Chapter 1214

Name:Medicinal Immortal Author:Feng Jiong
"Today's auction was a great success. I watched it upstairs and felt that they were bidding fiercely." Old Tang said, looking at Tang Ning, asked: "you let Li Li and Bo he send yuan's family back, don't you worry that there are still people on the road who dare to stop and rob?"

With a smile, Tang Ning said: "it's hard to say that the power of breaking yuan pill is too amazing, and I can't guarantee that no one will take any risks."

After drinking a cup of tea, she added, "those aristocratic family members are very skilled. They have already sent people to guard outside for escort. I told them to go on a journey. First, if there is something wrong, they can help. Second, they haven't got all the medicines of the yuan family. By the way, let them collect them."

The two people upstairs were chatting, and the downstairs were closing the door to clean up the first floor's praying wind. Hearing that someone beat the door, he stepped forward and opened the door: "no business today, the auction is over. If you need anything, please be early tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, several mercenaries, dressed in ragged mercenary clothes and painted like flower cats, stood outside the door, praying for the wind to look at them. At the same time, they were also looking at qimufeng.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for It doesn't look like you're here to buy things.

"Let's find master Tang." One of them opened his mouth and arched his hand toward the praying wind: "please give me a notice."

"Look at the back." Qimufeng raised his chin and motioned them to look around behind him: "those people want to see my master, but my master is not everyone can see."

"seeing or missing has the final say, but I need to trouble you to give it to me for generations, my name is Ye Feibai." The mercenary who spoke laughed and was not in a hurry.

"Leaves fly white?" Qimufeng took a look at the eight of them and thought of Niu Dali. He said that there were still several people who had not arrived. He couldn't help but stare at them and looked at them again: "do you know Niu Dali?"

Hearing this, the eight people looked at each other with a smile: "it seems that brother Niu is one step ahead of us."

"Come in!"

Seeing this, Qimu Feng asked them to come in and said, "Niu Dali arrived two days ago, but the master of this meeting asked him to send people off, but he hasn't come back yet. The master is upstairs. You should come first and have a seat. I'll tell you."

Several people into the inside, then looked at the world under the strange building, think of the Tang Shi came only how long? Their fame had already spread far away. They came all the way here, and only after a little inquiry, they learned that Tang Shi was in the city of magic moon.

"Master, ye feibai, several of them are here."

Tang Ningzheng was talking to his grandfather when she heard the voice of qimufeng. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but smile and said: "grandfather, ye feibai, like Niu Dali, are the students I taught when I was a tutor in Tianlong. They are all sons of aristocratic families in the land of mortals. I didn't expect that they were so brave that they dared to enter the immortal without being led Land. "

"Oh? In that case, let's go and have a look together. " Old Tang stood up and went down with her.

Downstairs, situ and ye feibai are waiting. When they see the familiar blue figure coming down, they can't help but smile.

"Master Tang!"

Seeing Tang Shi again, the excitement in the hearts of all the people is hard to express. Even if they came to this immortal land, there were many crises and dangers all the way. But when they thought that Tang Shi was here, they were not afraid!