I just have backstage, but I also have acting skills. What's wrong?

Anmu shakes her head, smiles at the little girl, and then goes to the stage. First, she hugs the sunny day, and then says some polite words. For the opening ceremony of the hotel on a sunny day, Angelica dahurica is sure to come. Although they are a little different in age, they are the most tacit partners in the host.

After the ribbon cutting, tianqinglang was in his hotel to entertain the group of artists for free.

Sunny Hotel, take the high-end atmosphere on the high-end line, interior decoration with European style, eating here, feel very good.

A group of people are in the lobby, have a buffet, and at the same time, two or three friends get together to chat.

Today, ye Tongtong also came. Anmu would not feel bored. Two people got together to chat and were talking. The people next to him suddenly became quiet.

Anmu is talking about the anecdotes of the little prince I didn't see one, so I took a bite of Huaxi. It's really... "

This just realized that there is something wrong here. As soon as you look up, you can see that Xia xinbing is standing not far away, looking at here coldly.

Since the film of the last Asian Film Festival was robbed by Anmu, Xia xinbing's performance at the award ceremony on that day has become a joke in the mouth of the industry.

Everyone will laugh at the award ceremony this time, but Xia xinbing has always been alienated from her wherever she appears, but she was afraid to get close to her before. She is considered to be a person on the altar, but now I see her I always smile.

Xia xinbing has participated in several activities, all of which make him very angry in his heart!

This time, Sunny Hotel opened, sent an invitation to Xia xinbing, but in the invitation letter, sunny day specially stated that Anmu would come. It means to let Xia xinbing avoid it, but I didn't expect Xia xinbing is still here!

Xia xinbing has just come here. At this time, it is sunny and entertaining other guests. She doesn't notice here.

She looked at Anmu coldly, causing the ideas of the people around her.

Anmu turned to see her, could not help but hook up his lips.

Although she is still bright and beautiful, but inexplicable, Anmu saw a down and down look on her body.

When Xia xinbing comes to this stage, money is all outside her body. She doesn't lack money. What she lacks is the feeling of being sought after by people.

Xia xinbing looked at her indignantly, "but after taking a film from the Asian Film Festival, have you been so proud?"

Anmu looked at her this obviously nothing to look for trouble, the lip corner hook up a sarcastic smile, tough reply way: "which eye of teacher Xia saw me proud? "

Xia Xin snorted coldly," now you are full of complacency, from head to toe! It's so superficial. I haven't seen the world before. Do you know that you look like this now, it's called a villain's success! "

All the people around him immediately lowered their heads and pretended not to hear the words.

Anmu see her so provocative, really can't laugh and cry, "so summer teacher, you know you are now this pair of appearance, called what?"

Xia xinbing eyebrows a frown, as expected heard an Mu next words, "you call ugliness exposed!"

"You...!" Xia xinbing stretched out his hand and pointed to Anmu with trembling, "you're such a disrespectful bastard!"

"The elders I should respect, of course I will respect, not those I should respect..." Anmu goulip sneered, "what's more, you Can you call it an elder? "

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