Mu's question: "yes, she has no lens, but the director temporarily adds a scene to her, hoping that she will cooperate."

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell the director that it's OK to put the play in the back." Determined the whereabouts of Qin Xinran, the broker relaxed a lot and immediately went in the direction of the director.

The director was in a bad mood early in the morning when he made sure that Qin Xinran didn't come. He was in a worse mood. He's not sure if it's going to work! This scene is a lot of money. Last night, it was demolished like this. He was very distressed.

But fortunately, ye mu in order to appease the crew's irritability, or contact people to rebuild. This scene costs money, but it's not so time-consuming. The play hasn't been on sale yet, but the price raised is already very high. It's better. In the end, the money will come back. Ye Mu doesn't feel bad about it.

As for Qin Xinran, her mobile phone has been turned off because she has been on the plane.

By the time she got to m country, it was ten o'clock in the evening. She happily out of the airport, took a car, immediately called the cake room, ordered a birthday cake, let them deliver in the evening.

Now she is in a hurry to go back to see her son. She doesn't have time to go to the cake room again. She just asks the cake room to deliver it. She can stay with her child for a while.

With a short hair, Qin Xinran's burden was lightened. She has short hair for some time, but now she feels light, slightly changed, which makes her happy.

She didn't tell her son when she came back. When she pushed the door into the house, her son was playing football with his neighbor's children. Seeing her son, Qin Xinran's heart melted. She waved to her son: "Xiao Xi."

Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Xi turned quickly. Seeing Qin Xinran, the whole person rushed over like a bird: "Mom!"

Xiao Xi was so happy that he rushed into Qin Xinran's arms and hugged Qin Xinran: "I miss you so much. I thought you didn't want Xiao Xi."

"Little fool, why? You're mom's baby Qin Xinran hugged the child tightly. After a while, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears and kissed his son's forehead."Xiao Xi, would you like to come down first? Mom can't hold you. " After holding Xiaoxi for a while, Qin Xinran couldn't bear it. Long time no see. The child gained a lot of weight.

Xiaoxi slides down from Qin Xinran. The smile on her face has not changed. She leads Qin Xinran to walk inside: "I have something to show you!"

"Well? What? " Qin Xinran asked, but the pace has been very honest to follow in.

During her absence, Xiao Xi behaved very well. Won a lot of awards, nanny has been taking him to participate in the competition he is interested in, won a lot of prizes.

At this moment, Xiao Xi pushed the important things to Qin Xinran: "these are all for you. My aunt said that as long as I perform well, you will come back. These are all for you. "

Xiao Xi looked at her with expectation in her eyes. He was a little worried. He was very afraid that his mother would go away again.

Qin Xinran touched his son's head painfully. After a while, the doorbell rang.

"Here comes the present that mom prepared for you." Hearing the doorbell, Qin Xinran said mysteriously.

Xiao Xi's eyes lit up immediately: "what? what? What did Mom prepare for me? "

"Just go to the door and see for yourself." Qin Xinran pinched his son's face to remind him.

This little thing must have thought that she had forgotten his birthday and came back without any preparation.

Xiaoxi jumped to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw the man standing outside and asked, "uncle, who are you looking for?"

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