When Wu Hui hears that ye Qiyi wants to have a rest, he immediately nods and leads Ye Qiyi to the bedroom to have a rest.

Ye Qiyi went into the bedroom and gave Wu Hui a smile: "I'll have a rest here now."

"Don't worry about sleeping. I'll watch for you outside." Wu Hui tries to speak faster so that ye Qiyi can have an early rest.

Ye Qiyi enters the bedroom. Wu Hui closes the door and sits in the living room without any intention of sleeping.

Ye Qiyi was sleepy for a long time and soon fell asleep. But, all the things are still hanging in my heart, she fell asleep, these things also followed into her dream, gradually evolved into a nightmare.

Ye Qiyi struggles in her dream and sees herself bullied to death by Ye Qimeng. She gnashes her teeth with hatred, but she has no way.

"No!" Ye Qiyi holds the sheet tightly in both hands, sweating on her forehead and talking to herself helplessly.

She is talking in her dreams, experiencing miserable dreams, some of which are real and make her helpless.

She has nightmares, and Lin Feifei also has nightmares, but their nightmares are different in nature.

In her dream, Lin Feifei dreamed that she had given birth to a child, but she was abandoned. She took the child alone and almost cried her tears dry.

But when Lin Feifei wakes up from a dream, her eyes are full of confusion. After a moment, I stroked my hair. I didn't feel anything in my life.

Even if one day she was abandoned, she is not afraid, she can take good care of her children, she will not only cry, pray that man can come back!

Lin Feifei washes her face, wakes up a lot, and washes away her nightmares.

Her agent called, and she was eating breakfast and talking hands-free.

"Don't forget, you have a reality show recording today. It's almost over. You'd better be distracted. Even if you're pretending, you have to be reluctant. Do you understand?" The agent is telling Lin Feifei on the phone.

Lin Feifei looks at the phone, eats a sandwich and nods.

The agent couldn't see her action over the phone and couldn't help saying, "did you hear me? Give me a response

"I see." Lin Feifei rolled his eyes and complained with bread.

The agent got her response, still a little uneasy: "don't let your temper fool around any more! Good recording! You know, Xi Shang's reputation is getting higher and higher now. When the program is coming to an end, you can't tie him up for long. Don't lose your popularity as soon as the program is over! "

Lin Feifei seems to be very popular now, but the agent knows very well that it has a great relationship with Xi. She doesn't know whether Lin Feifei's popularity will last until the end of the program.

Lin Feifei didn't want to hear more from the agent, urging: "you send me the address and time, and I'll go there when it's time."

"It's better to be a little ahead of time, at least leave some time for make-up." The agent reported the time and address, and said that she would send it to Lin Feifei again later. But as soon as these words were finished, she couldn't help talking.

Lin Feifei sighed helplessly and listened to all the words of the agent patiently.

Soon, Lin Feifei stretched and got up to go to the bathroom to wash.

After a while, the agent sent a new copy of the time and address to Lin Feifei's mobile phone.

Lin Feifei took a look at it, but she felt that the address above seemed to have been seen there. She put on her make-up and didn't put the address in her heart too much.

What Lin Feifei is recording today is not elsewhere. It is the amusement park that Guo Fei took Lin Feifei to a long time ago.

When Guo Fei took Lin Feifei, the garden was still open. It's one of Guo Fei's investment projects. Lin Feifei was looking forward to it at that time. She insisted that Guo Fei engrave her face on the first position of the roller coaster. In the future, as long as he proposed to her and he took her around, she would agree.

At that time, Guo Fei looked at her contemptuously and gave her two words: "naive."

At that time, Guo Fei would never propose to Lin Feifei.

Including now, Guo Fei is the same.

In his heart, he would not propose to Lin Feifei, even if he realized that he liked her.

Guo Fei took the initiative to ask the TV station to use their amusement park for the recording of this program. He gave it to the program group for free. His good name was to ask the program group to advertise their amusement park. But the actual purpose is only clear to Guo Fei.

He has heard that many variety shows and reality shows are fake. He wanted to see if the recording scene was as intimate and natural as the one in the video.

Guo Fei put off his work in the afternoon and came to see it. But he knew how to avoid suspicion and didn't come out. He always stood at a high place.

When the program team is ready, Lin Feifei comes with a small bag. She still looks young.

Seat is not a moment also arrived, two people stand together to talk, and there is no intimate action.

"That's all. I thought it was so intimate." Guo Fei saw that there was still a distance between them, and he was a little relieved.

Guo Fei continued to watch. The program was soon recorded, and both Lin Feifei and Xi Shang entered the shooting state. Lin Feifei obviously had a little spirit, much like her filming state. She would watch Xi Shang from time to time, and her eyes were a little reluctant.Guo Fei swallowed his throat and comforted himself. These are all performances!

Walking on the path of the amusement park, Xi Shang took the initiative to take Lin Feifei's hand: "how are you thinking these days?"

"Well?" Lin Feifei trembled, as if she had been frightened and looked at Xi Shang.

She didn't expect that Xi Shang would ask so directly in the public. How can the public say the things between them under the camera when they don't know?

Xi Shang noticed Lin Feifei's panic. He just laughed and didn't go on.

"Let's go and have a look. Do you like any of these events?" Guo Fei shook Lin Feifei's hand, completely in love.

Lin Feifei's eyes look around. She wants to play a lot in the amusement park, but Some projects, is she suitable to play?

Xi Shang took her to play with the handstand. Lin immediately shook his hand and leaned against his ear to remind him, "can I play with this?"

She is pregnant now, play so exciting, can too dangerous?

Lin Feifei reminds Xi Shang, who subconsciously looks at Ye Mu's abdomen and nods: "that roller coaster?"

"Roller coaster is a little bit..." Lin Feifei was in a dilemma about what to say, but her eyes saw that the roller coaster was not so steep. Her words changed to her lips: "roller coaster can..."

Xi Shang a smile, took her hand on the roller coaster.

They were on the roller coaster. They couldn't record a lot of what they said. They could only hear it. However, there was so much noise around that Lin Feifei didn't hear it. All she knew was that on the roller coaster, Xi Shang said something very serious to herself.

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