Chapter 93: Revenge Tour (End)

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 93: Revenge Tour (End)


Washington D.C.

Project Insight Helicarrier

(Omniscient POV)

As Brock was busy finishing up his business with the last of the remaining personnel of the HYDRA Research Base, Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow worked to bring down Secretary Pierce and his hijacked Helicarriers.

With the help of the newly revealed alive Nick Fury, Black Widow focused on infiltrating the heavily guarded Triskelion to eliminate Pierce and his crew of HYDRA soldiers.

Captain America and Falcon, on the other hand, had made their way inside one of the Project Insight Helicarriers. The tension in the air was palpable as they navigated the tight corridors, their footsteps echoing in the metallic confines.

The sounds of distant gunfire and explosions reverberated through the Helicarrier, a testament to the fierce battle raging outside between SHIELD loyalists and HYDRA operatives. The fate of the world hung in the balance, with the Helicarriers' massive guns poised to strike their intended targets.

Finally, Cap and Falcon reached the control terminal they were looking for. Cap's gloved hand clenched around the small device Brock had entrusted to him. It was their only hope to stop the Helicarriers and prevent the catastrophic loss of innocent lives.

With a determined expression, he inserted the device into the terminal.

As he did so, lines of code began to flash across the screen. Cap's eyes narrowed in concentration as he watched the digital display.

"That should do it, Sam," Cap said to Falcon, determination in his eyes. "Now that we've shut these things down...we go after Bucky."

Falcon nodded, his wings twitching with anticipation. They both knew that the success of their mission could mean the difference between life and death for countless innocent people.

Lines of code began to flash across the screen at a rapid pace as Cap watched the monitor intently, focusing on the lines of code and trying to decipher its purpose. To his eyes, the device seemed to be working, but as he turned to leave with Falcon, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

"Cap, we need to keep moving," Falcon exclaimed, the sound of his voice breaking Cap out of his trance.

Captain America's instincts kicked in, and he nodded at Falcon. They couldn't afford to waste any more time. Together, they started to make their way back through the labyrinthine passages of the Helicarrier, their steps quick and purposeful.

But as they left the control room, the lines of code on the screen continued to move faster, almost as if they had taken on a life of their own. Unbeknownst to Cap, the small device he had inserted was not just shutting down the Helicarriers; it was spreading a virus deep into the network, infiltrating the Helicarriers' targeting systems.

In Washington D.C., the Project Insight Helicarrier hovered ominously in the sky, its massive guns aimed at various targets across the city. Inside, the lines of code on the control terminal screen blinked faster and faster, like a digital storm brewing.

Suddenly, the screens in the control room lit up with an ominous Purple glow. Alarms blared, and the Helicarrier's crew scrambled to regain control.

"What's happening?" One of the pilots of the Helicarrier asked, his voice filled with panic as he lost all control over the flight systems.

His words were drowned out by another warning from the computer system, which was now spewing out warnings across the entire network.

Inside the control room, the lines of code on the screen were now a blur, and the virus had taken hold. The Helicarrier's targeting systems were being reprogrammed, and in a matter of moments, the massive barrels of the Helicarrier's guns began to adjust their positioning, shifting their aim from the city below to a different set of targets.

The crew members stared in horror as the once steady and precise targeting systems went haywire, their screens glitching as they showed new destinations.

In the chaos that ensued, Secretary Pierce, who had been confident in his complete control over everything that was happening, now found himself desperately panicking in his office as the screen he was monitoring showed that they had lost command of the Helicarriers.

"What the hell is going on!?!" he shouted, his voice filled with anger and frustration.

But he was already too late.

The virus had wormed its way deep into the Hydra's systems, and their guns were now locked onto a new set of coordinatescoordinates that had been meticulously programmed by the virus's brilliant mutant creator, Zeru.

The tension in the control room was palpable as the Helicarrier's crew members desperately tried to regain control. The screens continued to display the new, unexpected targets, and the massive guns of the Helicarrier slowly shifted their aim, now pointing not at innocent civilians in Washington D.C., but at the very people that had put this plan into motion.

Meanwhile, Captain America and Falcon raced through the corridors of the Helicarrier, unaware of the chaos unfolding around them. Cap's singular focus was on finding and capturing Bucky Barnes, the man he once knew as a friend, who was being used as a deadly weapon by HYDRA's brainwashing.

As they made their way closer to Bucky's location, the floor beneath them suddenly trembled, and the walls reverberated with the sound of the Helicarrier's massive guns firing.

The deafening roar of the Helicarrier's guns echoed through the corridors, causing Captain America and Falcon to stagger. The sudden explosion of noise and vibration sent shockwaves through their bodies.

"What the hell was that?" Falcon shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony.

Cap's eyes widened as he realized that something had gone terribly wrong. The Helicarrier shouldn't be firing. They were supposed to be shutting down!

Panic gripped his heart as he feared the worst.

"We need to get to the contro-!" Cap's words were cut short as they both staggered from another violent tremor. The floor rumbled beneath them, and the walls vibrated again.

Outside, the massive guns of the Helicarrier fired at a speed that belied their immense size, the virus that was controlling them overclocking the mechanics of the armaments as the Helicarriers cannons fired relentlessly, sending a barrage of long-range bullets and missiles that spread out like a giant spiderweb, striking down every target they were pointed at with pinpoint accuracy.

The hundreds of undercover HYDRA operatives fighting with S.H.E.I.L.D on the ground below were caught completely unawares as they were suddenly struck dead by the massive firepower that rained down upon them.

Buildings collapsed, glass shattered, and debris flew across the cityscape in a matter of moments as even unsuspecting people were abruptly killed by the onslaught of death poured down from the three massive Helicarriers that were steadily climbing in altitude.

The entire city of Washington D.C. was rocked senseless by the destruction unleashed upon it, but as the Helicarriers reached a certain altitude above the city, the armaments began to fire further out into the open skies, sending their deadly payloads passed Washington D.C. streaking towards the surrounding cities.

All throughout America, buildings burned and crumpled as thousands upon thousands of 'Innocent Civilians' were indiscriminately killed by the relentless assault. In the blink of an eye, America suffered what would be later seen as an unprecedented act of terrorism.

The world seemed to stand still for a moment as Captain America and Falcon, deep within the Helicarrier, felt the tremors and heard the deafening roars of destruction. They exchanged a horrified look, realization dawning upon them that the Helicarriers were still active, and were now carrying out their intended purpose.

"Did we fail to stop it?" Cap whispered, his voice filled with anguish. The weight of the catastrophe that had just been unleashed hung heavy in the air.

Captain America and Falcon stood in stunned disbelief as the chaos and destruction unleashed by the Helicarriers continued to ripple across the sky and ground.

The once-clear skies were now filled with smoke, fire, and debris as the barrage of long-range artillery struck targets not just in Washington D.C. but far beyond, reaching into neighboring territories. The world had descended into chaos as the Helicarriers' deadly payloads found their marks and pounded everything in their path.

The Helicarrier they were on continued its ascent, joining the other two in their deadly barrage of destruction. The world watched in horror as the United States became the epicenter of devastation.

Smoke and fire billowed from the impacted cities, and the full scope of the disaster was unfathomable.

The deafening roars of the Helicarrier's guns continued to reverberate through the metallic corridors, as the shockwaves of the bombardment rocked the Helicarrier, making it increasingly difficult for Cap and Falcon to maintain their balance.

"We have to stop this," Cap said with a determined look in his eyes, his sense of responsibility driving him forward. "We need to find a way to regain control and minimize the damage."

Falcon nodded in agreement, his wings twitching with anticipation. They had to make things right, even if it meant risking their lives to do so.

They turned and raced back toward the control room, their footsteps echoing through the now-chaotic corridors. Smoke billowed from damaged sections of the Helicarrier, and emergency alarms blared in the background.

As they reentered the control room, chaos reigned. Crew members frantically attempted to override the virus's commands, but the virus had locked them out of their own systems.

Outside the Helicarrier, the barrage of destruction continued. The sky was painted with fiery streaks as the long-range artillery pounded targets in the United States and its neighboring countries. The world watched in horror, and the consequences of Project Insight were now an unimaginable reality.

The Helicarrier shuddered again as it released one last volley of long-range artillery fire, the massive guns firing with deadly accuracy, before the repulsor tech engines suddenly faltered, and the mighty Helicarrier abruptly began to descend toward the ground along with the other two Helicarriers.

The sudden descent was rapid and uncontrolled, a stark contrast to their earlier ascent. The once-mighty war machines now plummeted from the sky like wounded birds, their engines sputtering and failing.

Inside the control room, Cap and Falcon rushed to the terminal, desperately trying to regain control of the Helicarrier. Sweat dripped down Cap's brow as he worked feverishly to access the system, but the ingenious virus had already woven itself deep into the network and locked everyone else out of the system, making his amateurish efforts to bypass it a pointless waste of time.

"Cap, we need to get out of here!" Falcon said, his voice unwavering despite the chaos around them.

Cap shook his head, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he tried to access the control systems.

"We have to find a way to override the systems and bring these Helicarriers down safely." He whispered, determination etched into his features. He couldn't let the Helicarriers crash into populated areas and cause even more devastation.

But as seconds turned into minutes, it became increasingly clear that their efforts were in vain. The virus had complete control, and the Helicarrier continued its rapid descent, hurtling toward the ground below.

Falcon grabbed Cap by the arm, his grip firm. "Steve! There's no time! We need to get out of here before this thing crashes."

Captain America hesitated for a moment, torn between his sense of duty and the grim reality of their situation. The Helicarrier was hurtling toward the ground, and there was no guarantee they could regain control in time to prevent a catastrophic crash.

With a heavy heart, Cap reluctantly nodded, and they turned to leave the control room. The once-mighty war machine was now a plummeting behemoth, and there was no stopping its descent.

Together, they sprinted through the now-chaotic corridors, dodging falling debris and struggling to maintain their footing as the Helicarrier plummeted.

With each passing moment, the ground grew closer, and the impending crash became inevitable. The world outside the windows was a blur of motion as the Helicarrier hurtled toward the earth.

Finally, they reached an emergency exit, and without hesitation, Cap and Falcon activated it. The hatch blew open, and they were greeted by the rushing wind and the terrifying sight of the ground rapidly approaching.

With a final glance back at the out-of-control Helicarrier, Captain America and Falcon leaped into the open air, their bodies plummeting toward the ground.

The world around them was a whirlwind of chaos and destruction as they free-fall for a moment before Falcon spread his wings and grabbed Cap under his arms. Together, they soared through the sky safely, their minds racing with the magnitude of what had just transpired.

In the distance, Two of the three Helicarriers had already crashed into the ocean, their massive forms sinking deep beneath the water and causing massive waves and devastation along the coastlines. But the one they had been on continued its uncontrolled descent, heading straight for Washington D.C., the heart of the nation's capital.

Cap and Falcon exchanged a grim look, knowing that they had no other choice. They couldn't allow the Helicarrier to crash into the city and cause even more death and destruction.

With each passing moment, the ground rushed closer, and the impending crash became inevitable. Cap and Falcon soared behind the falling mass of metal, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that they had failed to prevent this disaster.

The city of Washington D.C. loomed below, and the Helicarrier's massive frame cast a dark shadow over the nation's capital.

The hound came right up to Brock and put its muzzle right against his cheek, its hot breath tickling his skin as he reached out and petted its snout.

"I've tamed him to some extent, but be warned, he's not friendly and he does bite." He cautioned them.

As if to emphasize Brock's words, the massive hound suddenly pounced at Zeru, who had been inching closer to get a better look at the creature. The attack was swift, but before the hound's jaws could close around Zeru, Brock's reflexes kicked in.

With lightning speed, Brock's hand shot out, and he slammed the beast's head to the ground with a swift and precise motion, his palm pressing down on the creature's snout. The hound whimpered, its growl turning into a submissive whine as it lay on the ground, subdued.

Brock admonished the massive hound as if it were a small puppy, his voice firm but not unkind. "No! Bad dog! We don't attack unless I say so."

The hound whined in response, its long tail tucked between its legs as it backed away, chastened.

Wanda approached the massive animal cautiously, extending her palm slowly to his head as a faint scarlet glow emanated from her fingertips, and, after a moment, the beast seemed to relax in her hand as she stroked his head.

Ava and Zeru exchanged incredulous glances. The sudden display of control and dominance over the massive beast left them speechless.

Brock gave Wanda an approving nod. "Looks like he's taken a liking to you,"

Wanda looked up at him and smiled, her scarlet eyes fixed on his.

"I've always had a way with monsters." She said coyly as the two of them shared a knowing look, their connection evident even to the onlookers.

Ava cleared her throat, breaking the momentary silence. "Alright then, we have a mutated scientist turned blob of flesh, a giant, and a new member who can apparently alter both at will. Anything else we should know about?"

Brock nodded, shifting his attention back to the mission at hand. "Yeah, we need to get out of here. The fireworks will be heading this way soon."

Wanda furrowed her brow in confusion. "Fireworks?"

Brock grinned mischievously and pointed up at the darkening sky.

As Brock pointed, Wanda followed his gesture and she noticed something in the distance. Bright streaks of light, like huge fireflies, were beginning to light up the evening sky. They were beautiful, with their vivid colors and mesmerizing patterns, but Wanda quickly realized that these were no ordinary fireworks.

Everyone else followed their gaze and saw something that left them awestruck.

High above, three massive, sleek shells of metal glided through the atmosphere, leaving trails of fiery exhaust in their wake.

"Oh, that's what you mean," Wanda exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of awe and concern, realizing that the beautiful display in the sky was actually a deadly barrage of long-range artillery, and it was closing in on their location.

The three objects in the sky were none other than the long-range projectiles shot from the three Project Insight Helicarriers, primed and armed to unleash destruction on their target...the sobbing mass of flesh lying at their feet.

Brock turned his gaze from the descending artillery to the people around him, his expression still relaxed as ever.

"We should probably get out of here before they come crashing down on us," he said simply, his nonchalant tone belied by the seriousness of the situation.

Ava, Wanda, and Zeru nodded in agreement, realizing the imminent danger they were in.

With a gesture, Brock signaled the hound to follow him and, without wasting any more time, the group moved quickly, leaving the moaning blob of flesh in the middle of the courtyard as they grabbed their loot and headed for their ride.

As they stored their spoils and all piled into the hovercar, it became evident that space was limited. The vehicle was designed for a smaller group, and now it had to accommodate Brock, Wanda, Ava, Zeru, and the massive hound. It was a tight fit, but there was no other choice.

Brock took the driver's seat, Ava and Wanda sat beside him, while Zeru and the hound squeezed into the back seats. The engine of the hovercar hummed to life, and it lifted off the ground, hovering just above the courtyard.

Outside the hovercar's transparent canopy, the descent of the artillery shells continued, their fiery trails drawing closer with each passing moment. The once beautiful streaks of light now seemed like ominous harbingers of destruction.

Brock glanced at the control panel and quickly plotted a course that would take them away from the impending impact zone. The hovercar shot forward, its powerful thrusters propelling them through the air.

The massive hound, sensing the urgency, hunkered down in the backseat, its massive frame slowly shrinking within the confines of the vehicle.

The hovercar shot forward, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles that streaked past them. The air around them crackled with energy as the shells detonated, sending shockwaves rippling through the atmosphere. Debris and fiery plumes erupted in their wake, but the hovercar continued its desperate flight, weaving through the chaos.

Brock's skillful piloting was the only thing keeping them from being obliterated by the relentless barrage. He expertly navigated the hovercar through the deadly onslaught, his focus unwavering.

As they raced away from the HYDRA research base, the destructive artillery shells continued their pursuit, but Brock managed to maintain a slight lead. The hovercar's advanced technology allowed it to outmaneuver the projectiles with precision.

Wanda's scarlet eyes glowed with a faint ethereal light as she extended her hand toward the artillery shells, her powers awakening. With a subtle gesture, she exerted her influence on the projectiles, subtly altering their trajectories.

The artillery shells veered off course, missing the hovercar by mere inches.


The world outside the hovercar's canopy was a chaotic blur of explosions and destruction as the projectiles struck the ground of the research base, creating massive craters and sending shockwaves rippling through the terrain.

"Hold on," Brock shouted to his companions as he skillfully guided the hovercar through the chaos. "We'll be out of this mess soon."


Ava, Wanda, and Zeru hunkered down in their seats, their hearts pounding in their chests as they trusted Brock to get them to safety. The massive hound, despite its size, seemed remarkably calm, its intelligent eyes focused on the world outside the canopy.

The hovercar continued its breakneck pace, weaving and dodging through the storm of destruction. The projectiles from the Helicarriers were relentless, but Brock's piloting skills proved to be their saving grace.


As they finally cleared the danger zone and left the fiery chaos behind, a collective sigh of relief swept through the hovercar. The world outside began to return to a semblance of normalcy, but the memory of the devastation they had narrowly escaped lingered in their minds.

Brock gradually slowed the hovercar's speed, allowing everyone to catch their breath. He glanced at his passengers and gave them a reassuring smile.

"Well...that was eventful," He remarked, his voice surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.

"Look!!" Zeru called from behind, holding a familiar green form.

Brock turned his attention to Zeru's excited exclamation, and his eyes widened slightly in surprise as he saw the small dark green puppy in Zeru's arms. It was the same massive hound that had accompanied them, but now it had transformed into a much smaller, puppy-sized version of itself. It was adorable in its own way, with its floppy ears and dark green fur, a stark contrast to the intimidating creature it had been.

{A/n: Image Here -->}

Ava and Wanda couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the hound's transformation. It was a remarkable display of its abilities, and it added a touch of lightheartedness to their otherwise intense situation.

Brock chuckled as well, shaking his head in amazement.

"Looks like he's got a few tricks up his sleeve," Ava commented with a grin, her earlier unease replaced by amusement.

Wanda leaned over to gently pet the transformed puppy, her scarlet eyes filled with warmth. "You're quite the impressive mutt, aren't you?"

The puppy wagged its tail happily, clearly enjoying the attention and praise. It seemed to have taken a liking to its new companions.

With the danger behind them, the tension that had gripped the group began to ease. They were now free from the immediate threat of the Helicarrier's artillery, and the hovercar cruised through the night sky, leaving the chaos of Sokovia behind.

As they soared through the night, the moonlight casting a silvery glow on their surroundings, the group couldn't help but reflect on the events that had unfolded. They had successfully raided the HYDRA research base, secured valuable data and resources, and even obtained a new ally in Wanda Maximoff, whose powers had proved to be a formidable asset.

The hound, now comfortably curled up in Zeru's lap as a small puppy, seemed to have adopted them as its new pack. It rested its head on Zeru's leg, its eyes closing in contentment.

Brock glanced at his companions and spoke, his tone serious but filled with determination. "We've dealt HYDRA a significant blow today, but we can't let our guard down. We'll need to analyze the data and spoils we've secured and continue to stay one step ahead of those that might've survived."

Ava nodded in agreement. "Agreed. I imagine that if any of them made it out of the bombardment alive...they won't rest until they've found out who it was that turned their own plan against them."

Wanda, who had been quiet for most of the journey, spoke up. "If...if you'll have me...I'd like to help you with that."

She had been dreading the thought of being forced to return to her home...especially now that the only person who had loved her was gone. Bitter memories of the life she had once known were hard to escape. But if she stuck with these people, she knew she could start fresh. Even if it was not in the place where she'd spent her entire life.

"Of course we'll have you, we can always use more hands," Brock declared with a broad smile. "Welcome to the team, Wanda."

Wanda smiled back at him gratefully. "Thank you."

As the hovercar continued its flight through the night sky, the group settled into a determined silence. They knew that their fight against HYDRA was far from over, and now that the world was in chaos due to their actions, they would need to find a way to navigate the treacherous path ahead.

The stolen HYDRA resources will be helpful, and now with Wanda's powers, the mysterious hound, and their combined skills and abilities, they were now a powerful force to be reckoned with.

The hovercar glided through the night sky, carrying its newfound team away from the chaos of Sokovia and toward an uncertain future. The moonlight bathed them in its gentle glow, casting long shadows that danced across their faces.

Ava couldn't help but steal a glance at Brock as he focused on piloting the vehicle. His rugged features were set in determination, and his eyes, which had seen more than their fair share of battles, held a glimmer of hope. She knew that behind that tough exterior was a leader who actually cared about the people he fought alongside.

Beside her, Wanda leaned back in her seat, her scarlet eyes gazing out at the night sky. She had left behind a painful past, and now she was embracing a new beginning with this group of unlikely allies. Her powers held immense potential, and she was eager to finally be able to learn how to use them properly on her own terms.

Zeru, with the transformed hound resting peacefully in his lap, couldn't contain his excitement. He had always been drawn to the mysteries of the world, and now he was a part of something extraordinary. His curiosity burned brighter than ever as he thought about the adventures that lay ahead.

Together, they rode into the darkness, their journey illuminated by the moon and the stars. The night sky stretched out before them, a vast canvas of endless possibilities. As they headed home, they knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were determined to face it together, an unstoppable force ready to trample anyone who stood in their way.


A/n: Hey guys, so that wraps up this long arc, and I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far! Stay tuned for more adventures with Brock, Ava, Wanda, Zeru, and their ever-expanding team. And as always, thanks for reading!

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