Qin Feng looked at her with tacit understanding. "We're looking for sister Qing!"

The woman smiled and said, "there's no green sister here. You've found the wrong place!"

Then close the door.

However, Ma Qing raised his hand and said in a cold voice, "then find your hostess!"

The woman's face gradually faded. She looked at several men at the door and moved her lips. As soon as she was about to speak, she was preempted by the people in the house.

"Let them in!"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Qian Dongfeng looked at Qin Feng excitedly, "it's sister Qing!"

Finally found it!

It's not in vain. I ran so far!

The woman opened the door and said calmly, "then come in!"

Immediately, Qin Feng entered the hall together.

In the hall, a woman was drinking tea gracefully with exquisite makeup on her face.

Although he is in his forties, he still looks amazing and charming.

But those eyes... Beautiful, but with a cruel force!

Even Qin Feng couldn't help but be surprised that such a gangster boss was completely different from what he imagined

Seeing Qin Feng's arrival, the woman slowly put down her tea cup, gently picked Liu Mei and looked at Qian Dongfeng, "sure enough, you are unreliable!"

Qian Dongfeng looked at her and felt his legs tremble. He slowly lowered his head.

Sister Qing has been the boss of the gang for ten years in Xia state. She is by no means a simple figure!

She has always been merciless to those who betrayed her!

Even with her for many years, the same result.

If Qin Feng doesn't solve her this time, he will be miserable.

Qin Feng looked at the woman in front of him and said coldly, "we just want to ask a few people! Where is the fire Lord? And the two women kidnapped by your daughter, where are they?"

Sister Qing looked at him with great interest. "It seems that you already know, but it doesn't matter! Ah Jing also needs to see the real world. She will be busy in the future! But I won't tell you what you said!"

She smiled like a flower and looked at Qin Feng with confidence.

Qin Feng tightened his eyebrows and suddenly felt a strong smell of blood in the air.

There seemed to be some screams, but I didn't listen carefully!

He suddenly became vigilant and said coldly, "are they with you?"

Sister Qing shook her head, "I won't interfere in the affairs of those two people. That's my daughter's game!"

"Game?" Qin Feng was annoyed. "Is this kind of thing a game for you?"

He saw with his own eyes that ah Jing drove her car and hit Su Ruoxue and Tang Wei. How can a normal person do such a thing.

But a Jing, such a young girl, dares to do such a thing without hesitation. It can be seen how serious the psychological problem is!

Sister Qing shrugged her shoulders. "Isn't it? They all say that life is like a play. How to play depends on ourselves!"

Qin Feng clenched his fist tightly with both hands and said, "in that case, I'm not polite! As long as you're in hand, I can force your daughter to hand over my friend!"

With that, his fingertips adhered to the star point Qi, but before he could make a move, the big screen in the hall suddenly fell down.

Dozens of people were beaten black and blue.

One of the most serious was Han Lao!

Qin Feng frowned and said coldly, "do you want their lives?"

Sister Qing shrugged her shoulders and said indifferently, "if they don't have the ability to stop you, such men will die! Including Feng Shaochen, the same damn! What's the use if you can't stop them! A bunch of waste!"

Qin Feng sneered and shook his head, "you are a madman!"

He looked around, looked at the floor for a long time, and said coldly, "they should all be in the basement?"

The environment on the screen is dim, but the picture of so many people being beaten is more like in progress.

The scream and the smell of blood just imperceptible must have come from the basement!

Sister Qing nodded, then picked up the walkie talkie, "bring those people up!"


After the call, sister Qing looked up at Qin Feng, "you don't need to save them. I specifically ordered them to take a breath!"

There was a proud smile on her mouth, but there was a fierce look in her eyes.

In less than three minutes, dozens of people were put up, each with blood and a black suit was broken.

You can even see the torn wounds!

After seeing it, brother Chong slowly lowered his head and didn't dare to take another look.

No wonder she can sit in the position of the first gang boss. This woman is really cruel!

Han Lao was beaten and only supported in one breath.

He opened his eyes hard and saw Qin Feng coming. He forced out a smile and muttered weakly, "what a coincidence! I met again!"

He was fine yesterday. Unexpectedly, he has become like this today.

Maybe some things are not as simple as he thought, but it's a pity that he understood too late.

Sister Qing got up slowly, took the gun handed over by her men, looked at dozens of people in front of her, and said calmly, "Qin Feng, if these people die, it's because of you! Because they put you in, okay?"

She smiled and looked at Qin Feng, "if your two friends die, it's their fault, because they let you take ah Jing! If you didn't take ah Jing, your friend wouldn't have an accident!"

Qin Feng raised a sneer on one lip corner, "you pushed it clean!"

He stepped forward and looked at dozens of bodyguards around him. "Since you know who I am, you should also know my strength. All the people in your house can't be my opponent! If you don't want to die, find someone to bandage them first!"

These people were seriously injured, especially Han Lao, who seemed to have some difficulty breathing on his face.

Even though these are all young sister's people, he can't watch these dozens of people die in front of him.

What's more, he just wants to catch sister Qing and fire Lord and save Su Ruoxue and Tang Wei, not to kill the whole gang.

Judging from the current situation, killing all the gang members is like a river of blood.

That's by no means what he wants to see!

Any guilty person should be punished, not decided by them!

Sister Qing's line of sight to Shang Qin Feng, the two are not giving in to each other, and no one avoids first.

For a long time, sister Qing pulled a disdainful smile on her face, "since I brought them here, I have ordered my men to kill you. Do you think I have anything to be afraid of? I'm never afraid of death!"

"What about your daughter? Aren't you afraid of her accident?"

Qin Feng naturally sees that she is really not afraid of death. The only way is to start with her daughter.

After all, dozens of people who fell to the ground seem to be in urgent need of first aid. If they are not bandaged in time, they will lose too much blood and die.

But their car can't take so many people!

We have to find the car!