Gubei took Qin Feng to see all the patients one by one. After confirming that everyone was ok, he went back to his room.

Su Ruoxue is sitting in Qin Feng's room. Seeing Qin Feng coming back, she hurried over.

"Qin Feng, your business has been handled. Can we go back?"

She looked expectantly at Qin Feng with a smile in her eyes.

As long as they go back, they can hold a wedding. In the future, Qin Feng will be her husband.

At the thought of their marriage, Su ruoshue's smile was even worse, and her cheeks were inexplicably red.

Qin Feng looked at her with drooping eyes and said calmly, "Ma Qing's injuries are not well. When they are well, we can go back."

He naturally knew what Su ruoxie's purpose was, but since he had promised to marry her, he would not break his promise.

But do things from beginning to end. If Ma Qing doesn't recover his true Qi, he doesn't trust them to go back.

The mercenary world is not so easy to deal with.

Hearing the speech, Su ruoshue nodded his head, "well, then wait a few more days."

Gubei looked at them and suddenly felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket.

Took out his cell phone, took a look, lifted his feet and went out

Qin Feng looked back at the door, took back his sight and walked towards the sofa. He took out the book slowly.

Now that the Li family's affairs have been solved, it's useless to keep this book. It's simply ruined.

To avoid being seen by others, you'll be in trouble then.

If people in the martial arts know that true Qi can be absorbed, they will be in chaos.

Su Ruoxue looked closely at the book in Qin Feng's hand and said curiously, "Why are you suddenly interested in the Analects of Confucius? Is there any special reason?"

Qin Feng said faintly, "no, just bought it easily."

Then he got up and went to his room and closed the door.

He held the book in one hand, and the Qi in the palm gradually moved out, and the book turned into powder in an instant.

Qin Feng sighed softly, "you can't keep things that harm others and yourself!"

Then he went to the living room.

Gubei has called back, but his face is heavy.

It's like something happened.

Seeing Qin Feng coming out, Gu Bei moved his lips, but didn't say a word.

Qin Feng looked at him and whispered, "what's the matter?"

Gubei smiled bitterly and shook his head. "It's all right. It's just a small matter. I don't bother my master."

Su Ruoxue hurried to Qin Feng's front and took his arm.

"Qin Feng, since you're almost done, why don't we go out and have something to celebrate? And don't you want to treat Ma Qing? You can just go out and buy some medicine." She said playfully.

Qin Feng looked down at her, hesitated for a moment and nodded, "then go."

In terms of medicinal materials, he needs some, but he needs some strange medicinal materials, but he doesn't know whether Liuzhou has them.

Hearing the speech, Su Ruoxue quickly ran to the door and shouted, "wait for me, I'll change my clothes! It'll be right away!"

The man has run out.

The room was instantly quiet. Qin Feng walked slowly towards the sofa and said faintly, "tell me, what's the matter?"

Gubei pursed his lips, lowered his head and stood by the sofa. For a long time, he said, "it's nothing. It's just something at home! However, I've cut off my relationship with my family, so I won't intervene in those things!"

Qin Feng leaned over to pour a cup of tea and whispered, "if you really cut off the relationship with them, you wouldn't be so worried."

He has known Gubei for many years and naturally knows Gubei's family background.

But for so many years, Gubei's family didn't contact him. Now they suddenly contacted him. It must be a big event.

But this is Gubei's business after all. As a master, the only thing he can do is to help Gubei when he needs help.

Gubei moved his lips. "I... I'm not worried. It's their business and has nothing to do with me. I'm just surprised that they can find my contact information. I think they have no choice."

Qin Feng lifted his mouth and turned to Gubei. "If you want to help, no matter what it is, there will always be some ways. But if you don't plan to do it, there's no need to care about it."

Then he took a sip of the tea in front of him.

After hearing the movement outside, he stood up and walked to the door.

When I passed Gubei, I deliberately stopped and patted him on the shoulder, "there's no need to frown on things I don't care about. Just do things I care about. Don't think so much!"

Then he walked towards the door.

Su Ruoxue was about to enter Qin Feng's room. Seeing that he suddenly opened the door, he smiled and said, "let's go. We can just have a good rest."

She was wearing a floral skirt and holding Qin Feng's arm. Without her carelessness in the past, she looked like a little girl in love.

They took a taxi to Liuzhou's medicine market.

Two rows of streets are full of shops selling traditional Chinese medicine.

Qin Feng and Su Ruoxue entered each store one by one, but they couldn't find the medicine Qin Feng wanted after visiting several stores.

Su Ruoxue frowned slightly, looked at the streets on both sides and sighed softly.

"Why don't you have the medicine you want? It's strange!"

Although she didn't know what medicine Qin Feng wanted, she couldn't finish it even after dark.

How do they go shopping? I spent all my time buying herbs!

Qin Feng looked at her sideways and said calmly, "medicinal materials are not so easy to find, not to mention the special things I want."

Su Ruoxue pursed her lips and said for a long time, "well, then you can only find it slowly."

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng looked down at his watch. "If you're tired, rest here first. I'll buy it and come back."

"No, I want to be with you. I'm not tired, not at all!" Su Ruoxue held Qin Feng tightly in her hands.

Qin Feng said, "then go to the next one."

What he wants is not so easy to find.

Gu San Cao is not a once-in-a-century medicinal material. There are even many in the world, but few medicine shops will sell this medicine.

It is mainly because the growth environment of Gu San grass is special. All of them grow on cliffs, so it is more troublesome to pick them.

If you don't pay attention, you'll lose your life.

That's why no one picks Gu San grass.

However, the drug is really good, and it is also very beneficial to the enhancement of genuine Qi.

I don't know if there's anything for sale here

Qin Feng and Su Ruoxue enter the next medicine shop together. The boss is a woman.

A black dress, slightly charming,

The wave like long hair is lifted to one side, which is more romantic.

Seeing Qin Feng and Su Ruoxue enter the store, the boss lifted his eyes and glanced at Qin Feng. His eyes fell on Qin Feng, pulled them up from the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "what medicine do you want to buy?"